Provides Testimony In
Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist, Manual Therapy, Post-Surgical, Outpatient Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Standard of Care, Orthopedic, Musculoskeletal, Orthopedic Specialist, Sports Medicine, Personal Training, Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Personal Injury, Malpractice, Negligence, IME, Disability Duration, Workers Compensation, Private Practice Management, Healthcare Utilization Management
I am currently a full-time treating PT Clinician, a PT Private Practice Owner and a PT Expert Witness. In 2011, I obtained a Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy with emphasis in Executive Private Practice Management from the EIM – Institute of Health Professions. In 2011, I was nominated for the prestigious Athena Award for my commitment to my community and the advancement of women in business. . In 2005, I began consulting as an expert witness in the physical therapy industry. In May 2002, I purchased a local fitness studio in Manalapan, New Jersey where we have exclusive one-on-one personal training facility combined with a fitness membership clientele. A month later, in June 2002, I opened a premier physical therapy facility, within the same location. In 1990, I established a healthcare practice management-consulting firm to assist small businesses looking to gain insight from my expertise and network base. I have consistently risen through increasing levels of responsibility within the rehabilitation services industry. I possess 28 years of “hands-on” clinical experience, as well as, a wide array of business skills in the areas of: strategic planning, financial management, operations, marketing, project management, human resource management, and business development. I have over 19 years of experience opening and directing start-up physical therapy facilities located throughout New Jersey for other healthcare organizations. In addition, I have 10 years of experience as a Physical Therapy & Fitness Expert for both plaintiff and defense cases; providing expert opinion reports, depositions and court testimony.
May 2002 – Present
Private Company
Owner / Director
Acquired an existing personal training business in May 2002 and completed full renovations in 2003. Established a full-service physical therapy company which now employees 2-4 Physical Therapists. Currently, responsible for 16 employees within the two companies. There are 2 directors who are my direct reports. My time is primarily divided between patient care, marketing, sales, and new business development. I oversee all aspects of the business. We have developed a base of over 265 referring physicians in the tri-state area.
April 2001 – May 2002
Central Jersey Spine & Wellness, LLC, Freehold, New Jersey
Director of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Established a physical therapy department in a multidisciplinary practice. Developed internal policies and maintained compliance with state and federal regulations. Responsible for credentialing each professional in the practice. Assisted with collections activities. Initiated marketing directives and had over 60 local physicians referring to the practice.
May 1999 – May 2002
Private Company, Freehold, New Jersey
Founder of a healthcare consulting company specializing in business performance improvements, cost containment, new business development, and turn-around strategies. Services include: practice management and consulting, seminars, clinical program development, information hotline, and assistance with business start-ups, including marketing and infrastructure development. Clients include private PT practices, outpatient rehabilitation facilities, and multidisciplinary practices.
September 1998 – April 1999
Select Management Services, P.A., Central New Jersey
Regional Director of Clinical Services
Developed three outpatient rehabilitation start-ups in the Central and Southern regions of New Jersey. Responsible for financial management, P&L, patient accounts, proposals & budgeting, location selection, vendor relations, business development, marketing, human resource management, health and safety, and quality assurance. In addition, directed a multidisciplinary team of professionals and staff, established policies and procedures, and developed clinical programs. Achievements in this position include:
* Hudson Physical Therapy, a subsidiary of Select Management Services, expanded into new regions of the state through these efforts, enlarging the company by over 10%.
* Served on the APTAnj Legislative Committee.
July 1993 – August 1998
NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation – NovaCare, Inc., Howell, New Jersey
Director / Center Manager / Physical Therapist
Contributed to financial growth of NovaCare, raising revenues of $500,000 in 1993 to $3.1 million in 1998. Coordinated expansion and redesign of a contemporary 5,000 sq.ft. office, including installation of therapeutic aquatic pool. Managed business development, marketing, daily operations, financial budgets and P&L, research and design of clinical programs, policies & procedures, OSHA health and safety, legislative and regulatory issues, utilization, documentation, and outcome studies. Utilized a multidisciplinary team approach, including: physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, massage therapists, psychologists, social workers, and medical doctors. Achievements in this position include:
* Held the position of New Jersey Clinical Services Coordinator at NovaCare in 1995 and 1996, leading over 240 employees. Improved customer satisfaction and clinical outcomes and implemented a company-wide shared value system.
