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Provides Testimony In

Neurotoxicologist, Psychopharmacologist, Toxicologist, Substance Abuse, Toxicologist Lead Exposure, Toxicologist Lead, Behavioral Medicine, Neurotoxicology, Stress Management, Neurological, Behavioral, Developmental, Neuroendocrine Toxicity, Toxicologist Chemical Data, Health Risk Psychopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Neurotoxicology, Developmental Neurotoxicology, Behavioral Toxicology Neuroendocrine Disruptors, Development of Regulatory Test Rules, Testing Guidelines under the Toxic Substances Control Act, DUI, Blood Testing, Breath Testing, Urine Testing, Effects of Drugs of Abuse, PCP, Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, Marijuana, Date Rape Drugs, Neurotoxic Effects of Lead, Toxic Chemicals, Toxicology Reports, Neurotoxicologist Psychopharmacologist Toxicologist, Complementary Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Accupuncture, Herbal, Yoga,


1988, Ph.D., Psychology, The American University
1984, M.A., Psychology, The American University
1979, B.A. Psychology, The Colorado College

Honors and Awards

U.S.E.P.A. Service Award for Lead (Pb) Health Assessment
American University Adjunct Professor of the Year Award
U.S.E.P.A. Unsung Hero Award for work with Autistic Children
U.S.E.P.A./OPPT Teamwork Award
U.S.E.P.A./OPPT Mission Award
U.S.E.P.A. Science Achievement Award in Health Science
U.S.E.P.A. Bronze Medal for Commendable Service
U.S.E.P.A. Employee Recognition Award
U.S.E.P.A. Service Award
Montgomery County Department of Family Resources Award for Neighborhood Empowerment Program
U.S.E.P.A. Service Award
Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Performance Award
American University Doctoral Fellowship
United Methodist Graduate Scholarship
American University Research Support Grant
National Science Foundation Fellowship
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Sigma Xi Honor Society
Who’s Who in Women
Who’s Who in American Scientists

Professional Activities

Preferred Provider, American Whole Health

Workgroup Member – International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Preparation of Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing Guidelines

Member, Association Government Toxicologists

Workgroup Member, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The Health Impact of Chemical Exposures During the Gulf War:
A Research Planning Conference (Pathophysiology and Etiology of Gulf War Illness)

United States Workgroup Leader
International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Development of Neurotoxicity Testing Guidelines and Guidance Document

Chair, USEPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Technical Training Committee

Workgroup Member, U.S.E.P.A., Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Strategic Planning Committee

Member, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Dance

Consultant/Behavioral Pharmacologist
Montgomery County Department of Family Resources
Family Support Center, Inc.
Provided training in drug effects to Montgomery County Police.
Prepared video on “Behavioral Effects of Substances of Abuse”

Committee on Admissions
Georgetown University, School of Medicine

Board of Directors, Vice President
Olin Conservation, Inc.

Research and Development Subcommittee on Safety
Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center

American University Psychology Department Council

President, Psychology Graduate Student Council
The American University

Relevant Professional Experience

1984 – Present, Scientist in Residence/Adjunct Professor at a University in Washington, D.C.

Department of Psychology, Department of Health/Fitness

Teach graduate and undergraduate courses in psychopharmacology and health.  Conduct research and publish research on drugs of abuse and chemicals with neurotoxic potential.

1994 – Present, Neurotoxicologist at a Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C.
Conduct health and risk assessments in neurotoxicology, developmental neurotoxicology, behavioral toxicology and neuroendocrine disruptors.  Development of regulatory Test Rules and testing guidelines for evaluation of neurobehavioral effects.

1991 – 1994, Behavioral Pharmacologist
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry
Washington, D.C.
Senior Research Scientist.  Research on treatment of PCP, cocaine, ketamine and other substance abuse disorders.  PTSD, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other mental disorders.  Supervisor, responsible for training physicians in substance abuse treatment and research.  Developed pre-clinical pharmacology laboratory for evaluation of behavioral effects of drugs of abuse.

1991 – 1994 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Georgetown University Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry
Washington, D.C.
Teach psychopharmacology, medical treatment of substance abuse, and human ecology to medical residents.  Admissions Committee Member.

1979 – 1980 Behavioral Psychologist
National Children’s Center
6200 2nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Provided one-on-one behavioral therapy to mentally and emotionally disturbed children.

1979 Research Assistant in Substance Abuse
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
Washington, D.C.
Conducted research on drugs of abuse and psychotherapeutic medications.

1974 National Science Foundation Research Fellow
National Inst. Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Bethesda, MD

Legal Experience

As Expert Toxicologist, Expert 980 has been consulted on legal cases regarding the effects of drugs of abuse including PCP, cocaine, heroin, alcohol and marijuana.  Expert 980 has provided expert advisement on the mechanism of action and behavioral effects of typical “date-rape” drugs; and on the uses and medical effects of medicinal drugs.  Expert 980 has also been consulted as an expert on the neurotoxic effects of lead and other toxic chemicals.  Expert 980’s services include development of scientifically sound litigation positions, the critique of expert toxicology reports and depositions and analysis and interpretation of scientific literature.

Admitted in Washington, D.C. Superior Court; Virginia Beach, Virginia Circuit Court; Dare County, Chicago Trial Court; and New York Supreme Court. Serve as an expert witness for defense/plaintiff, civil/criminal, and as a pre‑trial consultant for depositions/administrative hearings/affidavits.

Selected Courses Taught

Neurotoxicology (post-graduate)
This course covers the classification of chemicals with neurotoxic potential, and the mechanisms by which chemicals can cause behavioral and neural toxicity, including the types of adverse effects on the nervous system and their measurement.  The course also reviews the guidelines that are used by regulatory agencies such as EPA, FDA and OECD to evaluate neurotoxic potential.

Behavioral Pharmacology (post-graduate)
Psychotherapeutic medications, the illnesses they are used to treat, and the biological mechanisms by which they act.  The medical treatment of substance abuse.

Behavioral Medicine (graduate)
This course evaluates behavioral medicine as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicine.  Discussion of behavioral therapies includes, progressive relaxation, stress management, meditation, guided imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, awareness training, Gestalt, cognitive-behavioral and other psychotherapies.  The course includes discussion of alternative therapies that incorporate a holistic approach to healing.

Drugs and Behavior (undergraduate)
This course covers the neurophysiology and biochemistry of behavior, as the basis for understanding the mechanism of drug action.  It includes discussions of numerous categories of drugs and neurotransmitters, behavioral effects, mechanisms of addiction, tolerance and withdrawal, toxic and adverse side effects of drugs, and alternative therapeutic treatments for mental illnesses

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