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Provides Testimony In

Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychopharmacologic, Psychopharmacology, Psychopharmacologist, Pharmacopsychology, Professor of Pharmacopsychology, Substance Use Disorders, Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders, Treatment of Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, Dual Diagnosis, Effects of Drugs on Cognition, Effects of Drugs on Learning, Effects of Drugs on Memory, Effects of Drugs on Behavior, Ethical Issues in Professional Practice, Intravenous Drug Use, Intravenous Drug Use HIV Infection, Intravenous Drug Use AIDS, Pharmacopsychotherapeutics, Substance Abuse Education, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mega Interactive Models of Drug Abuse, MIMDAR, Potential Toxicity of Aspartame

College and University Education

1978-1981, University of Alberta, Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Edmonton, Alberta

1976-1977, University of California, M.S., Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, San Francisco, California

1970-1974, University of California, PharmD, School of Pharmacy, San Francisco, California

1970, University of California, Berkeley, California

1968-1970, Contra Costa College, San Pablo, California

Graduate Theses

1981, Ph.D., Computer Aided Instruction, in Pharmacology: Student Academic Performance and
Instructional Interactions, University of Alberta

1977, M.S., Computer Aided Instruction as an Adjunct to Traditional Teaching Modalities, University of California

Professional Academic Experience

1997-present, University of Alberta, Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Professor, Tenured

1996-1997, Study Leave (in‑house)

1991-1996, University of Alberta, Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Professor, Tenured

1988-1991, University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Tenured

1988-1990, University of Alberta, Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Professor, Honorary (Adjunct)

1987-1988, Study Leave (in‑house)

1986-1988, University of Alberta, Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Associate Professor, Honorary

1982-1988, University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tenured

1980-1982, University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

1977-1980, University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

1975-1976, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, Clinical Instructor

Current Professional Licenses snd Board Certification

1996-present, Prescribing Psychologists’ Register, Board Certified Fellow and Diplomate (FPPR)

1996-1999, Certificate of Proficiency, Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders, College of Professional Psychology, American Psychological Association, Specialty Practice

1987-present, American Board of Medical, Psychotherapists Diploma, Board Certified Fellow and Diplomate (FABMP)

1982-present, Province of Alberta, Chartered Psychologist

1974-present, California Community College, Instructor Credential, Health and Physical Care Services and Related Technologies; Chemistry; and the Zoological Sciences

1974-1992, State of California, Board of Pharmacy, Registered Pharmacist

Major Administrative Experience

1996-1999, College of Alberta Psychologists, President (elected to a 3‑year term as Edmonton, Alberta president‑elect president, and past president,) Primarily responsible, as delineated in the “Psychology Profession Act” of the Province of Alberta, for the operation of the College, including: acting as the official spokesperson for the College; liaison with government on all related issues concerning the Act; supervising the running of the College Council and staff, and all related budgetary concerns

1992-present, Substance Abusology Research Unit, Associate Director

1982-1987, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Alberta Coordinator, Master of Pharmacy Program (Primary academic responsibility for:
evaluation of applicants; quality of academic program requirements; liaison with clinical sites)
1982-1987, Edmonton Institution Correctional Services, Director, Drug and Substance Abuse Program (Responsible for program development, implementation, delivery, and evaluation)

1983-present, Clinical Drug Consultants, Senior Partner, Primarily responsible for: assessment, treatment [i.e., provision of cognitive psychotherapy], and appropriate referral [e.g., medical] of male adult patients; forensic assessment and provision of expert testimony in court

Major Current Academic Research and Clinical Practice Focus

Dual Diagnosis

Effects of Drugs on Cognition, Learning, Memory, and Behaviour

Ethical Issues in Professional Practice

Intravenous Drug Use and HIV Infection or AIDS

Pharmacopsychology, Psychopharmacology, and Pharmacopsychotherapeutics

Psychopharmacologic Aspects of Forensic Psychology

Substance Abuse Education and Treatment

Research Experience

1991-present, Historical and philosophical inquiry into the nature of pharmacopsychology and its differentiation from present psychopharmacology

1991-present, Mega Interactive Models of Drug Abuse ‑ Revised (MIMDAR)

1990-present, Development of a conceptual explanatory model of drug induced automatism (MIMDIA)

1990-present, Clinical‑legal role of the clinical psychologist in forensic criminal and malpractice cases involving drug therapy or drug abuse

1988-1993, Knowledge, behaviours, and risk perception of intravenous drug users in relation to HIV infection and AIDS

1985-1991, Evaluation of the stability and potential toxicity of aspartame

1985-1991, Mega Interactive Model of Drug Abuse (MIMDA)

1984-1989, Development, application, and testing of microcomputers for use by pharmacists in pharmacies to receive continuing education

1982-1986, Investigation of the use of, attitudes toward, and knowledge of drugs and substances of abuse among maximum security inmates
1982-1987, Development, implementation, and evaluation of a drug and substance abuse program in a Canadian maximum security facility

1982-1984, Delivery and assessment of basic literary skills and high school equivalency CAI packages on the PLATO system to maximum security prison inmates.

1976-1982, Applications of microcomputers (i.e. Datapoint 2200, SOL, Apple II) to teach pharmacology to students in the health professions via computer aided instruction

1977-1981, Development and testing of computer aided instruction in pharmacology

1976-1977, Research study of the effect of computer aided instruction in pharmacology as an adjunct to traditional teaching modalities

1976-1977, Assistant Researcher, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, UCSF

1974-1975, Preliminary research study of the relationship between the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of furosemide in CHF patients

University (U.), Faculty (F.), Departmental (D.) & Professional (P) Committee Service

1984-1986, Academic Appeals (F.)

