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Provides Testimony In

Safety Industrial Hygiene, environmental, Industrial Hygiene certified healthcare safety professional, Industrial Hygiene hazardous materials manager, Industrial Hygiene OSHA, Industrial Hygiene AHERA, Industrial Hygiene HAZCOM, Industrial Hygiene confined space, Industrial Hygiene asbestos, Industrial Hygiene construction safety, Industrial Hygiene sick building, Industrial Hygiene,

OSHA Safety Industrial Hygiene Toxic Tort
Confined Space Entry
OSHA Regulations Hazard Communication
Chemical Exposure
Lead Silica
Sick Building Syndrome
PSM Electrical; Ventilation; Environmental; Hazardous Metals.


Federal & State Court Qualified Expert Witness

22 years service with Dupont as Consultant, Safety/Health

3 Years service with Virginia OSHA, Compliance Officer

Plaintiff or Defense Assistance:

Seasoned Expert Witness

Pre-Litigation Case Evaluation

Case Preparation and Interrogatory Assistance

Intensive Library & Research Capabilities

Gathering & Consolidating Statistical data

Work Exposure Monitoring, Research & Estimations

Trial, Depositions, Mediations, Arbitration


Masters & Ph.D Environmental Engineering–Drexel Univ.

Registered Environmental Manger

Certif. Industrial Hygienist; Cert. Hazardous Materials Manager

Certified Healthcare Safety Professional


M.S., Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Drexel University

M.S. Public Administration, University of Southern California

B.A., B.S. Chemistry, Biology ,Bemidji State University


Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)

Certified Healthcare Safety Professional (CHSP)

Qualified and Approved for CSP (Summer 2000)

Registered Environmental Manager (REM)

Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM)

NSC First Aid and CPR instructor

NSC Defensive Driver Instructor

NSC Bloodborne Pathogen Instructor

OSHA approved instructor in Confined Space, Hazcom, and others

Certified EMT
Qualifications and Specialized Training

Occupational Respiratory Protection; Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene; Legal

Aspects of the OSH Act; Industrial Hygiene Sampling; Exposure Sampling Strategies;
Hazardous Materials; Noise Measurement; Noise Control; Industrial Ventilation;

Advanced Industrial Hygiene, Radiation, Toxicology, Advanced Toxicology, TSCA,

HAZMAT Training, Asbestos remediation certification, AHERA Supervisors &

Inspector’s certifications, Emergency Planning & Reporting (EPCRA), Clean Air Act,

DOT, RHYTHM, Chemical Drug Trafficking Act (CDTA Regulatory Auditing Process

Safety Management, Take Two for Safety, STOP Program, MSDS, ISO 9000 and

14000, Construction Safety; Extensive OSHA Industrial Hygiene Compliance Officer

Training & others.

Personal Philosophies

Self-Managed Work Teams; Team Players and Team Work

Trained, Informed, Personally Accountable Employees

Employee Base Participatory Safety and Health Program Development and


Behavior Based Safety and Health Management

Empowered Employees and Continuous Improvement

Striving for ISO 14000 goals in Industrial Hygiene, Safety and Environmental Programs


American Board of Industrial Hygiene, American Industrial Hygiene Association

American Society of Safety Engineers, National Safety Council

Virginia Regional Safety Council, Semiconductor Safety Association

Air Pollution Control Assn., World Safety Organization,


F-S Consulting
Industrial Hygiene & Safety Engineer / Loss Control Consultant
Audit Virginia Municipalities for compliance with OSHA’s industrial hygiene and safety

programs. Monitor for chemicals, noise, heat stress etc. Develop or upgrade programs

where necessary. Write evaluation and recommended plan of action program. Assess

needs, develop and conduct regional training, compliance workshops, and Train The

Trainer programs as needed. Compile, analyze and present loss control statistics and

develop reduction goals and strategies. Member of accident investigation team..

State technical and resource person. Liaison with many state agencies, DEQ,

OSHA/DOLI, General Services, Emergency Services etc.

Virginia Dept of Labor, Richmond Central Region 1996 to 1999
Senior Industrial Hygiene Compliance Officer
Conduct physical inspections of workplaces to determine compliance with industrial

hygiene health standards. Examine employer industrial hygiene health program and

records. Observe employee work environments for potential industrial hygiene issues.

