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Horticulture Agriculture Safety Expert Witnesses

These horticulture agriculture safety experts also include professionals that have experience in environmental services, civil environment engineering, and radiation exposure. They also may have experience in industrial hygiene, arborists, air quality and chemical products. Expert Horticulture Agriculture Safety Experts witnesses’ review records and provide opinion & testimony. Horticulture Agriculture Safety expert witnesses review records, provide opinion and testify at deposition or trial in all types of cases. These may horticulture, agriculture, and wood products. These may also include recreational land safety, regulatory audits of facilities, radiation exposure, biological warfare, biochemical warfare and environmental services. Ultimately, the primary goal of the expert is to provide forensic evaluation, deposition or courtroom testimony to opine standards of this industry. Consolidated Consultants has referred experts to both plaintiff and defense attorneys for many years. Please review the wide variety of expert witnesses and use the Request This Expert option to contact us. Please review the standard list and select the closest specialty. You can refine your search on the subsequent pages, including search words, location by region, selectable states, and individual states.

Showing 20 from 33 results

Consulting Arborist Tree Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2356 | 
State: MO 

Provides Testimony In

Consulting Arborist Tree, Arborist, Tree, services for landscape architects, landscape contractors, developers, builders, municipalities, golf course managers, homes associations, homeowners, insurance companies, commercial property owners managers, attorneys, Tree Maintenance Programs, Diagnosis of Tree Landscape Problems, Insect Disease Identification Management, Tree Appraisal Valuation of Landscape Plants, Loss Eminent Domain Taking, Tree Inspections Risk Assessment, Tree Accident Investigations, Line of Sight Safety Issues, Litigation Support, Building With Trees Tree Protection During Construction, Development of Contract Specifications, Tree Landscape Inventories, Site Maps, Landscape Plan Review, Second Opinions, Arboricultural Training, Seminars, working arborist, engaged in tree pruning removal, tree preservation, landscape management of commercial residential properties

Industrial Mechanical Engineer Expert Witness

Expert Number: 1670 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Engineer, Engineering, Industrial Engineer, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Accidents, Forklift Accidents, Crane Accidents, Construction Accidents, Construction Machinery Accidents, Machinery Failures, Machinery Guarding, Design of Manufacturing Machinery, Performance on Production Machinery, CNC Manufacturing Machinery, Man Lifts, Man Lift Accidents, Scissors Lifts, Scissors Lift Accident, Plant Layout, Plant Relocation Costs, Plant Relocation Savings, Time Motion Study, Labor Savings, Material Handling, Material Handling Accidents, Truck Loading, Truck Unloading, OSHA Regulations, Lock Out Procedures, Design of Manufacturing Facilities, Project Management, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Control, Production Control, Industrial Ventilation, Industrial Feasiblity Studies, Heavy Equipment, Product Liability,

Environmental Services Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2809 | 
State: VA 

Provides Testimony In

Environmental Services, Science Pollution Contamination, chemical products, chemistry, chemical science, organic chemistry, industrial chemistry, toxicological agents, biochemical activities, mechanism of toxic action, biological chemistry, textile chemistry, biochemical inhibitor, metal surface chemistry, nuclear science, lead, mercury, cadmium, selenium, arsenic, petroleum, biological radiological warfare, toxicology, nuclear weapons

Lead Poisoning Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2807 | 
State: VA 

Provides Testimony In

Lead Poisoning, lead dust, metal dusts, smoke, specific bacterial disease exposures, molds, biologically active particles, heavy metal poisoning, mercury fumes, manganese fume poisoning, beryllium fume poisoning, lead fume poisoning, arsenic fume, smoke poisoning, iron nickel cadmium fume poisoning, metal fume type exposures, solvent exposures, pesticide herbicide exposures, petroleum petrochemical exposures, hazardous or toxic gas exposures, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, inert gases, nitrous oxide, anoxia, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride gas, ammonia, corrosive chemical exposures eg, sulfuric nitric hydrochloric acids, sodium potassium lithium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, ionizing radiation exposures

