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Provides Testimony In

Asbestos, Asbestos disease, asbestos identification, mineral identification, exposure sampling, asbestos abatement, building asbestos inspection, asbestos exposure risk assessment, PCB testing, hazardous waste testing, asbestos related injury, asbestos related diseases, long term asbestos exposure

Expert 2762 was responsible for selecting analytical methodology, setting up and validating all
analytical procedures, supervising the performance of company chemists and field operations, and quality
assurance of all work performed for.  For approximately 18 years, company routinely inspected buildings and
other facilities, analyzed bulk, air filter and other environmental types of samples for asbestos content,
designed and monitored asbestos abatement projects while usually working for the building owner, and
performed in-house research and development of asbestos surface sampling and testing procedures, as well
as creation of an asbestos product identification database, utilizing authenticated samples of various asbestos
products.  Consulted with, and/or testified for many governmental, educational, industrial and individual clients
over the period of approximately 1979 to the present on a broad range of aspects involving asbestos
exposure, best industrial hygiene practices, asbestos inspection and management planning, asbestos
abatement specification writing, conducting project supervision/worker training, asbestos control technology,
negative air glove bag / glove box technology, surface contamination monitoring practices, surface cleaning
practices, abatement project design and performance practices, OSHA regulations and
compliance/interpretation, EPA regulations and compliance/interpretation, laboratory analytical methodology,
and asbestos technology/regulatory state-of-the-art. Performed retrospective asbestos contamination surveys
and using dust exposure risk-estimating models for toxic/carcinogenic particulates which were developed in
house, calculated the worse-case asbestos exposures to certain occupants.  These models have successfully
been utilized in casework involving asbestos fiber exposures from generalized building contamination and
have been accepted in at least one court case to date.

During the period of approximately 1970 to the present, Expert 2762 has also performed research on asbestos-related issues and testified as a expert in asbestos product liability and worker/occupant exposure cases.  He has also performed original research and published this work in dealing with the development of methods and models to calculate the release and movement of hazardous dust particulates in building environments for exposure risk assessment.  He has been a paid peer reviewer and consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and to the National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health in those subject areas as well as in the development of new control methods for safe dust control during abatement of hazardous construction materials.  He has also been a paid consultant/trainer to Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Administration to train their compliance officers and in-house training personnel in long-term, low-level asbestos hazard and exposure assessment procedures. Expert 115 created, presented and sponsored the first asbestos training seminar courses in the United States in 1980 after seeing a need for such information.  They were well attended by various governmental officials, including representatives of the EPA and OSHA and some federal legislators.  Subsequently, the EPA adopted the course design and information content as the primary requirements when they promulgated asbestos training requirement regulations several years later.

During this period of operations, Expert 2762 performed a number of comprehensive industrial hygiene surveys of military bases, industrial and manufacturing plants in which asbestos exposure was detected and monitored.  Various forms of asbestos products were located, sampled, analyzed and evaluated relative to OSHA and other government regulations and air and surface contamination from free asbestos fiber were measured to determine the levels of maximum exposure.
Expert 2762 has been an EPA-certified asbestos inspector, management planner, project designer, and contractor/supervisor for many years after AHERA regulations were enacted and licensed as such in the state of Virginia.  He trained many of the state of Virginia and EPA regulatory and research personnel prior to enactment of their respective asbestos regulations.  He has conducted numerous asbestos hazard surveys (both residential and workplace) from approximately 1980 to the present.  He is also American Board of Industrial Hygiene-certified as an industrial hygienist in comprehensive practice, including toxicology practice.  In that capacity as noted above, he has performed numerous industrial and environmental evaluations of overexposure to asbestos and other hazardous substances in the workplace.

