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Provides Testimony In

Neonatal Pediatric Certified Nursing, Neonatal Advanced Life Support NRP, Injury Trauma Abuse Neglect, Surgeries, Procedures, Rehabilitation, Convalescent, Team Leader, Adult Medical Surgical, Pediatric Special Care Unit, Neonatal ICU, High Risk Deleveries, Clinical Nurse, Advanced Life Support Certification ALS, Registed Nurse, LNC, Emergency Cardiac Care, Basic Life Support First Aid Instructor,

Education & Training

  • University of South Dakota School of Nursing, 1986
  • Western Schools Continuing Education Programs, 1988-present
  • Southwestern College BLS Instructor Training, AHA, 2004
    Advanced Life Saving Training, Sharp Mary Birch Hospital, San Diego, CA, 2011
  • Legal Nurse Consulting 1998-present

Continuing Education Units

  • Legal Aspects of Nursing
  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Diabetic Nursing Care
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Deciphering Lab Data
  • Phlebotomy
  • Transcultural Nursing
  • Comprehensive Intravenous Therapy
  • Safety Training
  • Central and Arterial Lines
  • AHA Basic Life Support Instructor
  • Neonatal Critical Care
  • Advanced Life Saving
  • Intubation
  • Central Line Placement
  • Thoracentesis
  • Radial Arterial Puncture
  • Professionalism in Nursing

Professional Certifications

  • Registered Nurse/Advanced Clinical Nurse III
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care
  • Basic Life Support Provider
  • Basic Life Support/First Aid Instructor
  • Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NRP)
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Certification
  • Advanced Life Support Certification (ALS)

Medical Review Experience

  • Numerous cases reviewed involve moderate to extensive multi-system bodily injury/trauma/abuse/neglect, surgeries, procedures, and a large variety of medical complications resulting in prolonged treatments/disabilities/or death associated with the pediatric and neonatal population.
  • Serve as a practicing Neonatal/Pediatric Nursing Expert.
  • Extensive Medical Record and Deposition Reviews
  • Personal Injury
  • Wrongful Death
  • Malpractice Litigation
  • Trial Experience

Nursing Experience

Sharp Grossmont Hospital-Women and Newborn Center (San Diego,CA)
ALS Nurse, Charge Nurse, Advanced Clinical Nurse, Neonatal L3 ICU Nov 2021-present

Responsible as Charge Nurse of the L3 Neonatal ICU/Bedside infant care/Advanced Life Support Nurse attending all high risk deliveries, solely responsible for managing the complete immediate resuscitation of the newborn infant. Responsible for intubation of the compromised premature or full term infant in respiratory arrest/distress, placement of umbilical venous and umbilical arterial central lines, radial arterial puncture for blood gas/lab values, and throacentesis. Managing and assisting with the complex infant plan of care associated with every high risk delivery and care of the compromised infant in the Neonatal ICU. Responsibilities also include serving as a patient/family advocate and resource nurse.

Scripps Mercy Hospital and Medical Center/Scripps Rady Children’s Hospital and Medical Center (San Diego, CA)
ALS Nurse, Clinical Nurse III, Neonatal ICU-March 2011-Sept 2021
Responsible as Charge Nurse of the Neonatal ICU attending all high risk deliveries without the presence of the neonatologist, solely responsible for managing the complete immediate resuscitation of the newborn infant. Responsible for the intubation of the compromised premature or full term infant in respiratory arrest/distress, placement of umbilical venous and umbilical arterial central lines, radial arterial puncture for blood gases/lab values, and thoracentesis for pneumothorax. Managing or assisting with the complex infant plan of care associated with every high risk delivery and compromised infant admitted to the Neonatal ICU.

Scripps Mercy Hospital and Medical Center (San Diego, CA)
Certified Neonatal Nurse, Clinical Nurse III, Neonatal ICU-July 2005-Sept 2021
Responsible for delivering care to compromised premature and full term infants to meet the complex needs of the neonate in critical situations. Experience encompasses the vast array of high risk diagnoses and illnesses that present to the neonatal population. Continued use of Standards of Care to develop and implement individualized written plans of care, serving as a patient /family advocate and resource person, and regularly employing professional and comprehensive technical skills . Responsibilities also include ongoing instruction in lifesaving skills, and injury prevention.

Member of the Unit Practice Council Sharp Grossmont NICU Nov 2021-present
Responsible for the review/revision of current unit specific standards/policies/practices. Includes problem solving, staff education and quality assurance.

Member of the Unit Based Neonatal Mock Code Committee Nov 2021-present
Responsible for coordination and direction of Mock Codes providing credentialing of highly skilled resuscitation competencies to all ancillary hospital staff. Ongoing collaborative quality improvement associated with Critical Care of the Newborn.

Chairperson/Member of Neonatal ICU Collaborative Practice Committee
Jan. 2010-Sept 2021 Responsible for review/revision of current policies/practices, problem solving, and ongoing staff education issues and resolutions.

Chairperson of Unit Based Neonatal Advanced Life Saving (ALS) Committee
March 2011-Sept 2021
Responsible for assisting with review/revision of ALS practices and policies associated with the NICU. Ongoing collaborative problem solving and resolution with physicians and interdisciplinary team associated with the care of the high risk infant.

Chairperson of the Unit Based Satellite Neonatal Mock Code Committee
June 2018-Sept 2021
Responsible for coordination and direction of Mock Codes providing credentialing of highly skilled resuscitation competencies to all ancillary hospital staff. Member of Satellite Rady Children’s Mock Code Committee. Ongoing collaborative quality improvement associated with Critical Care of the Newborn.

Scripps Mercy Hospital and Medical Center (San Diego, CA)
Charge Nurse, Clinical Nurse III, Pediatrics/ Pediatric Special Care Unit
Oct. 1989-Jul.05
Responsible for delivering care specific to meet rapidly changing patient needs in complex care situations. Experience encompasses the broad spectrum of illnesses, injuries, traumas, medical and metabolic disorders that present to the pediatric population. Utilization of Standards of Care to develop and implement individualized written plans of care. Responsibilities also include overseeing the unit to ensure that it runs efficiently and safely, maintaining professional interactions with the multidisciplinary team, serving as a patient advocate and resource person, and regularly employing comprehensive technical skills.

Chairperson of Pediatric Collaborative Practice Committee, June 2004-Jul.05 Responsible for ongoing staff education, problem solving, policy reviews and revisions.
Member/former Chairperson (unit-based) Pediatric Practice Committee,
Nov. 1986-July 2005
Serve as an expert on medical policies, procedures, and documentation, continuously creating and revising policies and procedures based on the Standards of Care. Worked on a task force to redesign documentation format.

Scripps Mercy Hospital and Medical Center (San Diego, CA)
Adult Medical-Surgical Unit, Clinical Nurse II
Nov. 1986-Oct. 1989
Responsible for the care of acute and chronically ill patients suffering from cardiac, respiratory, neurological and metabolic disorders. Experience included terminal care.

California Convalescent and Rehabilitation Hospital (La Mesa, CA)
Charge Nurse, Team Leader, Clinical Nurse
June-Nov. 1986
Primarily worked on the Rehabilitation unit, with occasional responsibilities in Geriatrics. Emphasis of care was on physical therapy, occupational therapy, extensive charting, transcription, and comprehensive treatments.


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