Industrial Hygiene Warning Labels Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2806 | 
State: VA 

Provides Testimony In

General Industrial Hygiene Safety Issues Warning Labels, industrial hygiene, Health & Safety Standards, OSHA MSHA EPA Regulations Practices, Asbestos General Toxic Torts Litigation Support, Hazardous Exposure Risk Assessment Modeling, Health & Safety Programs, MSDS Warning Labeling, General Forensic Science Litigation Support, Personal Injury Product Liability Litigation Support, Environmental Microbiology,

Indoor Air Quality Expert Witness

Expert Number: 115 | 
State: VA 

Provides Testimony In

Chemistry Chemical Engineer Fire Explosion Investigator, Chemical Engineer Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical, Engineering, Fires, Explosions, Origin Cause Fires Explosions, Hazardous Chemicals, Flammable Materials, Products Liability, Household Industrial Products, Accident Reconstruction, Safer Alternatives, Chemical Burns, Toxic Exposures, Flammable Fabrics, Clothing Fires, Clothing Flammability, Analysis Of Hazardous Chemicals, Warnings, Instructions, Labeling, Defective Label Analysis, Patent Infringement Issues, Trade Secret Litigation, Trademark Litigation, Chemical Product Process Issues, Intellectual Property Management, Safety Chemical Product Design Formulation, Safety Packaging Handling, Household Products, Industrial Products, Codes Standards, OSHA Regulations Hair Relaxers, Drain Cleaners, Aerosols, Beauty Products, Cosmetics, Personal Care Products, Silicones, Gels, Flocculants, Coagulants, Water Soluble Polymers, Product Development, Personal Injury,

Electronic Messaging & Collaboration Technology Expert Witness

Expert Number: 5365 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Email messaging, instant messaging, wireless messaging, calendaring and scheduling, directory services / identity management (IdM), and groupware, along with underlying technologies used by these services, Email Evidence hands-on experience in related database technologies, server-side implementations, client-side web, mobile and desktop applications, as well as in related network and application protocols, data formats, industry standards, open Internet standards, and related security and cryptography technologies., 10BASE2, 10BASE-T, ADE, Advanced Installer, AI, AI explainability, AI fairness, AI interpretability, AI privacy, AI safety, AI security, AI transparency, AI trustworthiness, Amazon Web Services, Apache Kafka, Apache Tomcat, Apple II, AppleShare, AppleTalk, archiving, Artificial Intelligence, availability, AWS, AXS-One, B2B SaaS, Batch files, BBS, bind, Blackberry, Bulletin Board Systems, C, C++, calendaring and scheduling, cc:Mail, cc:Mail archive, cc:Mail Automated Directory Exchange, cc:Mail Link to SMTP, cc:Mail Link to UUCP, cc:Mail Mobile, cc:Mail Router, Certified Information Systems Security Professional, CI/CD, Cisco, CISSP, cloud, cloud migration, cloud native, cloud operations, collaboration, computer programming, continuous delivery, continuous integration, CS&T, cybersecurity, data recovery, data conversion.

Product Design Mechanical Engineer Expert Witness

Expert Number: 205 | 
State: NV 

Provides Testimony In

Product Design Mechanical Engineer, Engineer, Mechanical Design Product Development, Product Design Mechanical Engineer, products, development, materials, manufacturing, consumer products, medical equipment, power tools, automotive systems, failure analysis, equipment automation, control systems machine guarding, control, operator training, fabrication processes, plastic injection molding, total product development expertise, Marketing, Manufacturing, Quality Product Regulations, design validation, industry consensus standards, customized Machine guarding, Lockout Tagout, AutoCad, Design plastic parts, material failures, failure analysis, biomechanics, heating pad, commercial pilot

Showing 20 from 33 results