Among thousands of clients involving asbestos related issues include the U.S. Navy (first asbestos consultant to this military service, helping in development of asbestos detection and abatement program), the U.S. General Services Administration (asbestos contamination and abatement in government buildings), the Veterans Administration, the state Attorneys General of Virginia and Massachusetts (asbestos hazard assessment and expert witness services in cost recovery litigation), the school districts of Washington, DC, Philadelphia, PA and Norfolk, VA, along with hundreds of other schools and school districts across the U.S., various city and county governments (Norfolk, VA, Portsmouth, VA, Virginia Beach, VA, Arlington, VA, Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Authority (design and monitored the longest asbestos abatement project to date – 21 miles of asbestos removal work), numerous high rise office type building inspections and abatement project design/monitoring services,  Lloyds of London (asbestos-contaminated cargo and decontamination procedures), IBM,  and many law firms involved in asbestos litigation. Expert 2762 has rendered a considerable number of affidavits, depositions and testimony regarding the “inherent danger’ of asbestos products, the ease of exposure to free asbestos fibers in environments and buildings containing these products, and the ease of transport (“asbestos fiber drift”) nature of asbestos in buildings and their associated locales.  His asbestos fiber drift testimony has met the Daubert criteria for admissibility in Ohio state court.
Expert 2762 has published numerous papers and articles on many aspects of asbestos technology and the related science, control technology and management issues.  These publications are available upon request, as is an extensive case list file.

Educational Background 

  • University of California at Los Angeles, Chemistry major, Molecular Genetics minor, 1960-64
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Courses including  advanced inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, physical chemistry, introductory and advanced biochemistry and cell biology courses (lectures and laboratory coursework).
  • U.S. Army Chemical School, Certificate, Chemical Laboratory Specialist (Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare Laboratory and Field Training), 1964
  • Fully educated and trained as a Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare Specialist.  Included
    lecture, laboratory and field training in all aspects of sampling, detection, analysis and interpretation
    of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons handling, detonation, field usage, contamination
    evaluation and control, and decontamination procedures.  Also included full toxicological and health
    effects of toxic chemical agents, biological and infectious agents, vector usage, and radiation
  • U. S. Department of Agriculture Workshop on “Analytical Techniques in Plant, Soil and Water Testing”, University of California, Davis, 1969
  • Veterans Administration Medical Center Hospital, General Clinical Laboratory Technician Training Course, Palo Alto, CA, 1970 – 72
  • University of California, Berkeley – (1968-1975)
  • Ph.D. Biophysics and Biochemistry, 1975, Research in Biological Membrane Functions and Roles of Intracellular Calcium in Aging and Cancer
  • B.S. Chemistry, 1970, Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Minor
  • Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology-Anatomy and Biophysics.
    Undergraduate and Graduate school research courses on toxicological effects and
    biophysical/biochemical mechanisms of various carcinogenic substances, including asbestos fibers.
    Utilized various carcinogens, including asbestos fibers in defining the role of cellular calcium
    management in carcinogenesis and cell division cycle control in graduate research leading to Ph.D.
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI – Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in Endocrinology/Enzymology, 1975-6, Research in Endocrinology, Cellular Aging and Cancer
  • American Board of Industrial Hygiene, Certified Industrial Hygienist (in Comprehensive Practice)
    December, 1987 -Present
  • NIOSH/USPHS Course and Workshop 582 in “Asbestos Evaluation”, University of Texas, Houston, TX, 1979
  • University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Advanced Industrial Hygiene Course, 1980
  • University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Personal Sampling Course, 1980
  • University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Environmental Exposure Sampling and Statistics Course, 1980
  • U.S. EPA Course on Advanced Asbestos and Mineral Identification Methods (taught by W. McCrone), Atlanta, GA, 1980
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Asbestos Glove Bag Course, 1983
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Asbestos Abatement Project Cost Estimation Course, 1984
  • American Board of Industrial Hygiene, Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, May, 1987
  • University of Cincinnati, Comprehensive Review for Industrial Hygiene Professionals, May, 1987
  • MAIC / University of Illinois, “EPA-Accredited Certification Course for Building Asbestos Inspection”,  January, 1988; Refresher Course: Medical College of Virginia, January, 1989
  • MAIC/University of Illinois, “EPA-Accredited Certification Course for Management Planning”,  January, 1988; Refresher Course: Medical College of Virginia, February, 1989
  • Medical College of Virginia, School of Preventive Medicine, “EPA-Accredited Certification Course for Asbestos Contract Supervisors & Project Designers”, February, 1988; Refresher Course: Medical College of Virginia, February, 1989
  • Asbestos Consulting and Training Systems, Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Course, June, 1996
  • Asbestos Consulting and Training Systems, AHERA Building Asbestos Inspector Course, April, 1998
  • Asbestos Consulting and Training Systems, AHERA Building Asbestos Management Planner Course, April, 1998
  • A. H. Reppert & Associates, Inc., Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Initial Course, January, 1997
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association/American Conference of Industrial Governmental Hygienists, Professional Development Course No. 710, Practical Tools for Modeling of Occupational Exposure, Atlanta, GA, May, 2004
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association/Tidewater Professional Development Conference (Influenza Pandemics, Exposure Assessments, Cancer Cluster Investigations), Norfolk, VA, 2006
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association, Professional Development Course Exposure Assessment Strategies and Statistics, (online) 2007- 8

