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Provides Testimony In

Psychotherapy Malpractice, Clinical Forensic Psychology, Clinical Forensic Psychology, clinical, forensic, child, adolescent, adult, family, addiction, abuse, custody, molestation, behavioral, criminal, domestic violence, trauma, incest, malingering, malpractice, evaluations, trauma, injuries, ptsd, developmental delays, juries, bipolar, depressive disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, pain disorders, sexual problems, family, marital, mental health issues Services include psychological testing, family custody evaluations, training for professionals, individual therapy, family therapy, behavior management programs, brief therapies, agency consultation, staff training, clinical supervision therapists, group homes for emotionally handicapped, children with special needs, adolescents, developmentally delayed dual diagnosed people, law enforcement personnel regarding treatment for alcohol emotional problems they experience, analyze assess personal injury accidents trauma provide forensic evaluations expert testimony in both civil criminal courts, evaluations for mental disability, intellectual disability organic brain disability associated with the full range of disorders including alcohol substance abuse problems, criminal behavior

  • Licensed Psychologist (NY, NJ)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (NY)
  • National Register of the Council of Health Service Providers in Psychology
  • Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (ASPPB)
  • Certificate of Clinical Training in Psychology (NJ)
  • Post-Doctoral Certificate in Family Forensics, Washington Square Institute (NY)
  • Forensic Psychologist Expert, New York City Assigned Counsel Program
  • Approved Forensic Psychologist for NJ Office of the Public Defender
  • Telepsychology Competencies Credential (TCC) from the National Register and The American Psychological Association Insurance Trust (APAIT)
  • Forensic Custody Evaluation Certificate (N.Y.S. Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence)


  • Ph.D. 1979, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.A. 1974, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY (Clinical Psychology)
  • B.A. 1971, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (Psychology)

CURRENT FORENSIC AND EXPERT WITNESS PRACTICE: This Expert has offices in New York and New Jersey and can consult nationally on cases as a clinical forensic psychologist, He is available on-site or via telehealth for all 42 PSYPACT-approved states or US territories: AL, AZ, AR, CO, CNMI, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, ND, NV, NH, NJ, NC, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY.

ASPPB (The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards).This expert has met all requirements for an E.Passport that granted him the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) in PSYPACT participating States. He has also obtained an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC) and a Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP) from the PSYPACT Commission that permits him to temporarily provide in-person, face-to-face practice of psychology across jurisdictional boundaries for up to 30 days per year without obtaining additional State licenses. CNMI refers to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Unrelated to PSYPACT, consultation in California, Massachusetts and several other states permitted by statute.

Preface: I received my PhD in 1979 and worked as a psychologist for the next four years for the largest foster care and group home agency in Brooklyn, NY (St. Vincent’s Home, School and Clinic, Catholic Charities). I have been a licensed psychologist since 1981. I have worked full-time over the last 40 years in independent practice as well as agency positions that gradually increased in responsibility to the point that I served for five years as the Director of a large mental health system for a community of over 100,000 Native Americans in Oklahoma. Upon my return to New York, I was hired as the Clinical Director of a large County Mental Health clinic (Dutchess County, NY) that served dual-diagnosed patients (with mental health, developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders and psychosis). My doctoral dissertation at Wisconsin-Madison was on criminal behavior and I have been involved in Forensic work in various capacities since that time. Forensic Psychologist consultant for the Rockland County (NY) Department of Mental Health Forensic Unit, Court Evaluation Service (2006-2018) providing court ordered forensic evaluations involving custody, visitation, competency, criminal responsibility, child abuse/child sexual abuse/neglect, domestic violence and juvenile delinquency/juvenile sexual offender risk assessments. Staff Forensic Psychologist for Rutgers-The State University of NJ, Biomedical and Health Services, University Behavioral Healthcare (2011-2021) assigned to East Jersey State Prison in Rahway. I have been qualified as Psychologist expert in State and Federal Courts. As an expert witness, I have been qualified numerous times as a Psychologist, Child Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Expert in Child sexual abuse, Expert in Domestic violence, Expert in child custody cases and other areas. as an expert Psychologist in Domestic Violence/Intimate partner violence, in a Hague Litigation Matter, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. I have listed below many kinds of cases I consider myself experienced in as a forensic psychologist because I have actually worked on these actual kinds of civil, criminal and family court cases. Additionally, over the years I personally have diagnosed and treated thousands of patients, in outpatient, inpatient, alcohol/drug rehabilitation, residential schools and correctional settings and supervised other clinicians in clinical matters.

