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Provides Testimony In

Neurology, Stroke, Neurocritical Care, Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury, Head Injury, Coma, Seizures, Brain Tumor, Meningitis, Encephalitis, Endocarditis, Falls, Cardiac Arrest, Status Epilepticus, Brain Damage, Anoxic Brain Injury, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Neuropathy, Nerve Injury, Stroke,Vaccine injury program, Vaccines,


Academic Degrees:

Degree Institution Dates Awarded
BS Brown University, Providence, RI 9/02-5/06 2006
MD New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 8/06-5/10 2010
MS CTSC – Weill Cornell Medical College 9/17-12/20 2020

Post-doctoral training:

Title Institution Dates
Intern, Internal Medicine New York Presbyterian Hospital-
Weill Cornell Medicine 6/10-6/11
Resident, Neurology Weill Cornell Medicine
New York Presbyterian Hospital- 6/11-6/13
Chief Resident, Neurology New York Presbyterian Hospital-
Weill Cornell Medicine 6/13-6/14
Fellow, Neurocritical Care New York Presbyterian Hospital – Columbia University / Weill Cornell Medicine 7/14-6/16

Other training:

Degree Institution Dates
MS CTSC – Weill Cornell Medical College 9/17-12/20



State Date of First Issue Date of Expiration
New York 2/14 12/21

DEA Date of Expiration: 1/23

Board Certification

Full Name of Board Dates of Certification
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology 9/14-9/24
United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, Neurocritical Care 12/17-12/27

Malpractice Insurance

Do you have Malpractice Insurance? Yes
Name of Provider: Weill Cornell Medicine
Premiums paid by: Weill Cornell Department of Neurology


Academic positions

Title Institution Dates
Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology,
Weill Cornell Medicine 7/16-current
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute,
Weill Cornell Medicine 2/18- current

Hospital positions

Title Institution Dates
Assistant Attending NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/
Weill Cornell Medical Center 7/16-current
Attending NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Gracie Square Hospital 2/17-current
Attending NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Queens 11/20-current

EMPLOYMENT STATUS (current or anticipated)

Full-time salaried by Weill Cornell Medicine

Primary Hospital Affiliation: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center



Didactic Teaching
Small Group Leader, Brain and Mind Medical Student Course 7/17-current
Yearly Lectures for neurology residents:
Neurological Emergencies
Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Management of Large Hemispheric Infarction
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Status Epilepticus 7/16-current

Fellow mentor:
Pirouz Piran, Weill Cornell Medicine Stroke Fellow 7/18-6/19; Topic: Relationship between visceral infarction and functional outcomes among patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Yahyah Atalay, Weill Cornell Medicine Stroke Fellow 7/18-6/19; Topic: Incidence and prevalence of cervical artery dissection across age groups.
Jessica Lin, Weill Cornell Medicine Neurocritical Care Fellow 7/18-6/20; Topic: Blood pressure variation between ICH etiologies.
Billy Roth, Weill Cornell Medicine Neurocritical Care Fellow 7/18-6/20; Topic: Relationship between GI disorders and stroke.
Ayham Alkhachroum, Weill Cornell Medicine Neurocritical Care Fellow 7/17-6/19; Topic: Trends in Endotracheal intubation in patients with Neurocritical care diseases.

Neurology resident mentor:
Mais Al-Kawaz, Weill Cornell Medicine 7/16-6/19; Topic: Relationship between aortic aneurysm and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Darya Khazanova, Weill Cornell Medicine 7/16-6/19; Topic: Risk of recurrent status epilepticus.
Sally Wang, Weill Cornell Medicine 7/19-present; Topic: Trends in Moya-Moya disease.

Medical student mentor:
Shobana Ramasamy, Weill Cornell Medicine 9/17-6/19; Topic: Relationship between ventricular disease and stroke.
Undergraduate student mentor:
Mary McKnight, Cornell University 7/19-8/19; Topic: Stroke research 7/16-current
Clinical Teaching
Clinical supervision and teaching of fellows, residents, and medical students rotating in the neuroscience intensive care unit and inpatient stroke unit (12 weeks per year) 7/16-current
Instructor for Neurology Physical Diagnosis, part of the Brain and Behavior Course for 2nd Year Medical Students at Weill Cornell Medical College 7/19-current
Administrative Teaching Leadership Roles
Site Director, Neurocritical Care Fellowship, Weill Cornell Medicine/Columbia University 7/17-current
Course Director, Multi-Disciplinary Critical Care Conference 9/19-current
Course Director, Neurocritical Care/Vascular Fellows Teaching Seminar 1/20-current
Course Director, Neurocritical Care Medical Student Elective 07/20-current

