Provides Testimony In
Transportation Safety Analysis, Transportation, Safety Analysis, AASHTO, APTA, AREMA, ITE, TRB, USDOT, Pedestrian Passenger, Slip Trip Fall Crowd Management, Pedestrian Accident Countermeasures, Transportation Rules, Disabilities Act, Subway Commuter Rail Accidents, Platform Gaps, Door Incidents, On Train Falls, Stair Escalator Falls, Train Accident Investigations, Pedestrian Injuries Fatalities, Passenger Injuries Fatalities, OSHA, FELA, Bus Accident Investigations Analysis, Ferries Accident Investigations Analysis, Bicycles Accident Investigations Analysis, Walkways Accident Investigations Analysis, Roadways Accident Investigations Analysis, Terminals Accident Investigations Analysis, Vehicle Investigation, Vehicle Speed, Vehicle Time, Vehicle Braking Distance, Human Factors in Pedestrian Vehicle Interactions, Vehicle Operator Human Errors, Vehicle Operator Mishaps, Parking Facilities, Walking Audit, Traffic Regulations Controls,
General Management
Expert has managed, organized, bureaus, divisions, units, project teams and task forces, as well as a private practice with full profit and loss responsibility. He has developed short and long range strategic and business plans, formulated policies, procedures, systems and controls. He has also reviewed and streamlined operations to improve overall productivity and efficiency and directed up to 800 managerial, professional, and technical and support personnel. This expert recruited, hired and trained all levels of staff and consultants, forecasted and developed operating and capital budgets. He organized and monitored special events and other projects, cultivated and maintained an excellent rapport with clients and associates.
Communications and Public Affairs
He has planned and conducted major presentations, proposals, speeches and lectures to small and large audiences consisting of members from government, academia, business and the general public. He chaired numerous task forces, committees, executive meetings and public hearings. represented top government officials, acted as media spokesperson, conducting numerous interviews on live national television and radio, as well as with print journalists. This expert oversaw media relations including the review of press releases and other information dissemination. He wrote and edited numerous reports, studies and columns for major publications, journals, newspapers and scholarly periodicals and interfaced with federal, state and local legislators, agencies and commissions.
Expert has established a reputation as a leading expert and educator in transportation and logistics planning, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, operations and management. His background encompasses urban and regional transportation, intermodal transportation, passenger and freight terminal facilities, traffic impact, trip generation, trip distribution, parking, bus and rail transit, highways, air transportation, economics, performance standards, modeling and simulation, transportation algorithms and network analysis, hazardous materials, traffic and environmental safety, health and safety, commuter rail, human factors, construction technology, infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation, international transportation management, facility and supply chain management, goods movement, marine transportation, port development and operations, airport development and operations. He has also conducted corridor analyses, transportation feasibility studies, and environmental impact assessments. He planned and managed capital construction projects and established new transportation technologies and systems.
Consulting and Business Development
This expert has customized programs and strategies to suit the objectives and requirements of diverse clients, including corporations, governments and academic institutions both in the US and abroad. He was an advisor on privatization, asset management, resource utilization and the free market economy and is an effective and competent expert witness who can deal with technical complexities in the courtroom. He identified new business opportunities, joint ventures, through extensive market research, comprehensive interviews with clients, analysis and forecasting and has negotiated numerous contracts and agreements and established and maintained contacts with high-level officials and executives both in the private and public sectors on a global scale. He has traveled extensively acquiring an understanding of customs, cultural nuances, business and academic practices (Europe, Former Soviet Union, Middle East, Central America, Caribbean and Far East).
Designed and implemented innovative management information system and formal analyses techniques, establishing standards of performance.
Contributed to a significant improvement in the management of private transportation operations, by developing an organization structure complete with goals, objectives, and position descriptions.
Pioneered research programs in transportation planning, engineering and management.
Established an international network of educators to promote work/study exchanges with the United States to enhance and promote understanding and good will among nations.
Garnered recognition and numerous honors, awards, nominations and appointments for outstanding contributions to the private industry, public sector and academic world.
Established education and training programs with Eastern Europe, China, Central Asia and Russia.
Establishing programs for minority students in science, mathematics and technology.
Founder of nationally and internationally recognized pre-college programs in math and science.
Directed a $100 million capital improvement program designed to improve overall efficiency while reducing operating and maintenance costs.