  • Criminal behavior: I provide the review and analysis of criminal behavior. Received PhD from the University of Wisconsin with a doctoral dissertation entitled: “Criminal Behavior and Arousal: Test of a Theory,” Presented a paper at the APA annual meeting: ‘Criminal Behavior, Individual Differences and Emotional Implications.” Published article on the applications of Parental Acceptance-Rejection theory to forensic Psychology (2009). Mental health panel expert of the NYC Assigned Counsel program. Approved forensic psychologist for the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender. Criminal case assignments include “death row” evaluation for the Federal Public defender (AZ), evaluation for the Dutchess County public defender in murder case
    (NY), triple homicide/kidnapping case (PA), Defense expert witness in murder cases related to “Battered Woman Syndrome (IA, OK, KY, MO, NY, NJ, VA), psychological consultant in a Capital Quadruple Murder case (MO). Expert witness in child sexual abuse and physical abuse (MT, NY, NJ), evaluation of a Military defendant and consultation to counsel regarding a Court Martial (related to allegation of spouse abuse, child sexual abuse). Experienced in the following crimes, assignments and evaluations:

1. Murder, Multiple murders, Rape, Robbery, Bank robbery, Conspiracy, Arson, Assault, Burglary, Sexual assault, Sexual abuse, Child abuse, Child sexual abuse, Domestic violence, Hit and Run, DWI, Vehicular Homicide, Use of child pornography and White-Collar Crime (embezzlement, fraud).

2. Evaluations performed in County, State, City of New York, County jails in other states and Federal correctional facilities.
3. Mental impairment/diminished capacity assessment.
4. Assessment of competency to stand trial.
5. Criminal behavior affected by intellectual, mental, cognitive and emotional disability.
6. Clinical assessment of personality, psychopathology, organic deficits and intelligence.
7. Administration and analysis of objective and projective psychological tests.
8. The effects of alcohol and various kinds of drug abuse on criminal intent and behavior.
9. Assessment of acute vs. chronic alcohol use as related to DUI sentencing.
10. Chronic and acute effects of various substances (alcohol, cannabis, opioids, fentanyl, etc.) on cognitive functioning, and emotional reactions in suspects, offenders, accusers and witnesses.
11. The assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder related to violent crimes.
12. Assessments to rule-out malingering of posttraumatic stress disorder.
13. Clinical Assessment and detection of Malingering and Deception in defendants.
14. Not guilty by reason of insanity/criminal responsibility.
15. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its effects on criminal behavior.
16. Battered Woman Syndrome as a legal defense.
17. Effects of domestic violence and symptoms of battered women.
18. Analysis of intimate partner violence.
19. Effects of intimate partner violence on children.
20. False arrest
21. False confession.
22. Coerced confession
23. Assessment and evaluation of incarcerated defendants.
24. Dangerousness, criminality assessment, recidivistic sex offenders.
25. Administration of actuarial tests and other indicators of recidivism and future risk.
26. Sex offender re-offense risk assessments.
27. Pre-sentence Family studies and Bio-psycho-social evaluations,
28. Immigration/deportation matters (the effects on family of person to be sentenced or possibly deported).
29. Police officers and post-traumatic stress disorder.
30. Victim Assessments
31. Mitigation reports prior to sentencing.
32. Review of interview transcripts and recordings of other investigators (therapists, caseworkers, and police) related to standards and protocols used in assessing children about alleged child sexual abuse.
33. General characteristics of false allegations of child sexual abuse and domestic violence.
34. General Characteristics of Children of Sexual Abuse.
35. Appropriate Investigative Child Interview Techniques (protocols) in Child Abuse Cases.
36. Problems with children’s testimony (suggestibility, recantation, memory issues, delayed outcry, the phenomena of “Believed-In Imaginings”).
37. Forensic interviewing of children.
38. Interview protocols used in assessment of children alleged to have been sexually abused.
39. Rebuttal witness to other experts who promote “syndrome evidence” such as “child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome” (CSAAS), and “intrafamilial child sexual abuse syndrome,” testifying about alternative explanations for symptoms associated with these syndromes.
40. The phenomena of delayed disclosure in child sexual abuse and rape.
41. Explanation and discussion of myths and realities in true and/or false allegations of child sexual abuse.
42. Testimony about “red-flag” indicators of possible child sexual abuse.
43. Research on causes of eyewitness identification error, memory and perception.
44. Stalking and harassment.
45. Crime sprees, mass murders.
46. Gangs
47. Media consultation.
48. Parental-acceptance-rejection syndrome related to homicide, depression and other aberrant behavior.
49. Rejection sensitivity related to criminal acts.
50. Pornography, internet addiction, inappropriate use of on-line sites.
51. Cross-cultural factors in the assessment of defendants.
52. Litigation Consultation to legal team regarding analysis and pertinent issues of a case.
53. Assessment of complex psychological dynamics and “counterintuitive victim behavior” specific to complex domestic violence cases (delay in reporting, not leaving, numerous unexplained inconsistencies).
54. Analyst for CBS evening News regarding “the Craig’s list killer.” Analyst for WABC TV (Inside Edition) regarding the segment on “the BTK killer.”
55. Featured forensic psychologist on Netflix series “Inside the criminal Mind” episodes on famous cult leaders and kidnappers/kidnapping victims (2018). Featured forensic psychologist on “Crime stories with Nancy Grace” regarding accusations of domestic violence in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation case (4/20/22) and other segments related to murder (2022).
56. Effects of PCP on criminal intent/behavior.
57. Internet behavior and addiction.
58. Child sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy.