Clinical care

Clinical Activity
Attending Physician, Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (12 weeks per year) 7/16-current
Attending Physician, Inpatient Stroke Service (2 weeks per year) 7/11-current
Attending Physician, Outpatient Neurology Clinic 7/16-current


Research Activity
I became committed to a career in health-oriented research during my neurology residency training at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell (NYPH/Cornell). Through my clinical work, I became interested in improving our limited ability to accurately identify the mechanism of stroke. This knowledge gap meant that the etiology of ischemic stroke in many patients was unknown and, as a consequence, the appropriate treatment for secondary stroke prevention was uncertain. During residency and fellowship, I published studies evaluating the risk of ischemic stroke in relationship to clinically occult mechanisms such as subacute bacterial endocarditis and cancer. Since my appointment as a faculty member at NYPH/Cornell in 2016, I have remained dedicated to evaluating the relationship between occult cardiovascular disease and cryptogenic stroke because of the paucity of data on this important clinical topic. My preliminary data, gathered with support from grant funding, have led me to hypothesize that silent myocardial infarction may be a novel stroke risk factor. To further pursue this hypothesis, I have established collaborations with investigators in cardiology, vascular neurology, and neurobiology. Thus far, I received extramural funding from the American Heart Association and a KL2 career development award from the NIH, and the Leon Levy Foundation which are allowing me to obtain further training in research methodology.
Key Contributions
Please see attached NIH-format biosketch for description of key contributions to science

Administrative Activities

Neurocritical Care Fellowship Site Director 7/17-current
Committee Member ACGME Neurology Residency Review Committee 7/18-current
Committee Member, Quality and Patient Safety 7/18-current
Director, Medical Student Rotation in the Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit 08/20-curent



Editorial Boards:
Neurohospitalist (Associate Editor) 2018-current
American Academic of Neurology NeuroBytes Editor 2018-current
Professional Society Committees:
Member, Medical Advisory Committee,
American Heart Association Young Professionals Group of NYC 2016-current
Brown University Alumni Interviewer 2007-current
Invited Grant Reviewer:
Dutch Heart Foundation 2018-current
Grant Evaluator for the Masters Program at the Clinical and Translational Science Center 2018-current
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development 2019-current
PSI Foundation 2020-current
Weill Cornell Medicine Physician Assistant Thesis Reviewer 2020-current
UK Research and Innovation 2021-current
Invited Journal Reviewer:
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (15 papers)
Circulation (2 papers)
JAMA Neurology (15 papers)
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry (13 papers)
Hypertension (18 papers)
Neurology (2 papers)
Stroke (7 papers)
Neurohospitalist (20 papers)
European Journal of Neurology (3 papers)
Neurocritical Care (1 paper)
Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy (1 paper)
Circulation Research (1 paper)
Cerebrovascular Diseases (2 papers)
PLoS ONE (5 papers)
Neurological Research (1 paper)
Journal of Cardiac Failure (1 paper)
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (1 paper) 2011-current
Conference Abstract Reviewer:
Annual Meeting, Neurocritical Care Society 2018-current
Annual Meeting, European Stroke Organization Conference 2021-current
Poster Professor Moderator
Annual Meeting, Neurocritical Care Society 2019-current


Role Organization Dates
Member American Academy of Neurology 2011-current
Member American Heart Association 2012-current
Member Neurocritical Care Society 2014-current
Member American Neurological Association 2018-current


Honor/Award Organization Date
Phi Beta Kappa Brown University 2006
Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude Brown University 2006
Sigma Xi Brown University 2006
Rosenbluth Foundation Travel Grant NYU School of Medicine 2010
Chief Resident Weill Cornell Medicine 2014
Resident Teaching Award Weill Cornell Medicine 2014
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting Resident Scholarship Award AAN 2014
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting Resident Scholarship Award AAN 2015

International Stroke Conference Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery Travel Award International Stroke Conference 2016
International Stroke Conference New Investigator Award International Stroke Conference 2016
Plum and Posner Annual Award for Best Neurology Faculty Teacher at Weill Cornell Medicine Weill Cornell Medicine 2017
National Institute of Health KL2 Career Training Award given by the Weill Cornell Medical College Clinical & Translational Science Center NIH and Weill Cornell Medicine CTSC 2017
Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience Scholarship Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience 2018
American Neurological Association Travel Award ANA 2018
Career Development Award American Heart Association 2018
Weill Cornell Medicine Covid-19 Research Grant Weill Cornell Medicine 2020
Robert G. Siekert New Investigator Award International Stroke Conference 2021



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