Founder and first President, International Marine Transit Association and Metropolitan Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners, forum for interdisciplinary technology exchange.
A Private Transportation Group, Transportation Consultants, 1988 – Present
New York City Department of Transportation, 1970 – 1988
Chief of Transit Planning/Administrative Engineer, 1984 – 1988
Bureau of Ferries and Aviation
Administrative Engineer, 1982 – 1984
Assistant Commissioner/Executive Director, 1976 – 1982
Central Staff
Director of Planning and Research, 1970 – 1976
New York State Office of Planning Coordination, 1967 – 1970
Associate Transportation Planner
New York State Department of Transportation, 1963 – 1967
Transportation Planning Engineer
New York City Transit Authority, 1962 – 1963
Junior Engineer, Construction Division
New York City Department of Health, Environmental Division, 1961
Engineering Technician
Essential Demolition Company, 1958 – 1960
Field Supervisor
Florida Atlantic University, 2005 – 2006
Distinguished Professor and Director, Center for Intermodal Transportation Safety and Security, 2005 – 2006
Deputy Executive Director, University Consortium for Intermodal Transportation Safety and Security, 2005 – 2006
Dowling College, 1994 – 2005
Professor of Aviation and Transportation, School of Aviation and Transportation, 1994 – 2005
Department Coordinator, 1994 – 2002
Academic Chair, School of Aviation and Transportation, September 2001
Executive Director, Intermodal Transportation Research Institute, 1996 – 2000
Interim Dean, School of Aviation and Transportation, July – August 1996
United States Merchant Marine Academy, 2001 – 2002
Lecturer in Transportation Management, Global Maritime and Transportation School
City University of New York 1972 – 1994
Senior Research Fellow, School of Education, The City College, 1993 – 1994
Research Associate, The Bronx Community College and The City College, 1991 – 1994
Visiting Professor, School of Education, The City College, 1990 – 1991
Visiting Professor, Schools of Engineering and Education, The City College, 1989 – 1990
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Transportation Systems, The City College, 1988 – 1989
Adjunct Professor of Transportation Engineering, The City College, 1988 – 1989
Adjunct Professor of Transportation Management, NYC Technical College, 1986 – 1989
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Management, College of Staten Island, 1979 – 1980
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Transportation, City College, 1972 – 1973
New York Institute of Technology, 1976 – 1978
Adjunct Professor of Management
St. John’s University, 1973 – 1976
Assistant Professor of Transportation
Polytechnic Institute of New York
Ph.D. in Transportation Planning and Engineering
(Minors: Management and Operation Research), 1985
M.S.T.P. in Transportation Planning, 1971
City College, Bernard Baruch School of Business
MBA in Industrial Management for Engineers, 1967
City College, School of Engineering
BCE in Civil Engineering, 1963
Professional Engineer
American Institute of Certified Planners, Charter Member
American Planning Association, Member
American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association, Member
American Society for Engineering Education, Past Member
American Society for Transportation and Logistics, Member
American Society of Civil Engineers, Fellow
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Member
Charter Institute of Logistics and Transport (Great Britain), Charter Member
Council of Logistics Management, Past Member
Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Past Member
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Surface Transportation Technical Group, Past Member
Intelligent Transportation Society of New York State, Past Member
Intermodal Council, American Trucking Association, Past Member
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Member
Intermodal Association of North America, Past Member
Intermodal Freight Technology Working Group (FHWA), Member
International Marine Transit Association/Interferry, Honorary Director
Society of Automotive and Aerospace Engineers, Past Member
Transportation Research Board, University Representative, (Dowling and Florida Atlantic)
Transportation Research Forum, Past Member
Warehouse Education Research Council, Past Member
Women in Transportation Seminar, Past Member
At a University
Member of the University Safety and Security Committee
Developed study proposal of man-made and natural disasters
Developed congestion reduction strategy for Dubai International Transportation Competition
Developed proposal for an Honors High School
Developed proposal for a Waterborne Transportation Institute at the University
Developed proposal for a Rail Transportation Institute at the University