Conduct personal and area monitoring for air contaminants, toxic chemicals, noise

levels, heat stress, radiation, nuisance dusts,. Indoor Air Quality Issues, bioaerosols ,

bacteriological, and all other industrial hygiene hazards. Calibrate and use equipment to

sample for all of the above toxics. Recommend engineering controls and abatement

procedures. Issue citations where appropriate. Conduct follow up inspections to

monitor employer compliance. Provide consultation and training to employers,

employees, and the general public regarding interpretations, requirements, and various

means of complying with OSHA standards. Teach basic industrial hygiene training

courses to management, supervisors, and employees on hazard recognition, evaluation

and control. Technical instructor and state technical contact, within VAOSH, for

confined space, noise, respirators, sampling methodology and regional contact for

State Analytical Lab. Supervised the calibrated air monitoring equipment, both pre-use,

annual or at manufacturers recommended frequencies. In charge of regional VAOSH

reference library. Set up statistical program for analyzing monitoring data. Familiar

with all types of monitoring equipment for toxics, noise, heat stress, radiation and

confined space entry. Inspected both general industry and construction sites for

compliance with applicable 1910. or 1926. Standards.

E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Textile Fibers Dept. Richmond, Va., Aug 1992 to 1996
Senior Safety, Health & Environmental Affairs Engineer
One of five team members comprising Spruance’s Safety Health and Environmental

Engineering group. Lead team player for SARA Title III, OSHA Health Regulations,

Asbestos, Spill Response Program, TSCA, Right To Know, CDTA, MSDS program &

Clean Air Act. Functioned as a team member to handle all industrial hygiene matters,

water, waste handling, underground storage tanks, remediation programs for water

and asbestos etc. Served all six of the product areas at Dupont’s largest plant site.

Prepared budgets and supervised technicians responsible for monitoring. Served as

adjunct industrial hygiene consultant for the three other Virginia sites. Worked with the

sites shutdown of the site power plant and assimilation of services by CoGentrix. Over

saw asbestos removal and demolition of site stacks, site facility etc. Helped

indoctrinate onsite contractors / sub contractors in Dupont’s safety and health

philosophy and expectations. Audited contractor performance, wrote health and safety

requirements into bid specs, participated in contractor bid interviews and bid decisions.

E.I du Pont de Nemours & Co, Inc., Textile Fibers Department April 1982 To Aug 1992
Senior Industrial Hygiene Engineer
Site industrial hygiene engineer for Dupont’s largest, most diversified textile fibers plant.

Supervision of plant industrial hygiene programs as well as actual participation in the

engineering solutions to industrial hygiene problems. Responsibility for developing &

updating company safety and health standards, Conducted site chemical, noise, safety,

ventilation, and industrial hygiene audit surveys. Set up and monitored site asbestos

identification and removal program. Evaluated that data and, when needed, made

engineering or administrative recommendations. Developed & conducted site Hazards

Communication Programs, including development of computerized MSDS program.

Setup Respirator Maintenance and Fit Testing Programs. Prepared and conducted

many training programs on safety and health programs. Managed programs, budgets

and technicians that would assist in personal and area monitoring programs,. Served

as Senior Industrial Hygiene Engineer for six different on site manufacturing plants

Kevlar, Nylon, Tyvek, Nylon, Nomex and Mylar. Worked with site powerhouse, waste

treatment facilities, site incinerator, and chlorine purification system. Applied TRACE

software program to Sara Title III requirements for off site plume analysis of all

potential chemical off site releases. Put together community alert, receptor notification

system and community response plan required under SARA. Team player in

preparation of SARA’s yearly Tier I & II and Form R inventory submissions. Site

technical consultant for all product areas as well as other Dupont sites in Virginia.

Developed program to replace chlorine with hypochlorite disinfect ion process.

E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc, Haskell Labs. Newark DE Aug. 1974 To Apr.

Senior Consultant, Industrial Hygiene
Conducted research on several industrial hygiene problems to assist in the

development of corporate industrial hygiene policies. As Industrial Hygienist, trained

and supervised new hire industrial hygienists during a 2-year orientation prior to their

placement at a Dupont plant site. Served as senior consultant for all Dupont sites.

Directed junior hygienists in their corporate work. Served on ASTM, ANSI and OSHA

standards writing committees. Developed technical manuals for corporate programs

on Asbestos, Lead, Respirators, Monitoring Statistics, Fit testing of respirators, etc.

Conducted research and developed programs for the semi-quantitative fit testing of

respirator. Known as the Iso-Amyl Acetate, Saccharin or Irritant Smoke tests.

Protocols developed have become OSHA law and are now included in all applicable

standards and in the Respirator standard 1910.134 itself. Conducted research on

beards and fit, statistical analysis of sampling, fit factors on respirators etc. See

following list of papers published or presented at AIHA conferences.

Publications/ Presentations

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