  • I continue to have a small independent practice as a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist providing psychological, marital and family therapy services to a broad spectrum of clients. I have experience and have supervised other clinicians in the treatment of clients with bi-polar and other depressive disorders, personality disorders (including borderline personality), anxiety disorders, pain disorders, sexual problems, victims of domestic violence, trauma, grief and loss, child sexual abuse, alcohol/drug problems, organic/brain dysfunction as well as family and marital issues. Experienced in psychotherapy and psychological testing. Consultative expert evaluations to assess children and adults for intellectual, emotional and mental abnormalities as defined by federal regulations. Expert witness for the Office of Hearings and Appeals related to disability claims.
  • Agency consultation: Process consultation to agencies to improve team effort and communication and reduce conflict. Facilitation of executive and leadership committee meetings and goal setting. Staff training and clinical supervision of therapists (domestic violence clinic).
  • Consultant to agencies that include: outpatient and inpatient alcoholism and drug abuse treatment centers, schools, foster care agencies as well as a variety of group homes for emotionally handicapped, children with special needs, adolescents, developmentally delayed, autistic and dual-diagnosed people.
  • Training of colleagues in short-term, intensive therapy modalities (brief therapies) in role as founder of the Hudson Valley Satir Training Group. This group provides experiential, growth workshops based upon family systems theory for professionals and the public.
  • Psychological Consultant to Attorneys to educate lawyers about various aspects of mental health.


FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST RUTGERS BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES (RBHS), UNIVERSITY BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE (2011-2021): This was a half-time Forensic Psychologist staff position for Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey. I provided specialized forensic and psychological testing and assessment of patients, which included psychological diagnosis, psychosocial history, trauma history, criminal history, child abuse/neglect and alcohol/substance abuse assessments. I provided Forensic and Psychological report writing, communication of findings to other staff, consultation with other agency staff, including social workers, physicians, nurses and psychiatrists as well as referral to the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General for civil commitment. I conducted and reviewed forensic evaluations including suicide assessments, sex offender specific assessments, risk assessments of sexually violent predatory patients, assessment of malingering of emotional and mental symptoms, assessment of patients reporting sexual and physical assaults and related evaluations to assess risk of dangerous behavior toward self and/or others. I was assigned to East Jersey State Prison (EJSP) in Rahway, New Jersey where I provided the above services to inmates who had special emotional and mental health needs. Other tasks included pre-release evaluations, suitability for work detail, changes in level of custody, disciplinary evaluations related to competency to attend court and administrative segregation evaluations. I also provided crisis intervention, training of corrections officers in suicide prevention, individual and group psychotherapy as well as experiential psychodrama groups for inmates.

FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST ROCKLAND COUNTY (NEW YORK) DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH FORENSIC UNIT, COURT EVALUATION SERVICE (2006-2018): Consulting Forensic Psychologist for the Rockland County courts providing court ordered forensic evaluations involving custody, visitation, competency, criminal responsibility, child abuse/child sexual abuse/neglect, domestic violence and juvenile delinquency/juvenile sexual offender risk assessments referred by Family and Supreme Court Judges as well as the Department of Mental Health. Duties included face-to-face interviews with all parties involved, psychological testing and interpretation, actuarial tests to assess risk, custody reports, court testimony, consultation with probation officers, mental health staff, attorneys, judges and other agencies involved in legal/psychiatric issues. Evaluations performed at the County office building or Rockland County Correctional Facility. Court appointed forensic evaluator/expert witness in the assessment of domestic violence, assessment of parental capacity, emotional and developmental needs of children, parental alienation, child sexual abuse and neglect, criminal behavior and other aspects of psychological assessment in court related matters.

DIRECTOR OF MENTAL HEALTH, ALCOHOL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES, THE CHEROKEE NATION OF OKLAHOMA, TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA (1983-1988). In this role, I developed and administered an extensive mental health and addiction services program for 100,000 Native Americans in a 9,000 square mile area. Program administration tasks included the provision of psychological services, the supervision of a variety of other mental health professionals, the development of school-based, outpatient and inpatient programs, and the leadership and development of a number of mental health and alcoholism/substance abuse staff training work-shops for service providers and clients. Provided direct care and supervision of all cases and specialized in substance abuse treatment, assessment/validation/treatment of child sexual abuse/physical abuse/child neglect, domestic violence, suicide/depression and grief/loss. I was responsible for all fiscal over-sight, grant writing, budgets, interviewing and hiring of staff, policy and procedures for the mental health and substance abuse programs. Developed a model residential chemical dependency treatment center for Native American adolescents and coordinated efforts with the State and Federal agencies such as the Indian Health Service

CLINICAL SUPERVISOR, CLINIC FOR THE MULTI-DISABLED. DUTCHESS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY, (1988-1991). Clinical Director of a mobile team to supervise and provide services for dual-diagnosed patients (Intellectually impaired/ developmentally impaired/Emotionally/Mentally impaired) and provision of advanced training for professional personnel, consultation to staff of Group Homes, Respite Homes, Sheltered Workshops and Supportive/Supervised apartments. Coordination and development of treatment plans/behavioral plans for clients in relation to State Standards and various agencies. Provided assessments of patients (children and adults) with organic brain syndrome, intellectual impairment, and psychosis, as well as ongoing direct care and supervised treatment. I supervised all treatment plans, quarterly reports and administration of the mobile program clinical services. Supervised cases included sexual abuse/assault of clients by other clients and/or staff, substance abuse and co-morbid conditions related to posttraumatic stress disorder, developmental and organic problems.

I had clinical responsibility for psychological services provided to children and teenagers residing in three group homes and 120 foster homes. In this role, I developed staff training programs, policies, and procedures for both organizational guidelines and therapeutic outcomes. I provided assessment and therapy services for children and teenagers who were traumatized by foster parents or group home staff [or who traumatized the staff], biological parents and inner-city crime. Cases included anti-social personality disorder, bi-polar personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder as well as child/adolescent sexual abuse victims.


Bergen Family Center, Court Services Program (Hackensack, New Jersey): Providing court ordered forensic evaluations involving custody, visitation, and relocation for Bergen County Superior Court.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Performing assessments of police officer candidates. This includes reviewing of all written testing material and other relevant documentation, as well as performing one-to-one interviews with candidates, to determine their suitability for employment and/or fitness for duty. I provide legally defensible clinical reports that clearly document evaluation findings in terms of candidate suitability.

New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, Division of Disability Determinations: Providing consultative expert evaluations to assess children and adults for intellectual, emotional and mental abnormalities including post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit disorder, childhood emotional problems, developmental disabilities, organic disabilities (due to brain trauma. seizure disorder and stroke), alcohol and drug abuse problems as well as pervasive developmental disorders as related to federal guidelines for disability determination.

United States Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings and Appeals: Providing review records, interrogatories and testimony at appeals hearings involving disability related to emotional and mental problems; consultation to attorneys and their clients by providing independent medical evaluations related to disabilities as defined by Federal listings.

Rutgers Law School, Rutgers Urban Legal Clinic: Assist clinic legal team with client needs; specifically provide risk assessment and evaluation for defendant use concerning parole board hearings and other consultation as needed.