Assisted in developing proposal for an Institute for Safety and Security
Co-Principal Investigator, Center for Coastline Security
Assisted in developing proposal for the Navy Sea-Basing program
At a College
Helped established off-site MBA in intermodal transportation management with the Long Island Railroad, 2001 – 2003
Assisted marketing and recruiting campaign for MBA in transportation management, 2001
Proposed logistics and supply chain management software and simulation laboratory, 2001
Worked with a Institute to develop joint program in conjunction with MBA in intermodal transportation management with the US Merchant Marine Academy and the World Trade Institute of Pace University, 2001
Developed distance learning components in intermodal transportation management, USDOT grant, 2001 – 2002
Private College Representative to LI Import Export Association, Women in International Trade, LIA Transportation Committee, 2000 – 2001
Director, MBA Program in intermodal transportation management, 2000 – Present
Advisor to student transportation clubs, 1998 – Present
Member, Curriculum Committee, 2001 – Present
Member, Enrollment Committee for Aviation and Transportation, 1999
LaSalle Planning Committee and Subcommittees, 1998
Member Honors College Committee, 1998 – 2001
Alternate Representative to University Transportation Research Center, Region II, 1998 – 2000
Jointly developed proposal and curriculum for a BS in Logistics Management, 1998 – 1999
Member, Academic Standards Committee, 1997 – 2001
Member, Academic Research Committee, 1997 – 2001
Advisor to Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) program, 1997 – 1998
Appointed to Garrett A. Morgan Roundtable by US Secretary of Transportation, 1997 – Present
Helped to develop AASHTO/TRAC program in New York State, 1996 – 1997
Established first non-engineering school student chapter, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1996 – 1998
Established $12,000 Endowment Fund for the Institute for Transportation Engineers, 1996
Member, MS in Transportation Science Development Committee, 1996 – Present
Helped to reorganize and expand internship program for transportation majors, 1996 – Present
Coordinator, Long Island Association Vision 20/20 Project, 1996 – 2000
Member, Presidents Recruitment Committee, School of Aviation and Transportation, 1996 – 1997
Member of the President’s Annual Tribute Dinner for New York City High School Students, 1995 – 1998
Establishing an American Planning Association student chapter, 1996 – 1998
Developed proposal and curriculum for MBA in Intermodal Transportation Management, 1995 – 2000
Member, Theme Committee: “Community of Learning,” 1995 – 1996
Initiated outreach with Guia Multimodal, 1995 – 1996
Faculty Advisor, International Students and the International Club, 1995
Developed scholarship opportunities for transportation and logistics majors, 1995 – Present
Working with Career Services to develop an extensive local, national and international network of internships, co-ops and job placements, 1995 – Present
Working with Enrollment Services to provide outreach in recruiting new students, 1995 – 2001
Counsel students on career opportunities in transportation, 1994 – Present
Assisted in the establishment Student Chapter of Women in Transportation Seminar, 1995 – 1997
Established student chapter, Intelligent Transportation Society of America and Faculty Advisor, 1994 – 1998
Helped to establish a transportation consortium for USDOT, Region II with Cooper Union, Columbia University, Webb Institute, Syracuse University, Niagara University, Monmouth University and Farleigh Dickinson University, 1994
Member Distance Learning Task Force, 1994
Developed Pre-College and Russia Summer Institutes, 1994
Developed special recruitment and high school articulation programs with AFROTC, NYC Board of Education, Long Island high schools and CUNY Community Colleges, 1994
Coordinated Dowling College’s Russian Initiative with St. Petersburg, Samara and Moscow aviation universities, 1994
Active in student recruiting for the transportation programs, 1994 – 2001
Session Chair, Intermodal Conferences, February and May, 1994
Grant Writer, Faculty Exchanges, University Partnerships, Young Scholars, ARPA, Minority Student Science and Math Programs and Transportation Planning and Research, 1994 – 1995
Coordinated the “First Little League Exchange Program with Russia and the US,” 1994
Advisor, Kazakhstan graduate student exchange program, 1994
Director, SMARTT program proposal, 1994
At a University
Curriculum Program Development, a Community College, 1992 – 1993
Advisory Board, Transportation Program, a Technical College, 1986 – 1991
Curriculum Development Committee, Transportation Program, a Community College, 1991
Member, Advisory Board, Frederick Douglas School for Technology of Harlem, 1989 – 1990
