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Provides Testimony In

Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Orthopaedic, Trauma, Conscious Sedation, Intubation, Lumbar Puncture, Femoral Line, External Jugular, Central Line Access, Laceration Repair, Fracture and Dislocation Reduction, Splinting,Evaluation, Diagnosis & Treatment Of Patients Ranging Pediatrics to Geriatrics, All Levels Acuity Common, Low Level Acuity, Complex Medical Patients, Minor & Complex Laceration Repair, Stabilization & Admission Patients to Hospitalist Service Transport to Higher Level Care, Stabilization of Orthopaedic Injury Fracture, Splinting & Dislocation Reductions, Medical Screening, Appropriate Lab Work Imaging, Disposition & Aftercare Follow-Up, Conscious Sedation, Intubation, Lumbar Puncture, Femoral Line, External Jugular IV, Central Line Access


To work as part of a collaborative healthcare team to provide exceptional patient care and to contribute to the advancement of medicine through a lifetime dedication to the field.


University of Oregon 2004

  • Bachelors of General Science, minors in Chemistry and Biology

Loma Linda University 2007

  • Masters of Physician Assistant Sciences

Positions Held

United Wound Healing: Puyallup, WA
January 2, 2017

  • Providing wound care to area skilled nursing facilities
  • Initial evaluation, planning and coordinating care with Skilled Nursing Facility and Physicians.

Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant – EmCare, Palmdale Regional Medical Center and Lompoc Valley Medical Center
Santa Barbara, CA
March 2013 to present

  • High volume emergency room, 240-280 daily census
  • Duties: evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of patients ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics. All levels of acuity to include: common, low level acuity to complex medical patients. Minor and complex laceration repair. Stabilization and admission of patients to hospitalist service and/or transport to a higher level care. Stabilization of orthopaedic injury including fracture, splinting and dislocation reductions. Medical screening with appropriate lab work and imaging. Disposition and aftercare for follow-up.
  • Conscious sedation, intubation, lumbar puncture, femoral line, external jugular IV, central line access.

Saint Charles Medical Center, Redmond Emergency room, Physician Assistant, per diem: Redmond, OR
September 2011 to June 2014

  • Low volume emergency room 75-100 daily census
  • Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of low acuity patients ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics.
  • Laceration repair, fracture and dislocation reduction, and splinting.
  • Appropriate lab work and imaging. Diagnosis, discharge and aftercare instructions.

Neurosurgical Physician Assistant – Northwest Brain and Spine: Bend, OR
September 15, 2010 to May 2014

  • Neurosurgical First Assist in brain and spine cases, including trauma with management of patient’s pre/post-surgery, ortho/neuro floor and ICU.
  • Hospital: daily rounds, progress notes, ordering and evaluation of appropriate labs and diagnostics, discharge summaries.
  • First call for ED consults and admissions, direct admissions.
  • Clinic: evaluation, assessment of patients with initial presentation, diagnosis and treatment plan to my attending surgeon.  PA post op clinic, charting, clinic mailbox review and return of patient questions and concerns. Medication refills.
  • Trauma call : 1-2 times per a week and every fourth weekend.

Locum Tenens, Staff Care, Salem Health, PA Hospitalist: Salem, OR
June 2010 – September 2010

  • I worked with a hospital based group to provide inpatient management to a variety of patients ranging from pre-op clearances, post-surgery management, to ED admissions of patients with acute and/or complex medical problems
  • Lab review, ordering of appropriate lab work and imaging, anticoagulation therapy, consult with specialist, daily round, discharge and after care.

Faculty/Instructor – OHSU Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, Neuroscience ICU: Portland, OR
March 2009 –June 2010

  • The Neurocritical care ICU – 17 bed unit. I worked in partnership with faculty attending physicians, neurosurgery, fellows, residents and medical students to provide excellent clinical care in the treatment and management of complex medical and neurological conditions within the ICU environment with an emphasis in Neurocritical care.
  • Responsibilities: admissions, pre-op workups, appropriate tests, initial care plans,  patient  stabilization, ACLS, consults with appropriate subspecialist as needed, am rounding
  • Patient population included high acuity post operative patients, brain tumors, subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain-Barre, bacterial and viral meningitis.
  • Procedures performed: placement of arterial and femoral lines, central venous catheters, subclavian catheters, swan-ganz,  PICCO , ventilator management, lumbar punctures, chest-tubes, endotracheal intubation-anesthesiology assisted, conscious sedation

Faculty Orthopaedic Surgical Physician Assistant Sept. 2007- June 2010: Bend, OR

  • Surgical First Assist- foot, ankle and trauma team.
  • Hospital: As an extension of my surgeon I performed: pre and post-operative orders, In-patient admissions, orthopaedic and wound care consults, daily rounding which include decision making per individual surgeon’s protocol for all orthopaedic and medical concerns, H&Ps, progress notes, discharge planning and follow-up care, ER consults, work-up and admissions, hematoma blocks, fracture reductions, splint and cast placement.  Communication with my surgeon(s) regarding patient status and progress.
  • Clinical: Post op, re-check, new patient exams
  • Wound care clinic: Management and debridement of minor to complex wounds in high risk patients with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, vasculopathies, and renal disease.
  • In-office procedures: steroid joint injections, foot, hand, shoulder, knee and hip. I&D of abscesses, simvisc joint injections, splinting/casting.

Current Licensure/Certification

Physician Assistant, Certified – NCCPA 10-2007,
Physician Assistant Board California – Licensed
1993 – Present AHA BLS Instructor
AHA ACLS Instructor


Intermediate Medical Spanish

Academic Positions Held

2009-2010 Oregon Health and Science University, Faculty Instructor

Professional Affiliations

National Commission on Certified Physician Assistants
American Academy of Physician Assistants – 2007 to present
American Academy of Physician Assistant in Legal Medicine- 2016
Neuro Critical Care Society
American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine
Association for the Advancement of Wound Care
Society of Critical Care Medicine
American Heart Association
National Ski Patrol

Volunteer Experience

American Heart Association 1993 – Present
National Ski Patrol 1997 – 2010
Ronald MacDonald House 2001
Volunteers in Medicine 2001- 2007
The Center for the Cascades, Wound Management Clinic 2003-2005
Loma Linda University – Sac Norton Clinic Community Health Fair 2005-2007


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