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Provides Testimony In

Patents, Patent Validity, Patent Infringement, Semiconductors, Solar Cells, Flat Panel Displays, Patentability Analysis, Electronics Packaging


  • 1986-Present, President,
    Currently working with several firms to invalidate patents via extensive research finding prior art and preparing claim charts.
    Providing analysis of patents, products and inventions to determine both patentability and potential infringement.
  • May 2011 completed mediation training taught by Arizona State Attorney General’s office
  • February 2002 became registered US PATENT AGENT 50,308 after successfully passing examination on first attempt.
  • Continuing research on advanced technologies focused of displays including the latest touch screen and organic display developments. Preparing to write a new book on display related technologies.
  • Filing and prosecuting numerous patents in the mechanical, electrical and business methods fields.
  • Completed work on major licensing project for semiconductor technology including wafer fabrication and device assembly, client is European based semiconductor manufacturer and other party which is a major semiconductor manufacturer based in the U.S. Reviewed over 4000 patents as part of a technical team and prepared numerous claim charts based on those patents and physical analysis of potentially infringing devices.
  • Evaluated several IP portfolios, identified best IP, established license opportunities, assisted in determining potential infringement.
  • Taught numerous seminars for both technical and nontechnical groups in electronics technology


  • Served as an expert witness on solar cell modules and their application, case settled in client’s favor.
  • Served as expert witness in patent infringement involving key process step in LCD fabrication, confidential agreement reached.
  • Served as expert witness in case involving LCD panel manufacturing
  • Served as expert witness in case involving: semiconductor packaging for outside environments.
  • Served as consulting expert in case involving LCD construction details
  • Served as expert witness in cases involving: semiconductor patents.
  • Served as expert witness on semiconductor processing patents and semiconductor material manufacturing.
  • During 2003 and 2004, was contributing editor for “Chip Scale Review” magazine profiling patents and technology of interest to advanced semiconductor packaging.
  • In 1999 served as an expert witness in electronics manufacturing litigation in a contact dispute
  • In 1995 served as expert witness for semiconductor capital equipment manufacturer in patent infringement litigation.


Founded Consultar Inc., a strategic technology consulting firm in 1986. The areas of expertise include: semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor equipment, display technology, patents and patent infringement, electronic assembly, medical electronics, mechanical devices and solar cells.

1965 to 1986 Various positions in the high technology industry:
Companies included:

  • Medtronic (heart pacemaker electronics) (1984 to 1986)
  • General Semiconductor (transient voltage suppressor products) (1983 to 1984)
  • Adjunct faculty Arizona State University (1982 to 1983)
  • Spire Corporation (1981 to 1982)
  • Raytheon (military microelectronics) (1979 to 1981)
  • Martin-Marietta (High-volume military microelectronics)(1977 to 1979)
  • Motorola (specialty semiconductors) (1967 to 1977)
  • National Semiconductor (1967)
  • Bendix Semiconductor (1965 to 1967)


1964 graduate Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
Focus on Semiconductors
Advanced management courses at Raytheon
Course work for patent examination

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