Grants Committee, Salvadori Educational Center on the Built Environment, 1990 – 1991
Program Development Advisor, The Global Education Telecommunications Network, 1990
Corridor Project Advisor, School District Five, 1990 – 1991
Developed programs to encourage high school students to pursue Westinghouse Talent Search Research Projects as a first step to careers in science, mathematics and technology, 1990 – 1994
Director, Math/Science Residential Institute, New York City Board of Education and The City College of New York, 1989 – 1994
Manhattan High School Division, Program to Recruit Minority Middle School Students into the Specialized High Schools, 1989 – 1990
Program Advisor, Institute for Transportation Systems, 1985 – 1989
At a High School
Director, Stuyvesant Institute, Stony Brook University, 1989
Founder, Director, International Education Center, Sponsors Programs in Asia and Russia, 1988 – 1994
Founder, International Summer Institute and Young Astronauts Program, 1987 – 1994
Chairman, Stuyvesant H.S. Foundation, Fund-Raising Organization 1986 – 1996
Director, Southampton Science and Mathematics Institute for Gifted and Talented Students, 1985 – 1989
Founder, Chair, Stuyvesant H.S. Institute, Programs for Gifted and Talented and Westinghouse Talent Search (Intel), 1983 – 1998
At a Institute of Technology
Developed Program for National Transportation Institute at Nova University, 1981
Special Advisor, Vice President, Industry and Intergovernmental Affairs, New York Center, 1979 – 1989
At a University
Designed MBA Program in Transportation Management, College of Business Administration, 1975
Developed Curriculum for Notre Dame College, Transportation Management Program, 1973
International Institute for Safety and Security, Dubai, Acting Dean, 2006 – Present
Guest Lecturer, US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, GMAT Program, 2001
Advisor, National Institute for World Trade, Education and Training Programs, 1992 – 1994
Advisor, SUNY Maritime Transportation Program, 1993
Curriculum Program Development, Touro College, 1992 – 1993
Developed Program for an International Transportation Research Center at Adelphi University, 1990
Available Upon Request
Contributed to the development of new curriculum and the improvement of existing curriculum: BS Transportation Planning and Management, BS International Business and Transportation
Developed BS Logistics Management, MBA Intermodal Transportation Management
Developing MS Transportation Science, Certificate Programs in Logistics, Simulation, Planning, Safety, Human Factors, Environment, Technology and Intermodal, Joint BS degree programs in transportation and engineering, BS/MBA and MS/MBA
Guest Lecturer: Moscow Business University, International Business University of Moscow, Baltic Academy, Long Island University, University of California, Polytechnic Institute of New York, New York University, New School, Shanghai Science and Technology Institute, China Ministry of Communications and Shipbuilding, China Societies of Naval Architecture and Highway Engineering, 1973 – 1993
Head Instructor, New York State Department of Transportation, In-Service Technical Training, 1965 – 1967
New York State Department of Transportation, in-service training: planning, design, safety, property management, coastal engineering, construction management, fiscal planning, legal affairs, information systems, materials testing, soils engineering, traffic engineering and critical path methods
Operations research, system science, computer simulation, traffic demand management, traffic calming, continuous flow intersection, airport planning and management, traditional neighborhood development, maintenance management, waterborne transportation, urban development, public transportation, urban goods movement, global supply chain management, customer service, property management, grantsmanship, waterfront development, infrastructure management, logistics management, warehousing, marine engineering, performance evaluation, management-by objective, urban design, bicycle/pedestrian planning-design-implementation budgeting management and analysis, microcomputers, citizen participation, environmental sciences, UNIX, infrastructure rehabilitation, contracts, conference management, environmental impact statement, land use planning, Kepner-Tragoe program and transportation facility planning-design-implementation management
American Society of Civil Engineers: Past Chair, Waterborne Transportation Committee and Urban Seminar Committee; Member, Urban Transportation Division, Education Committee, Intermodal Transportation and Hazardous Materials Committees
Metropolitan Section, American Society of Civil Engineers: Past Chairman, Program Committee, Urban Transportation Group; Co-founder, Urban Planning Group
