Provides Testimony In
Sports Medicine Board Certified, Board Certified Ergonomist, Human Factors Professional, Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Athletics & Sports Related Injury, Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders MSD, Repetitive Strain Injuries RSI, Manufacturing Processes, Hand Vibration, Arm Vibration, Whole Body Vibration, Environmental Exposure, Heat Exposure, Cold Exposure, Vision, Lighting, Low Back Injuries, Carpal Tunnel CTS, Manual Material Handling, Task Analysis, Workplace Accommodations, Anthropometrics, Systems Analysis, Industrial Systems Analysis, Medical Systems Analysis, Transportation Systems Analysis, Information Processing, Communication, Human Error, Safety Critical Systems, Consumer Products, Labels Warnings, Human Perception, Interpretation, Decision Making Processes, Instructions, Mental Workload, Fatigue, Situation Awareness, Instruction, Training, Forensic Biomechanics, Acute Injury Mechanics, Biomedical Analysis, Shoulder Injury, Back Injury, Knee Injury, Hip Injury, Slip Trip Fall, Balance, Overuse Injuries, Osteoarthritis, Kinetics, Kinematic Analysis, Fatigue Performance, Physical Demands, Thermoregulation, Dehydration, Physical Performance, Physical Testing, Muscular Strength, Injury Prevention, Athletic Training Protocols, Overuse Injury, Concussions, Closed Head Injury, Sports Equipment Related Injury, Medical Management
His experience in applied ergonomics and research spans nearly 15 years. His work has involved ergonomics, biomechanics, human factors, functional capacity and physiological assessments. Much of his work has dealt with ergonomic risk assessment and functional capacity evaluations; he has developed numerous ergonomic educational products and training modules including development of ergonomic analysis software. He has developed motion analysis equipment as well as designed return-to-work programs for injured employees by utilizing biomechanics equipment and functional tasks to test return-to-work status. He has developed and implemented ergonomic programs for government employees through employee training, physical demand documentation and functional capacity evaluations, while developing programs which have involved such tasks as customer service, mail processing, material handling, manufacturing, and office ergonomics.
Post-Graduate, University of Kansas, Exercise Physiology, 1998
Post-Graduate, Mid-America Nazarene University, 1999
MSE, University of Kansas, Biomechanics and Work Physiology, 1994
BSE, University of Kansas, Exercise Science, 1992
Special Studies, Wichita State University, 1990
Ergonomic & Human Factors Certification
Development of Muskuloskeletal Disorders (MSD)
Development of Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
Ergonomic Team Training and Mentoring
Manufacturing Processes (Lean & Six Sigma)
Hand/Arm Vibration Exposuer (HAVS)
Whole Body Vibration Exposure (WBV)
Environmental Exposure (Heat & Cold)
Ergonomic Effects of Vision & Lighting
Quantification of Ergonomic Risks
Low Back Injuries
Carpal Tunnel (CTS)
Physical Demands & Abilities
Manual Material Handling
Effects of Agin
Task Analysis
Workplace Accommodations
Human Factors
Systems Analysis (Industrial, Medical, Transportation)
Information Processing & Communications
Human Error (Errors of Commission & Omission)
Safety Critical Systems (Law Enforcement, Medicine)
Job and Tem Design & Communications
Consumer Products (Instructions, Labels & Warnings)
Human Perception & Interpretation
Decision Making Processes
Instructions, Labels & Warnings
Mental Workload (Fatigue & Error)
Situation Awareness
Instruction, Training & Education
Forensic Biomechanics
Acute Injury Mechanics
Biomechanical Analysis of Injuries
Shoulder, Back, Knee, Hip Injuries
Slip, Tirp & Fall Mechanics
Balance & Stability
Overuse Injuries
Kinetics, Kinematic Analysis
Exercise Physiology
Fatigue and Performance
Environmental Exposure (Heath & Cold)
Energy Delivery & Utliization
Physical Demands & Abilities
Thermoregulation & Dehydration
Physical Performances & Testing
Muscular Strength & Endurance
Injury Prevention
Athletic & Sports Related Injuries
Athletic Training Protocols, Policies & Procedures
Overuse & Acute Injury Mechanics
Concussions, Closed Head Injury
Sprots Equip. Related Injuries
Injury Prevention
Medical Mgmt. Processes
Professional Organizations and Awards
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Technical Group
Forensics Professional Technical Group
Safety Technical Group
Industrial Ergonomics Technical Group
Product Design Technical Group
Association of Canadian Ergonomists Member (In Process)
International Society of Biomechanics
3D Analysis of Human Movement Interest Group
International Shoulder Interest Group
Footwear Biomechanics Interest Group
American Society of Biomechanics
University of Kansas Alumni
Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE)
American College of Sports Medicine
National Strength Conditioning Association
Outstanding Citizen Award Douglas County Life Saving Efforts
National & International Professional Presentations
Available Upon Request
Available Upon Request
Board of Certification of Professional Ergonomists, Certified Human Factors Professional, 2008 – Present
Board of Certification of Professional Ergonomists, Certified Ergonomic Associate, 1999 – 2008
American College of Sports Medicine, Certified Health Fitness Instructor, 1997 – Present
Professional Work Experience
Train and mentor ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.
