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Provides Testimony In

Lead Poisoning, lead dust, metal dusts, smoke, specific bacterial disease exposures, molds, biologically active particles, heavy metal poisoning, mercury fumes, manganese fume poisoning, beryllium fume poisoning, lead fume poisoning, arsenic fume, smoke poisoning, iron nickel cadmium fume poisoning, metal fume type exposures, solvent exposures, pesticide herbicide exposures, petroleum petrochemical exposures, hazardous or toxic gas exposures, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, inert gases, nitrous oxide, anoxia, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride gas, ammonia, corrosive chemical exposures eg, sulfuric nitric hydrochloric acids, sodium potassium lithium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, ionizing radiation exposures

Expert has participated as an expert in over 270 individual styled cases, and in excess f a dozen class action or large multiple group actions. These cases represented the interests of several thousand individuals and hundreds of companies.  He has rendered many affidavits, depositions and been court-qualified and testified scores of times in local, state, federal and military jurisdictions in many different states.  He has also testified on toxic tort issues and public health-related issues before state government and federal government commissions, agencies and arbitration hearings.  He is an independent and unbiased scientist who has at different times testified for plaintiffs as well as defendants in civil actions.  He has also testified for defendants, as well as the prosecution in various criminal cases.  From his broad, in-depth science background, he evaluates the evidence and identifies the important factors.  From his teaching background, he can thoroughly but succinctly explain the meaning and significance of the evidence to judges and juries.


University of California, Undergraduate
Chemistry major, Molecular Genetics minor, Los Angeles, CA   1960-64

U. S. Army Chemical School, Certificate, Chemical
Laboratory Specialist (Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare Training), Ft. McClellan, AL, 1964

U. S. Department of Agriculture Workshop on “Analytical Techniques in Plant, Soil and Water Testing”, University of California, Davis, CA, 1969

Veterans Administration Medical Center Hospital, General Clinical Laboratory Technician Training Course, Palo Alto, CA, 1968

University of California, Berkeley – B.S. Chemistry (Biochemistry Specialization), 1970; Research in Carbohydrate and Polysaccharide Biosynthesis and Metabolism

University of Vermont, Burlington, Cell Culture Procedures for Aging Research Course, Co-Sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Tissue Culture Association, Sept. 10-30, 1972; Specialized Cell Culture Training for Cell-Level Gerontological and Viral Carcinogensis Research.

University of California, Berkeley,  Research in Membrane Biophysics, Calcium Metabolism, Cell Culture, Cell Cycle Control and Cell Aging and Carcinogenesis, Biochemical Pathway Controls Ph.D. Biophysics and Biochemistry, 1975

University of Wisconsin, Research in Gerontology and Endocrinology; Cultured Cell Biology Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in Endocrinology/Enzymology, Madison, WI, 1975-6

American Board of Industrial Hygiene, Certified Industrial Hygienist (in Comprehensive Practice including Toxicology), December, 1987-Present

Work Experience

President/Senior Scientist, A private scientific and forensic company 1997-Present

Owned and Operated a Consultancy and Broad Service Organization Supplying Consultation Services, Scientific Support Services and Expert Witness Services to the Legal Profession, the Insurance Industry and General Industry and Commercial Clients.  Expert Consultants in Many Fields and Inspections, Examination, Evidence Collection and Evaluation, and Associated Laboratory Services are Included for Customized Projects and Casework.  Toxicology, Pharmacology, Illicit Drugs, Forensic Science.

President/Laboratory Director, Interscience Research, Inc.

Owned, Designed and Built Large Laboratory Building and Operated this Multidisciplinary Organization for 19 years.  Managed and Trained Staff of up to 22 Chemists, Technicians and Administrative Staff.  Responsible for all Aspects of Operations. Company was Bought Out and Merged with Microbac Laboratories in 1997.  General Analytical Chemistry, Contract Research & Development, Methods Development, Quality Assurance, Routine and Non-routine Testing, Petroleum, Environmental, Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality, Toxicology, Microbiology, Polymer Chemistry and Photocatalysis, Food Testing, Biochemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Project Design, Research in Asbestos Laboratory/Field and Technology Control, Legal/Forensic Studies, Environmental Studies, Material Science, Product Failure Analysis, Norfolk, VA, 1978-1997

Assistant Professor of Chemical Science, Department of Chemical Sciences, Old Dominion University, Teaching (Organic and Biochemistry) and Research (Cell Aging and Carcinogenesis), Norfolk, VA 1976-9

Analytical Chemist/Owner – Interscience Research Group, General Analytical and Industrial Chemistry Los Angeles, CA 1966-69;  Palo Alto, CA, 1970-72

Research Chemist, U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Center, Quantum Chemistry of Toxicological Agents / Antidotes (Calculation of Molecular Properties for Prediction of Antidote Structure and Biochemical Activities), Edgewood Arsenal, MD, 1964-65

Laboratory Technician, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California, Biochemical and Cancer Research, Nucleic Acid Research, Mutagen Mechanisms, Los Angeles, CA, 1961-63

Laboratory Assistant, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of California, Biomedical, Immunological and Cancer Research Projects, Los Angeles, CA, 1960-61

Laboratory Assistant, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of California, Microbiological Research Projects, Bacterial Genetics, Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis, Los Angeles, CA,   1959-60


American Chemical Society

Association of Official Analytical Chemists

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Society for Testing and Materials

Diplomate, American Board of Industrial Hygiene

American Industrial Hygiene Association

National Asbestos Council (Charter Member)

Environmental Information Association

Sigma XI

Virginia Academy of Science

Biophysical Society

American Association of University Professors

Tissue Culture Association

International Association of Arson Investigators

Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists

Society of Forensic Toxicologists

American Textile Chemists & Colorists Society

American Society of Microbiology


Pioneer in Science Award/Grant (Future Engineers of  America), 1959

Scholar designate/Grant Recipient of the Committee for Advanced Science Training (National Science Foundation), 1960

President, Foundation for the Study of Aging, New York, 1978-1988

National Asbestos Council (member of the Sampling and Analysis, Contract Specification and Membership Committees, 1984 – 1992; Founder and Chairman of the Asbestos Surface Contamination Evaluation Taskforce, 1988-1992)

Peer Reviewer, National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health  (Asbestos Control Technology Protocol Assessment), 1985-1988

Asbestos Technology & Cost Recovery Litigation Expert, (Attorney General’s Office, Commonwealth of Virginia), 1985

Asbestos Technology & Cost Recovery Litigation Expert, (Attorney General’s Office, State of Massachusetts), 1985

Consultant and Court-Appointed Forensic Science Expert, Commonwealth of Virginia Supreme Court), 1986

Consultant/Course Instructor, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program for Asbestos (Evaluation of Long-Term Exposure Risk, Detection Survey Techniques, Methods of Sampling and Analysis for Removal Project Monitoring and Clearance), 1986

Asbestos Consultant & Legal Expert for Norfolk Public Schools in Asbestos Litigation, Norfolk, VA 1986-1987

Asbestos Consultant & Legal Expert for Wesley Theological Seminary of the United Methodist Church in Asbestos Litigation, 1987

Peer Reviewer, U.S. EPA (Asbestos Control Technologies & Advisor for Future EPA Research Projects), 1987-1988

Distinguished Expert of the National Forensic Center, 1985 – Present

Instructor, Technical Aspects of Asbestos Personal Injury Litigation presented at 1st Annual Interscience Research, Inc. Forensic Sciences Seminar. 1985

Publications List, Personal and Professional References

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