New York City Police Department, Department Advocate’s Office: Provided consultation and testimony to support prosecution of NYPD detective in relation to reasons for delayed disclosure in a sex abuse case.

New York City Patrolman’s Benevolent Association. Services to law enforcement personnel regarding treatment for alcohol and emotional problems as well as fitness for duty evaluations. Served as a clinician for the member assistance program of the New York City Patrolman’s Benevolent Association.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Served as an EAP clinician for agents and staff of the DEA.

Rockland County De-briefing team: Member of CISD team serving police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians who have been involved in traumatic situations and the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, grief and loss.

United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Executive Office of Immigration Review: Forensic Evaluation Team: Fully vetted, trained and under contract with Sterling Medical and the DOJ. In this capacity, he functions as the U.S. Court’s expert to perform competency examinations for the Executive Office of Immigration Review for detained people, who have been flagged as possibly having a mental illness.

Hamaspik of Orange County Inc.: Providing positive behavior management plans and staff training in Group Homes for developmentally delayed children, adolescents and adults and performing evaluations for referral and placement. Consultation to administrative staff regarding adherence to state regulations regarding clinical treatment.

The Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn, New York: Providing consultation to legal staff about the Battered Woman Syndrome as a defense and helped prepare for a Clayton Hearing. Providing CLE workshop for legal staff on Battered Woman Syndrome.

Volunteer Counseling Service, New City, New York: Volunteer Supervisor of Counselors. This is a domestic violence clinic that serves abused women.
Consultant: Edwin Gould Academy, Chestnut Ridge, NY – 1995-1996.
I provided psychological evaluations for the Committee for Special Education Team Meetings. These adolescents were adjudicated as juvenile delinquents and referred to this facility by the New York City Courts.

Consulting School Psychologist, New York City Board of Education – 1982-1983.

Private Practice with Children, Adults and Families, Douglaston, NY – 1981-1983.

Clinical Psychology Internship, Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, Hammonton, NJ – 1977.
This was inpatient and outpatient treatment and diagnosis of psychiatric patients.

Clinical Psychology Internship, Psychology Department, Johnstone Training and Research Center, Bordentown, NJ – 1976-1977. I was trained in assessment and psychotherapy with patients who had organic brain syndrome, retardation and personality problems.


Rockland County (NY) Council on Alcoholism, Certified Alcohol Counselor Training Program – 1995-1997. I taught several courses on alcoholism issues related to Native American and Jewish populations as well as on intervention techniques.

Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY – 1988-1992. Professional Development Faculty (Concurrent with Practice).

Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Tahlequah, OK – 1986-1990. Adjunct Associate Professor. Conducted classes in clinical techniques in the Department of Social Work. I commuted back to Oklahoma several times to teach these weekend mini-courses.


Certificate in Basic Theory and Practice of Eclectic Cognitive Behavior Therapy from Long Island University and the New York Center for Eclectic Cognitive Behavior Therapy, awarded December 2010.

Post-Doctoral Certificate in Family Forensics awarded by the Family Forensics Training Program of the Washington Square Institute of Psychotherapy and Mental Health, New York, NY (A program chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York). This is a certification program in Family Forensics. This two-year certification program included training and coursework in child development, adolescence, family, parental assessment and significant issues in conducting custody evaluations. The program requirements included an externship and a final research paper. 2006 –2008.

Apprenticeship in Family Therapy and Empowering Leadership with Virginia Satir– 1986

Residential Training and Performance Development Program, Satir Institute of the Southeast – 1998-1999.


American Psychological Association, Lifetime member.

APA Div. 41, Psychology and the Law, member.

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Clinical Fellow.

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC).

The Virginia Satir Avanta Network

The Orange County (New York) coalition against domestic violence.

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).

The National Register of Health Service Psychologists.

ASPPB (The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards) Certificate of Professional Qualification, CPQ).


“Exceptional Contribution to Our Community as a Volunteer Clinical Supervisor,” presented by the Volunteer Counseling Service of Rockland County (This is a domestic violence agency serving battered women), NY, June 2000.

“Outstanding Services to the Cherokee People,” presented by Wilma Mankiller, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, June 1988.

ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (A current list of all recent continuing education is available upon request).



PUBLICATIONS: Available upon request.

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