Implemented and evaluated effectiveness of ergonomic resolutions.
Develop and present customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Integrate ergonomic processes in lean manufacturing environments
Quantify ergonomic risk and perform root-cause-analysis.
Marketing, business management and product development.
Developed and manage an international ergonomic provider network servicing four large insurance companies.
Document essential functions and physical demands associated with job tasks.
Develop post-offer testing and return-to-work protocols.
Perform and interpret functional capacity evaluations for return-to-work.
Quantify physiological demands associated with job tasks.
Managing Partner
Develop a preparatory seminar for individuals who are pursuing certification by the BCPE. Emphasis has been placed on core competencies needed by professional ergonomists rather than on teaching test questions.
Conduct preparatory seminar for individuals who are pursuing certification by the BCPE.
Develop preparatory online modules for individuals who are pursuing certification by the BCPE. Emphasis has been placed on knowledge bases rather than on teaching test questions.Develop and conduct seminars in advanced ergonomic assessment techniques.Develop and conduct seminars for plant ergonomic training and continuing education. Developed online training modules for governmental RFP in 2001.
A Company, Senior Consultant
Provide ergonomic and human factors forensic analysis services.
Provide Human biomechanical forensic analysis services.Provide work physiology forensic analysis services. Conduct ergonomic risk analysis. Train and mentor ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.Implemented and evaluated effectiveness of ergonomic resolutions.Develop and present customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Washington Ergonomics, VP Training
Train and mentor ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.
Develop and present customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Provide training for ergonomic job analysis software.
Marketing and product development.
Implemented and evaluated effectiveness of ergonomic resolutions.
Develop and present customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Document essential functions and physical demands associated with job tasks.
Develop post-offer testing and return-to-work protocols.
Ergonomic Technologies Corporation – ETC, Senior Consultant
Developed and implemented the Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process for the United States Postal Service’s Customer Service division of the United States Postal Service. When fully implemented it will affect over 750 thousand employees.
Implemented the Ergonomic Risk Reduction Process for the United States Postal Service Mail Processing Centers.
Developed ergonomic training material for the United States Postal Service Customer Service division.
Trained and mentored ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.
Participated in union and management negotiations at the national and local level.
Implemented and evaluated effectiveness of ergonomic resolutions.
Quantify ergonomic risk and perform root-cause-analysis.
Document essential functions and physical demands associated with job tasks.
MotionWatch, Director of Biomechanics & Ergonomic Services
Development and validation of an upper extremity motion analysis device which measured flexion, extension, supination and pronation of the wrist and forearm for ergonomic analysis and rehabilitation applications.
Conducted validation studies with Wichita State University which were presented at the San Diego Human Factors and Ergonomic Society National Conference in 2000.
Trained engineers at Boeing in the use of motion analysis technology and conducted ergonomic and six sigma studies with Boeing which were presented at the Baltimore, MD Applied Ergonomics Conference in 2001.
PC and Palm based software development and usability testing for motion analysis electronics.
Development of PC and Palm based risk analysis logic and software.
Provided training and education to engineers, therapists and physicians.
Interfaced with electrical engineers in new product development.
Advantage Health Systems, Director of Seminars, Regional Coordinator for Levi Strauss
Trained and mentored ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.
Regional Ergonomic Coordinator for Levi Strauss’s ergonomic teams.
Developed PC based risk analysis, occupational health and physical demand logic and software.
Developed and organized national conferences and seminars. Responsibilities included site and speaker selection and the development of conference and seminar content.
Train and mentor ergonomic teams in the identification and resolution of ergonomic risk factors.
Implemented and evaluated effectiveness of ergonomic resolutions.
Develop and present customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Integrate ergonomic processes in lean manufacturing environments
Quantify ergonomic risk and perform root-cause-analysis.
Document essential functions and physical demands associated with job tasks.
Develop post-offer testing and return-to-work protocols.
Quantify physiological demands associated with job tasks.
Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Occupational Health & Ergonomic Specialist
Performed ergonomic risk analysis.
Provided job accommodations and ergonomic resolutions for industry.
Developed and performed ergonomic and safety training.
Designed functional rehabilitation programs for injured workers
Developed and presented customized ergonomic training material for industry.
Document essential functions and physical demands associated with job tasks.
Developed post-offer testing and return-to-work protocols.
Perform and interpret functional capacity evaluations for return-to-work.
Conducted physiological assessments such as stress tests.
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