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Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses

Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses specialize in the intersection of behavior and medical treatment. They provide expert testimony in cases involving psychological conditions, behavioral interventions, and the impact of behavior on health. Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses help courts understand the relationship between behavior and physical well-being. These experts evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, in treating medical conditions. Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses assess the role of behavior in the development and management of health issues. Their testimony is crucial in cases involving mental health, addiction, and chronic illness. Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses also advise on integrating behavioral approaches with medical treatments to improve patient outcomes. They contribute to the development of comprehensive treatment plans that address both psychological and physical aspects of health. Behavioral Medicine Expert Witnesses play a key role in promoting holistic approaches to healthcare.

Showing 20 from 24 results

Psychopharmacology Neurotoxicologist Expert Witness

Expert Number: 980 | 
State: MD 

Provides Testimony In

Neurotoxicologist, Psychopharmacologist, Toxicologist, Substance Abuse, Toxicologist Lead Exposure, Toxicologist Lead, Behavioral Medicine, Neurotoxicology, Stress Management, Neurological, Behavioral, Developmental, Neuroendocrine Toxicity, Toxicologist Chemical Data, Health Risk Psychopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Neurotoxicology, Developmental Neurotoxicology, Behavioral Toxicology Neuroendocrine Disruptors, Development of Regulatory Test Rules, Testing Guidelines under the Toxic Substances Control Act, DUI, Blood Testing, Breath Testing, Urine Testing, Effects of Drugs of Abuse, PCP, Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, Marijuana, Date Rape Drugs, Neurotoxic Effects of Lead, Toxic Chemicals, Toxicology Reports, Neurotoxicologist Psychopharmacologist Toxicologist, Complementary Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Accupuncture, Herbal, Yoga,

Psychopharmacologist Expert Witness

Expert Number: 552 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Psychopharmacologist, Psychopharmacology, Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, Suicide, Suicidology, Suicide Root Cause, Neurologic Behavior, Behavioral Medicine, Neurology, Antidepressant, Chemistry, Drug Interactions, Body Chemistry, Psychiatric Medication, Tranquillizers, Antidepressants, Antipsychotic Agents, Manic Depressive Medications, Schizophrenia Medications, Hallucinogens, Opiates, Nicotine, Caffeine, Psychomotor Stimulants, Inhalants, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Psychopharacology, Correctional Medicine

Internal Medicine Geriatric Physician Expert Witness

Expert Number: 3626 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Board Certified Internal Medicine, Board Certified Geriatrics, Board Certified Hospice, Board Certified Palliative Medicine, Medical Director, Long Term Care, Home Care Physicians, Adult Hospital Medicine, Out Patient Medicine, Home Care Directorship, Medical Directorship, Addiction Medicine, DUI, Forensic Toxicology, Board Certified Addiction Medicine Certified Forensic Physician, Geriatrician, Elder Abuse, Lay Caregivers, Medicare Medical Necessity, Fraudulent Medical Billing Practices, Fraud, Abuse, Preventable Falls, Pressure Wounds, Pain Management, Forensic Examiners

Forensic Psychology Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2348 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Educational Psychology, Special Education, Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Psychotherapy, Strategies for Therapeutic Success, Anxiety Disorders, Memory Creativity and Madness, Mysteries of the Mind, Health Related Pleasures, New Advances in Cognitive Therapy, Beck, Beyond Prozac, Psychotherapy Under Managed Care: Outcomes – Oriented Treatments of Choice, Ancient Healing and Modern Medicine, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Shapiro, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Complex Marital Cases, and Inpatient Depression, Dynamics Of The Self: An Integrative Approach to Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety, Phobias and Depression, Cerebral Dominance CorText, Rational Emotive Therapy, Education Workshops, Gifted Education Program, Comprehensive Mental Health, Program Monitor and Evaluator Preschool Program for Learning Disabled Children, Aural Education of Young Deaf Children, Research and Sabbatical, Auditory Discrimination in the Educable Mentally Retarded, Psychoeducational Intervention for Adult Unipolar Depression, Articulation: Goals Under Laboratory Leadership (SEAGULL), Handicapped Children’s Stress Level and Parental Management, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity,

Forensic Psychologist Vocational Specialist Expert Witness

Expert Number: 1248 | 
State: OH 

Provides Testimony In

Forensic Psychologist, Vocational Specialist, Military, Rehabilitation Therapist, Competency, NGRI, Intent, Untoward, Influence, Alleged Sexual Abuse, Grief, Alleged Work Injuries, Speciality Exams, Social Security Applications, Veterans, PTSD, Labor Law, Professional Malpractice, Work Place Injury, Loss of Consortium, Counseling, Assessments, Job Seeking Skills, Vocational Forensic Issues, Job Placement, Fitness for Duty Exams,

Meteorologist Environmental Scientist Expert Witness

Expert Number: 5099 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Meteorologist, Environmental Scientist, Forecaster, Geophysical Data Analyst, Climatology, Ecology, Geography, Hydrology, Meterology, Oceanography, Pedology, Precipitation, Sever Weather, Extreme Weather, Flood, Drought Analysis, Satellite, Radar, Drainage Area, Surface Attributes, Tornado, Wind, Hail, Flashflooding, Snow, Ice Accumulation Causing Accidents, Solar Position Calculation, Wind, Fire, Visibility, Dust Storms, Wind, Fog, Fire Behavior

Clinical Pharmacology Psychology Expert Witness

Expert Number: 1698 | 
State: Britiish Columbia 
Country: Canada Expert Witnesses

Provides Testimony In

Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychopharmacologic, Psychopharmacology, Psychopharmacologist, Pharmacopsychology, Professor of Pharmacopsychology, Substance Use Disorders, Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders, Treatment of Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, Dual Diagnosis, Effects of Drugs on Cognition, Effects of Drugs on Learning, Effects of Drugs on Memory, Effects of Drugs on Behavior, Ethical Issues in Professional Practice, Intravenous Drug Use, Intravenous Drug Use HIV Infection, Intravenous Drug Use AIDS, Pharmacopsychotherapeutics, Substance Abuse Education, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mega Interactive Models of Drug Abuse, MIMDAR, Potential Toxicity of Aspartame

Showing 20 from 24 results