1993-1994, Accreditation (D.)

1989-1991, Alberta Family Life and Drug Abuse Foundation Proposal (U.)

1980-1987, Alberta Pharmaceutical Association Archives (P.)

1995-present, American Board of Disability Analysts (Member of Professional Advisory Council) (P.)

1981-1987, Archives and Documents (U.) (Chairman, 1986‑1987)

1987, Archivist Selection (U.)

1990-1992, Clinical Practice Affairs Committee (American College of Clinical Pharmacy, (AACP) (P.)

1977-1978, Continuing Education (F.)

1985-1987, Council of the Association of Academic Staff (Faculty Representative) (U.)

1996-1996, Council of the College of Alberta Psychologists (President) (P.)

1986-1987, Documents Retention and Disposal (U.)

1996-1998, Education Portfolio (College of Alberta Psychologists, CAP) (P.) (Chairman)

1996-1999, Executive (College of Alberta Psychologists, CAP) (P.)

1983, Faculty Appeal Committee (U.)

1980-1981, Faculty Club Activities (U.)

1988-1989, Faculty Salary and Promotions (alternate) (F.)

1978-1980, Faculty‑Student Liaison (F.)(Chairman)

1985-1987, Faculty Tenure Committees (General Faculties Council Representative) (U.)

1996-1999, Finances (College of Alberta Psychologists, CAP) (P.)

1983-1986, Graduate Admissions (F.)

1994-1996, Graduate Admissions and Admissions Policy (D.)

1983-1986, Graduate Studies and Research (F.)

1977-1987, Health Sciences Computer Aided Instruction (U.)

1977-1979, Hospital‑Pharmacy Liaison (D.)

1984-1987, Human Studies Research Review (Faculty of Dentistry) (U.)

1980-1983, Improvement of Teaching and Learning (U.)

1980-1981, Joint Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) / U of A Writing Competence (U.)

1980-1981, Library (F.)

1987, Library Tenure (General Faculties Council Representative) (U.)

1977-1981, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics Division (D.)

1978-1983, Pharmacy‑Physiology Liaison (F.)

1989, Pharmacy Research Program (F.)

1980-1987, Plato Advisory (U.)

1980-1983, Procedure for Evaluating Teaching (F.)

1992-1996, Research / Ethics Review (D.)

1993-1995, Research / Ethics Review (Faculty of Education)(Chairman, 1994‑1995) (F.)

1979-1980, Search and Recruitment (F.)

1996-1997, Search and Recruitment for Deputy Registrar (College of Alberta Psychologists, CAP)(Chairperson) (P.)

1982-1983, Selection for the Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesia (U.)

1980-1982, Student Evaluation of Instruction ‑ Ad Hoc (U.)

1986-1988, Subcommittee on International Membership (American Association of Clinical Pharmacists, AACP)(P.)

1996-1997, Substance Abuse(American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, ASCPT) (P.)

1990-1991, Task Force on the Impact of Technology on Pharmacy Education (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, AACP) (P.)

1984-1986, Tenure (Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences) (F.)

1992-1994, Tenure (Faculty of Education) (F.)

1986, Tenure (Faculty of Engineering ‑ GFC Representative) (U.)

1980-1983, University Anniversary (U.)

1986-1987, University and Community Special Projects Fund Advisory (U.)

1978-1981, Writing Competency (U.)

Memberships in Professional and Scientific Organizations

1980-1986, Alberta Society for Computers in Education

1975-1977, American Association for Pharmacy Law

1981-1991, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

1983-1991, American College of Clinical Pharmacy

1988-1990, American College of Clinical Pharmacology

1977-1985, American Educational Research Association

1992-present, American Psychological Association

1986-1987, American Public Health Association

1980-present, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

1971-1977, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists

1978-1986, Association for the Development of Computer‑Based Instructional Systems

1977-present, Association of Academic Staff: University of Alberta

1971-1977, California Society of Hospital Pharmacists

1981-1987, Canadian Academy of the History of Pharmacy

1982-present, Canadian Psychological Association

1975-1977, Northern California Society of Hospital Pharmacists

1978-1989, Pharmacological Society of Canada

1994-present, Prescribing Psychologists’ Register

1981-present, Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (name changed in 1997 to College of Alberta Psychologists)

1981-present, University of Alberta Alumni Association

1974-1991, University of California Pharmacy Alumni Association

1981-1990, Western Pharmacology Society

Research Presentations

Available upon request

Grants Received

Available upon request

Summary of Major Forensic Consulting Experience

Available upon request

Special Programs, Technicians, Teaching & Research Assistants Supervised

Available upon request

Graduate Dissertations Supervised

Available upon request

Graduate Supervisory Committee Service

Available upon request

Graduate Student Academic Advisor

Available upon request

Teaching and Curriculum Development

Available upon request

Seminars, Guest Lectures, Workshop Presentations, & Continuing Education

Available upon request

Professional Journal Editorial and Review Experience

Available upon request


Available upon request

Awards Related to Publications

Recipient of the “Outstanding Pioneer Leadership Award”, from the International College of Prescribing Psychologists and the Prescribing Psychologists’ Register “in full recognition of the professionalism and devotion to the pioneering efforts of psychologists in advancing psychopharmacology”.

Recipient of American Journal of Nursing” Book of the Year Award” in the category of “Pediatric Nursing”

Recipient of American Journal of Nursing” Book of the Year Award” in the category of “Maternity Nursing”

Recipient of two American Journal of Nursing “Book of the Year Awards”, in the categories of “Community Health Nursing” and “Gerontological Nursing”

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