National Academy of Science, Transportation Research Board: University Representative; Past Member, Education and Training Committee; Member and Past Chair, Waterborne Task Force; Past Chair, Waterborne Passenger Transportation Committee; Co-founder, Urban Goods Movement and Bicycle Transportation Committees; Past Member, Inland Waterway Committee, Past Member Ferry Transportation Committee
International Marine Transit Association (Interferry): Founder, Past President and Director; Past Chair Publicity Committee; and Elected Honorary Director
Professional Engineering Society: Past Director, New York Chapter; Past Chair, Program Committee
Metropolitan Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners (MAUDEP): Founder, Past President, Past Chair, and Past Director
Institute for Transportation Engineers: Past Chair, Goods Movement Committee; Executive Board Member, Goods Movement and Expert Witness Council (Vice Chair for Technology), Past Executive Board Member Educators Council, and Annual Meeting Technical Program Committee and Council Policy Group
Intermodal Association of North America, Member Public Relations Committee, Past Chair Education Subcommittee, Ex-officio member of the Education Committee
International Intermodal Expo, Dowling College Representative
Fritz Institute of Global Logistics, Past Member, Academic Advisor Board
Women in Transportation Seminar, Past Member and co-student chapter advisor
Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Past Member of Intermodal Committee, Education Subcommittee, Educational Conference Task Force, Student Chapter’s Task Force, Past Chair Special Committee and Student Chapter Advisor
Intelligent Transportation Society of New York State, Past Member of the Board of Directors, Past Chair Education and Training Committee and Past Member student Outreach Committee
Fritz Institute For Global Logistics, Academic Advisory Board Member
National Council for Excellence in Education: Past Vice President
Institute for Advanced Education: Past Advisory Board Member
Moscow Business University, Past Member, Advisory Board
National Institute for World Trade, Past Vice President
US-NIS Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Founder and Past Secretary
Council of Logistics Management, Past Member NYC Roundtable, Education Committee, Past Member Norman Thomas High School Logistics Program Committee and Dowling Representative Connecticut Roundtable
Friends of the Staten Island Ferry, Past Director
Stuyvesant Institute, Executive Director (Retired)
Stuyvesant Center for International Education, Chairperson (Retired)
International Education Center, Chairperson (Retired)
American Planning Association, Charter Member
American Institute of Certified Planners, Charter Member
Listings: Who’s Who in the World, East, Government, Finance and Industry, Environment, American Jewry, Men of Achievement, Dictionary of International Biography; American Men and Women in Science; Environmental Protection Directory; World Environmental Directory; Personalities of America; Directory of Distinguished Americans; International Who’s Who of Intellectuals
Suffolk County Planning Commission, Commissioner, 2002 – 2004
Transportation Research Board, University Representative, 1995 – Present
National Academy of Science, National Committee on Tunneling Technology, Standing Subcommittee No. 3, 1974 – 1975
Engineering Foundation, Conference on Urban Goods Movement, Steering Committee, 1973 – 1975
Advisor, World Bicycle Week, United Nations, 1975
Israel Advisory Committee, International Conference, Pedestrian/Bicycle Transportation, December, 1976
Staten Island Borough President’s Transportation Committee, 1975
Advisory Board, Richmond Memorial Hospital, 1983 – 1985
Distinguished Professor for 1996, International Intermodal Exposition, 1996
Pedestrian Safety Studies (Trip, Slip and Fall)
Passenger Transportation Safety Studies
Safe Operation of Public Transportation
Rail Transit Platform Safety
Train to Platform Horizontal and Vertical Gap
Training Transportation Employees
Best Practices in Transportation Safety
Rail Transit Jerk Rate
Rail Transit Station Operations
Rail Transit Platform Gaps
Railroad Grade-Crossing Safety
Airport Pedestrian Safety
Transporting of Garbage by Rail
Highway Intersection Safety
Geometric Design of Roadways
Bus Stop and Shelter Design
Saw Tooth Bus Stop Design
Work Zone Safety Study
Rail Corridor Study
Design of the Rail Car Floor Plate, Commuter Rail
General Aviation and Human Factor Issues
Intermodal Transportation and Air Cargo
Information Technology and Intermodal Transportation
Innovative Transportation Financing
Transit Terminal Planning, Design, Operation and Safety
Transportation and Traffic Impact Study Guidelines
Transportation Impact of Major Developments
Congestion Management and Mitigation
Planning and Designing Parking Facilities
Bicycle Master Planning
Designing Parking Facilities
Intelligent Transportation Systems and Parking
