Provides Testimony In
Software, Databases, Source Code Comparison, Abstraction, Filtration, Comparison, Communications, Internet, Web, Ecommerce, Client Server, N Tier Technology, Graphics, GUIs, Sensor Processing, EEG Analysis, GPS Tracking, Pattern Recognition, Computer Linguistics, Content Analysis, Patent Analysis, Patent Licensing, Algorithm Development, Medical Records Database Analysis, Software Architecture, Simulation, Reliability Engineering, Probabilistic Analysis, Statistical Analysis, Bayesian Analysis, Markov Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, Hidden Markov Models, Embedded Systems, Point Of Sale Systems, Geographic Information Systems, Distributed Computing, Systems Development, Industry Practices, Networking Protocols, Medical Devices, Patent Prosecution, Patent Litigation, Business Methods, Text Processing, Radar, Sonar, Financial Software, Control Systems, Ultrawideband, Fourier Analysis, Work Flow Tracking, Work Flow Analysis, Knowledge Based Systems, Project Planning, Technical Marketing Support, Manufacturing Execution Systems,
Databases, Medical Records, EHRs
Client/Server, N-Tier Technology
GPS tracking
Patent Analysis for Plaintiff and Defense
Geographic Information Systems
Financial Software & Work Flow Analysis
Professional Summary
Expert 2332 has over 30 years of experience in software, systems and electrical engineering. His expert witness services comprise over sixty cases, over 100 depositions and court testimony in three courts, including federal and state courts. His litigation background includes patents, trade secrets, trade dress, software contract failure, electronics manufacturing, medical devices, database analysis, web site comparisons, enterprise software, management of patent licensing projects, internet, web site and systems development, software product development, database management systems, software architecture, research and development, and system specification.
Employment History
2007 to 2016
A Private Corporation
Position: Consultant, Expert Witness
• contract consulting and expert witness services in computer, software, internet, web, electronics, embedded systems, and communications technologies
2006 – 2007
Heller Ehrman, LLP
Position: Patent Specialist
• Reviewed Bluetooth implementation in view of WRF patent;
• Developed licensing project plan for contingency agreement;
• Reviewed invalidity contentions;
• Expressed expert opinion on quality of opponent’s case;
• Developed provisional patent application;
• Reviewed client’s production materials for relevance.
• Assessed prospective client’s patent portfolio for contingency licensing;
• Worked with shareholders to structure licensing of major patent portfolio
• Developed financial profile based on potential infringers;
• Worked with litigation and marketing to project IP licensing financials.
2005 – 2006
MetaSemantics Corporation
Position: Patent Technical Advisor at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky and Walker, LLP
• Analysis of technical content in patents and in patent applications;
• support of prosecution of patent applications;
• support for patent infringement litigation and infringement defense law suits;
• provided technical opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of patents relating to software technologies, electronics technologies, business method and medical technologies;
• development of prior art materials relating to patent suits;
• assessment of patent portfolios;
• developing responses to Office Actions from patent examiners;
• analysis of technical documents to support discovery;
• definition of requirements for motion to compel opposing counsel to provide software for discovery;
• development of patent applications for clients;
• construction of claim language based on technical concept papers and other materials provided by inventors;
• development of claim charts to support litigation relating to patent infringement;
• development of tutorial materials to introduce technical concepts to legal counsel;
• analysis of software source code for detection of patent infringement;
• development of proof of infringement for presentation in court and to attorneys.
2004-2005: President & Chief Technology Officer
• Developed embedded medical records text mining software using WordNet database, class lattices, and semantic relationships;
• developed business plan and technical proposal for text mining technology development project;
• developed question-answering system using unstructured text resources;
• developed content analysis linguistic tool set for product release;
• refined radar processing software for recognition of 3D shapes;
• developed embedded software able to recognize the collar (joint) of underground pipeline infrastructure in a natural gas distribution system;
• software engineering for loan origination system enhancement for an Eastern Software Empower installation;
• N-tier programming support;
• development of an embedded web client application that tests a web server for security and visibility of retrieved documents.
2001 – 2004
ValuTech, Inc.
Position: Chief Scientist
• Developed new financial software products using logical representations of invoice and lockbox financial objects;
• developed graphic display with zoom and pan;
• development of web services using Client/Server, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000, and HTTP and TCP components;
• presented demonstrations and project plans to prospects and customers;
• instrumented software to collect functional history and measure performance;
• data mining of SQL Server database for invoices and payments received against unevenly structured receivables documents;
• analyzed object structure within operational data;
• analyzed time series data to predict future financial behavior on the part of customers;
• developed business financial analysis tools for calculating cash float actually observed in payable and receivable operations for Fortune 500 companies;
• developed analytical techniques and adaptive learning methods to maximize cash float in payables and to minimize cash in receivables for large companies;
• trained programming staff in object-oriented analysis and design;
• development of financial web services;
• mentored staff, and taught them good software design principles and practices.