Work Experience

  • President/Principle, A Private Scientific and Forensic Consulting Company,  Expert Witness and Consultation,
    Asbestos and General Toxic Torts Litigation Support, General Forensic Science Litigation Support, Personal
    Injury and Product Liability Litigation Support, 1997 – Present, Norfolk, VA
  • President/Laboratory Director/Owner, Research Firm, Asbestos Consultation, Asbestos Sampling and
    Analysis and Research, Asbestos Project Design, Specification Writing and Abatement Supervision, Asbestos
    Exposure Risk Assessments, Expert Witness and Consultations, Industrial Hygiene, General Analytical
    Chemistry, Contract Research, Routine/Non-routine Testing and Quality Control, Legal/Forensic Studies,
    Environmental Audits, Water Testing, Environmental Microbiology,  PCB Testing, Hazardous Waste Testing,
    Indoor Air Quality Evaluations, Metallurgy, Materials Science, Compressed Gas Testing, Compressed Air
    Purity Testing, Petroleum Specification Testing, General Product Specification Testing, Polymer Testing,
    Abrasive Blasting Media Testing, Food Testing, Cosmetics Research, FDA Compliance Testing, EPA
    Compliance Testing,  1978-1997, Norfolk, VA
  • Assistant Professor of Chemical Science, Department of Chemical Sciences, Old Dominion University,
    Norfolk, VA,  1976-79, Teaching and Research (Cell Aging and Carcinogenesis)
  • Chemist/Owner – Research Group, Los Angeles, CA  1966-69;  Palo  Alto, CA, 1970-72, General Analytical
    and Industrial Chemistry
  • Research Chemist, U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Center, Edgewood Arsenal, MD,   1964-65,
    Quantum Chemistry of Toxicological Agents/Antidotes (Calculation of Molecular Properties for Prediction of
    Antidote Structure and Activities); Research in Sampling and Decontamination Procedures for Chemical,
    Biological and Radiological Warfare Applications
  • Laboratory Technician, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, 1961-63,
    Biochemical and Cancer Research
  • Laboratory Assistant, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of California, Los Angeles, 1960-61,
    Biomedical and Cancer Research Projects

Societies  (Current and Past Memberships)

  • American Chemical Society
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemists
  • American Society for Testing and Materials
  • Diplomate, American Board of Industrial Hygiene
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • National Asbestos Council (Charter Member)
  • Environmental Information Association
  • Sigma XI
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Virginia Academy of Science
  • Biophysical Society
  • American Association of University Professors
  • Tissue Culture Association
  • International Association of Arson Investigators
  • Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
  • Society of Forensic Toxicologists
  • American Textile Chemists & Colorists Society
  • American Society for Microbiology