* Introduced innovative services to consumers that improved profit margins by more than 13% in 1997 – 1998.
* Improved consumer awareness of sports medicine and the athletic industry, and provided a service to the community by serving on medical teams for racing and sporting events held throughout New Jersey.
* Established clinical programs for NovaCare, Inc. such as: the Quality Improvement Program, Utilization Review, the Post-rehab Fitness Program, a Massage Therapy Business, Work Conditioning and a Spine School.
* Participated on committees for Patient Care, Quality Assurance, Utilization Review, Speakers Bureau and Howell Chamber of Commerce.
October 1987 – June 1993
Various Rehabilitation Corporations, New Jersey
Physical Therapist / Athletic Trainer
Worked within multidisciplinary teams a senior physical therapist. Provided physical therapy and athletic training services to professional athletes as well as amateur athletes within the community. Assisted in managing the facilities and developing businesses. Mentored student physical therapists, providing internships and career guidance. Achievements include:
* Writer / Author of Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Articles
* Guest lecturer at the NY School of Podiatric Medicine and Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.
* Worked for Medical Team of NY Giants – Ronnie Barnes, ATC, Russell Warren, MD and Thomas Wickiewicz, MD as a staff PT for their company: “Meadowlands Sportscare”. Provided physical therapy to professional athletes from the New York Giants, the New York Mets, the New York Jets, the New Jersey Devils, and other teams from the Meadowlands Sports Complex.
* Initiated a Lift America program to benefit the Special Olympics, sponsored by the NSCA, and used as a promotional contest in the Jersey Shore community.
September 2005 – Present
Private Company
Managing Member / Owner
Managing consulting projects in the physical therapy & fitness industries. Helping driven physical therapists own and successfully operate, manage, finance and grow their private practice business, in order to gain greater equity and respect in the industry. To specialize in boutique outpatient PT owned practices, with or without add-on fitness center / personal training studio options. In addition, I provide expert opinion and / or testimony to the legal community on behalf of plaintiff or defendants. Cases have involved product liability, malpractice, negligence or personal injury issues.
Won First Place in a Business Development Contest through the 2011 EIM Doctorate Program in Executive Private Practice Management. Our Business Plan achieved the highest honors and seed money to start AppsbyTeamVision, a marketing tool for developing Mobile Apps for businesses in the PT and Fitness Industries.
Honored as a Nominee for the prestigious 2011 Athena Award presented by the Greater Monmouth Chamber of Commerce.
Achieved #1 rank among graduating MBA students at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey. Received the Academic Achievement Award for Excellence. Completed the MBA program in two years with a GPA of 4.0.
Honored as a Beta Gamma Sigma inductee at Monmouth University’s commencement ceremonies in May 2001. Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society for AACSB Accredited Business School Programs.
Received induction to “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges”. Was the only graduate student receiving this award at Monmouth University. (2000 – 2001)
Nominee for the “New Jersey Women in Business Award”. (2000)
Participant in Stakeholders’ Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey. (2000 – 2003)
Member of the New Jersey APTA Legislative Committee. (2000 – 2006)
An officer of the “School of Business Administration Scholarship and Development Society” to fund faculty research and build relationships with businesses in the community, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey. (2001)
New Jersey Clinical Services Coordinator. Led over 240 employees to improve customer satisfaction and clinical outcomes. Engaged employees in a corporate-wide shared value system. NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation. (1995 – 1996)
New Jersey Licensed Physical Therapist – New Jersey State Physical Therapy Board
National Certified Athletic Trainer – National Athletic Trainers Association
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist – National Strength and Conditioning Assoc.
Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities (2000 – Present)
Certified Group Fitness Instructor, American Council on Exercise (1989 – Present)
Certified Member, National Athletic Trainers Association. (1988 – Present)
Professional Member, National Strength and Conditioning Association. (1987 – Present)
Professional Member, American Physical Therapy Association: NJ Chapter, Orthopedic & Private Practice Sections, and the National Society. (1985 – Present)
Available Upon Request
Available Upon Request
Available Upon Request
Expertise in Microsoft Office suite of software. Versed in Business and Healthcare Software Applications (WebPT, AdvancedMD, PT Turbo), and in statistical analysis using MS Excel. Strong understanding of the Internet, including Social Media Marketing. User of both Windows and Apple Operating Systems.
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