1992 – 2000
Position: President & Chief Technology Officer
• Developed sensor processing software to support commercial low-cost utility radars;
• applied pattern recognition techniques to detect specific target shapes;
• implemented and tested a prototype ultrawideband radar sensor as a candidate for deployment;
• constructed imagery software to build a 3D image from sensor inputs while scanning the ground over natural gas pipeline infrastructure;
• developed anechoic radar range for ultrawideband (UWB) radar sensor and populated it with natural gas pipe and collar materials;
• identified signal patterns that could discriminate between normal pipe and the collars at joints between pipes;
• built a database of time series signals and Fourier spectra for test cases;
• demonstrated feasibility of identifying the collars on pipeline infrastructure.
• Defined and developed turnkey software products for hospital scheduling, staff development, medical records and vertical manufacturing industries;
• Interviewed customer staff to define systems;
• developed the software to meet customer expectations.
• Developed a work flow measurement system for small and medium sized manufacturers;
• collected work flow information by time stamping bar-coded work orders, activity labels and employee badges so that full performance information could be collected;
• developed reports for calculating the value of customers, the efficiency of employees, and the performance profile of activities.
1991 – 1994
Private Company
Position: Owner
• Developed point of sale software for use in retail environment;
• analyzed customer purchasing of activities and products;
• implemented credit checking software;
• developed accounting modules for use in tracking retail accounts;
• developed reports for calculating the value of customers, the efficiency of employees, and the performance profile of activities.
1980 – 1992
Hughes Aircraft Company
Position: Senior Systems Engineer for Software R&D
• Managed a team of six software engineers developing software technologies for Hughes’ products;
• developed reusable radar sensor processing and display application;
• applied knowledge based and rule based technologies, including measurement and diagnosis of systems and networks;
• used Bayesian and Markov models to predict static and dynamic performance loads and to identify potential systems problems.
• Developed models and simulation software;
• planned and defined distributed database information systems;
• developed resource management, graphic information display, radar systems, command and control information systems.
• Development of technology projects for feasibility demonstrations;
• conduct of R&D projects as principal investigator;
• managed software R&D staff;
• formulated project plans for determining feasibility of risky portions of large projects.
• Planned software development tasks for large and small projects;
• developed new business proposals and technical approach;
• organized technical task plans for proposals and R&D projects;
• managed implementation of projects.
1976 – 1980
Washington University, Saint Louis, MO
Position: Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Taught undergraduate and graduate computer science classes, monitored thesis and dissertations for graduate students, and directed the Computer Engineering Laboratory for graduate and funded research projects. In the summers, operated Cooper Computing Company, a consulting company with close ties to the local IBM General Systems Division to provide software engineering services to manufacturers in the Saint Louis area.
1968 – 1976
National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD
Position: Senior Electrical Engineer
At Fort Meade, developed computer systems hardware projects for two years, and then was promoted to the computer science research department after writing a scientific paper that was deemed important.
Assigned to solve numerous problems related to high performance computing and cryptology for the remaining six years at NSA. During the eight year period, was awarded a full time tuition paid scholarship from NSA to complete a Master’s degree. Then continued education to complete requirements for the Doctor of Science in 1976. An article based on my dissertation was published in the IEEE Transactions on Computers in September, 1977. The paper is available here.
Consulting History
Acacia Technologies Group, Newport Beach, California
Duties: Analysis and opinions of database compaction patent for investment, licensing, and possible detection of infringement.
Acacia Technologies Group, Newport Beach, California
Duties: Analysis and opinions of patents for investment, licensing, detection of infringement, and analysis of several potential infringing companies.
2005 – 2006
2006 Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP, San Diego, California
Duties: Provided a wide array of technical analysis and opinions on intellectual property issues related to prosecution and litigation of patents, defense for
infringement suits, analysis of patentability, analysis of software source code for infringement, document discovery, development of patent applications, replies of office actions, and many other tasks.
1998 – 2000
2000 Consumer’s Gas, Toronto, Canada
Duties: Development of ultrawideband (UWB) technology for identifying the collar joint of underground gas delivery infrastructure;
Developed anechoic UWB radar range to support data collection of positive and negative reflections;
Developed pattern recognition software for detection of collar joints;
Demonstrated efficacy of collar joint detection.
1997 – 2001
2001 Contract Resources, Cerritos, California
Duties: Define requirements for manufacturing execution system;
Develop methods for instrumenting work and material flow;
Select equipment to implement capture of work flow and material flow;
Develop distributed client/server implementation system;
Develop analysis programs for calculating value of customers, profitability of products, and efficiency of employee labor.
Litigation Experience
Available Upon Request
Personal Patents filed, prosecuted and issued
Available Upon Request
Year College/University Degree
1976 George Washington University DSc, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
1971 George Washington University MS, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
1968 Georgia Institute of Technology BS, Electrical Engineering
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