  • Pioneer in Science  Award (Future Engineers of  America), 1959
  • Scholar designate of the Committee for Advanced Science Training (National Science Foundation), 1960
  • President, Foundation for the Study of Aging, New York, 1978-1988
  • National Asbestos Council (member of the Sampling and Analysis, Contract Specification and Membership Committees, 1984 – 1992; Founder and Chairman of the Asbestos Surface Contamination Evaluation Taskforce, 1988-1992)
  • Peer Reviewer, National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (Asbestos Control Technology Protocol Assessment), 1985-1988
  • Asbestos Technology & Cost Recovery Expert Witness, (Attorney General’s Office, Commonwealth of Virginia), 1985
  • Asbestos Technology & Cost Recovery Expert Witness, (Attorney General’s Office, State of Massachusetts), 1985
  • Consultant and Forensic Science Expert Witness, (Commonwealth of Virginia Supreme Court), 1986
  • Consultant/Course Instructor, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program for Asbestos (Evaluation of Long-Term Exposure Risk, Detection Survey Techniques, Methods of Sampling and Analysis for Removal Project Monitoring and Clearance), 1986
  • Peer Reviewer, U.S. EPA (Asbestos Control Technologies & Advisor for Future EPA Research Projects), 1987-1988
  • Asbestos Consultant for Norfolk Public Schools (Norfolk, VA), 1983 – 1987, Established Original NPS School Asbestos Management Program, Surveyed all Schools, Provided Management Consultation, Bid Documents for Abatement and Fully Monitored all Asbestos Abatement work, Assisted in Abatement Contractor Prequalification, Provided Laboratory Services, Field Inspections and Clearance, and Prepared NPS Asbestos Management Plans under AHERA Regulations.
  • Asbestos Consultant & Legal Expert for Norfolk Public Schools (Norfolk, VA), 1986-1987, Worked with School Attorneys in Preparing the NPS Cost Recovery Litigation Documentation
  • Asbestos Consultant & Legal Expert for School District of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA) in their Asbestos Programs and Resulting Litigation Efforts, 1986
  • Asbestos Consultant & Legal Expert for Wesley Theological Seminary of the United Methodist Church in Asbestos Litigation, 1987
  • Peer Reviewer, National Science Foundation, 1999

Special Projects, Training Seminars, and Professional Presentations 

  • Indoor Air Quality Science, Instructor and Creator of the first two online education/training courses in the science, engineering, evaluation and abatement of indoor air quality problems for professionals, 1999 – present
  • Asbestos Training Courses, Developed, sponsored and instructed the first U.S. seminar/training courses on Asbestos Removal Procedures for Abatement Contractors and on Specification Writing for Architects in conjunction with the University of North Carolina, School of Public Health-Chapel Hill and Commonwealth of Virginia Department of public Health, 1980 (Williamsburg, VA)
  • Instructor, Asbestos Abatement Worker Training Course, repeatedly presented to hundreds of workers, 1980-1988
  • Instructor, Asbestos Abatement Air Sampling Training Course, repeatedly presented to hundreds of workers,  1980-1988
  • Instructor, Asbestos Glovebag and Specialized Removal Procedures Workshop, repeatedly presented to hundreds of workers, 1980-1989
  • Instructor, Asbestos Hazards and Abatement Procedures in Schools, presented to Administration and Teachers’ union, School District of Philadelphia. PA 1984
  • Instructor, Supervisory Asbestos Removal Training Course, presented to hundreds of workers, 1986-1988
  • Instructor, Technical Aspects of Asbestos Personal Injury Litigation presented at 1st  Annual Interscience Research Forensic Sciences Seminar. 1985
  • Instructor, Presented two, one-day seminars on Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Programs to attendees of the Building and Grounds Maintenance Magazine Special Seminar Series (Philadelphia, PA, and Washington, DC), 1985
  • Consultant, on Asbestos Assessment and Abatement Practices, U.S. Fish &  Wildlife, Patuxent River, MD, 1985
  • Instructor, Presented two, half-day seminars to Arlington County, VA to government employees on Asbestos Hazards and Management, 1986

Past and Current Accreditations & Certifications 

  • Certified Industrial Hygienist (Comprehensive Practice), American Board of Industrial Hygiene Diplomate, (Conferred December 9, 1987 —  Present)
  • Licensed Asbestos Inspector, Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 1988-95; 1997-9
  • Licensed Asbestos Management Planner, Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 1988-95; 1997-2000
  • Licensed Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor, Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 1998-2000
  • Lead Safe Work Practices Seminar (approved for ABIH Certification Maintenance), Atrium Environmental Health & Safety Services LLC and the National Paint & Coatings Association, June 28, 2006

Publication List

Available upon Request.

Asbestos Research History

Available upon Request

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