Intelligent Intersection Design
Continuous Flow Intersections
Congestion and Incident Management
High-speed Marine Transit System for Washington, DC, (with Bell-Halter Marine)
Urban Truck Project, Auto Free Zone, Transportation Facilitation Centers, Designing for People, Freight Consolidation, Waterborne Transportation, Cargo Security, Pedestrian Malls, Marine Structures, Sub-Regional Planning, Managerial Training, Behavioral Modeling, Cycloidal Propulsion, Marine Borer, Ferry Docking Facilities, Ferry Rider-ship Survey, Functional Design of Ferry Systems, Behavioral Characteristics of Ferry Riders, Future Requirements of Staten Island Ferry Fleet, Vehicle Passenger Control Systems, Structural Analysis, Subway Access, Mini-Ferries, Behavioral Modeling/Ferry User Characteristics, Ferry Cost Analysis, Transit Access, Fast Ferries, Ferry Vehicle Users and Marketing Transportation
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Intelligent Marine Transportation System: Swift Marine Advance Response Transportation Technology
UNISYS Heliport Study
Intermodal Passenger Transportation System Serving Staten Island
Monitoring ITS Technology
Best Practices in the Design of Passenger Terminals
International Transportation and Logistics Management
Career Opportunities in Intermodal Transportation
Russia’s Food Distribution Systems in St. Petersburg and Moscow
Vision 20/20 Long Island Transportation and Economic Development Plan
Continuous Flow Intersection Technology
Preparing Minority Students for Careers in Transportation and Science
Application of Intelligent Transportation System Technology to Reduce Automobile Theft
Prevention of Automobile Insurance Fraud Using Internet
Transportation to Health Care Facilities
Issues Impacting Cross Border Crossings
Local Area Traffic and Transportation Issues
Intermodal Connectivity, CAST II
Founder Award, Arden Heights Boulevard Jewish Center, 1998
Distinguished Service, Council of Jewish Organizations, 1992
Stuyvesant Parents Association, 1990
Distinguished Service, International Summer Institute, 1988
Honorary Degree, Stuyvesant High School, New York City Board of Education, 1987
Distinguished Service, Stuyvesant H.S. Parents Assoc., 1987
Parents Leadership, Council of Supervisors & Admin., 1987
Past President, Arden Heights Boulevard Jewish Center, 1987
Village Green Soccer Club Distinguished Service, 1983
Distinguished Service, Friends of the Ferry, 1982
Scouting Award, Pack and Troop, 1981
Israel Leadership, Israel Bonds, 1979
Distinguished Service, Council of Jewish Organizations, 1979
Distinguished Service, MAUDEP, 1979
New Life, Israel Bonds, 1979
Lion of David, Israel Bonds, 1979
Shalom Award, Arden Heights Boulevard Jewish Center, 1978
Dedicated Service, Council of Jewish Organizations, 1978
Twelve Tribes of Israel, Israel Bonds, 1978
Distinguished Service, Council of Jewish Organizations, 1977
Service Award, Borough President of Staten Island, Community Board, 1997
Past President, Arden Heights Boulevard Jewish Center, 1974
Distinguished Service, MAUDEP, 1974
Past President, The Waterways Civic Association
Past Member, William Floyd Community Summit, Moriches-Shirley-Mastic
Past Member, Bay Area Civic Association, Shirley-Mastic
Past Member, Moriches Bay Civic Association, Moriches-Center Moriches
Founder, First President, Past Trustee, Arden Heights Boulevard Jewish Center
Past President, Staten Island Council of Jewish Organizations
Delegate and Founding Member, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
Past Committee Person, Cub Pack
Founder, Past Chairperson, Boy Scout Troop
Past Delegate, New York City Metropolitan Council on Poverty
Former Member, Staten Island Community Planning Boards
Member Transportation Committee, Staten Island Community Planning Board
Delegate, NYC Council on Soviet Jewry
Former Coach, Village Green Little League
Founder and First Chair, Staten Island Jewish National Fund
Past Chair and Member, Staten Island Israel Bonds
Past Director, Silver Lake Soccer Club
Co-founder Staten Island Soccer Federation
Past President, Executive Committee member and chair of many committees, Stuyvesant High School Parents Association
Co-founder, Staten Island Fencing Club
Co-founder, Village Green Soccer League
Coach Village Green Soccer Club
Past Member, Board of Directors, Staten Island Jewish Community Center
Co-founder Staten Island Jewish Historical Society
Past Member, Board of Guardians and Jewish Family Service
Chairperson, Staten Island’s 25th Anniversary Celebration of Israel’s Founding
Committee Chair, Village Green Residents Association
Co-founder and Director, Staten Island PED
Founder and Director, Stuyvesant Institute
Member Community Advisory Board, Richmond Memorial Hospital
Founder, Director, Friends of the Staten Island Ferry
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