Provides Testimony In
Balance, Tinnitus, Tepezza, Cholesteatoma, Cochlear Implant, Concussion, Deafness, Dizziness, Imbalance, Facial Nerve, Head Trauma, Hearing Loss, Ear Injury, Airbag, Menieres, mTBI, Malpractice, Geriatric, Patent, Disability, TBI, Vertigo, Ear ringing, Motor Vehicle Accident, Ear, Takata, Pediatric, COVID, IME.
University of Florida College of Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor — 2022–Present
Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine
Nitinetics, LLC — 2005-Present
Providing consulting, expert witness, and IME services. Specializing in dizziness, hearing loss, TBI, tinnitus, facial paralysis, and otologic medical devices IP.
Private Immunodominant, LLC — 2022-Present
Chief Medical Officer
Aiding in the development of antiviral therapies and research on protein expression, purification, and crystallization.
University of Florida Health Jacksonville
Associate Professor and Interim Chief, Division of Otolaryngology — 2019-2022
Director of Cochlear Implant Program and Surgical Staff, UF Health Skull Base Center — 2015-2022
Chief, Division of Otolaryngology — 2013–2015
Interim Chief, Division of Otolaryngology — 2012–2013
Associate Professor — 2010-2022
Courtesy Clinical Associate Professor — 1998–2010
Assistant Professor — 1991–1994
Mandarin Hearing and Balance Center — 1998-2013
Private Practice
University of Pennsylvania — 1994-1998
Director, University of Pennsylvania Balance Center and Assistant Professor
Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey
Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, Geology and Geophysics 1977
Graduate School
Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Master of Arts in Biochemistry 1979
Medical School
Rutgers Medical School Piscataway, New Jersey
Medical Doctor 1983
Law School
Florida Coastal School of Law Jacksonville, Florida
Juris Doctor; Law Review editorial staff; Phi Delta Phi 2008
Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas
Neurotology 1993–1994
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee
Otolaryngology 1987–1989
Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Virginia
Otolaryngology 1984–1986
Indiana University Hospitals Indianapolis, Indiana
General Surgery 1983–1984
- Florida Medical License Current
- American Board of Otolaryngology
- Board Certified, Neurotology 2012
- American Board of Otolaryngology
- Board Certified 1990
- Associate Professor 2010–Present
- Chief, Division of Otolaryngology 2013–2015
- Interim Chief, Division of Otolaryngology 2012–2013;2019-2020
- Courtesy Clinical Associate Professor 1998–2010
- Assistant Professor 1991–1994
- University of Florida Health – Jacksonville 1991-Present
- St. Vincent’s Hospital – Southside 2009-Present
- Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville — 2005-2009
American College of Healthcare Executives (Fellow)
American Neurotology Society (Fellow)
American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
American College of Surgeons (Fellow)
Triological Society (Fellow)
Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Duval County Medical Society, Board of Directors, Member, 1998 to Present
Immediate Past President, 2009
President, 2008
President Elect, 2007
Vice President, 2006
Secretary, 2005
Florida Medical Association
Greater Jacksonville ENT Society
Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society
Society of NASA Flight Surgeons
Space Medicine Branch, Aerospace Medical Association
Aerospace Medical Association
American College of Physician Executives
Florida Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Society of University Otolaryngologists
American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology
Nashville Academy of Otolaryngology
Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Pennsylvania State Medical Society
Philadelphia College of Physicians
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Virginia Society of Otolaryngology
Duval County Medical Society (DCMS), 1998–Present
Committee on Ethical & Judicial Affairs, Chair, 2015–Present
Member, 2013–Present
Election Committee, 2015–Present
Northeast Florida Legislative Committee, 2012–Present
Member, 2005-Present
Council of Past Presidents 2009–Present
Judicial Committee, 2006–Present
NASA Visiting Researcher, 1991–Present
University of Florida—Jacksonville
Value Analysis Team Committee
Resident Education Committee
Operating Room Operations Committee
EPIC Care Ambulatory Advisory Group
American Neurotology Society, Research Committee
American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
General Otolaryngology Education Committee, 2011–2013
SIPAC Committee, 1994–1995
Patient of the Month Committee, 1994–1995
Professional Liability Committee, 1994–1995
DCMS Ad Hoc Committee on Legislation, 2009
Florida Medical Association
Reference Committee III Legislation, 2012
Task Force on Medical Staff Autonomy, 2009
Ad hoc Committee on Model Hospital By-laws
Committee on Medical Economics
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, 2006–2009
Committee on Managed Care, 2007–2008
Memorial Hospital Continuing Medical Education, 2004–2005
DCMS Constitutional Amendment and Tort Reform Committee, 2004
University of Pennsylvania
Admissions Committee, 1996–1997
Investigational Drug Committee, 1996–1997
Medical Center Resident Selection Committee, 1996–1997
Medical School Admissions Committee, 1996–1997
Medical Student Research Award Committee, 1996–1997
NIH Peer Review Consultant, 1994
University of Florida Health Science Center
Vertigo Clinic Co-Director, 1992–1994
Ambulatory Surgery Committee, 1992–1994
Cancer Committee, 1992–1994
Clerkship Committee, 1992–1994
Faculty Council, 1992–1994
Joint Practice Council for Medicine and Surgery, 1992–1994
University of Florida Resident Selection Committee, 1993
Vanderbilt University Resident Selection Committee, 1988
TBI associated dizziness, coronavirus, HLA antigens, motion sickness, middle ear implants, computerized bone grafts, and skull base tumors
Self-crimping Stapedectomy Prosthesis, U. S. Patents
Surgical Bone and Cartilage Shaping using CAD/CAM, U.S. Patent
Space Shuttle mission STS-54 PARE.02 parts sharing program, Principal Investigator, “Effects of Microgravity on Rat Masseter Muscle.”
Space Shuttle mission research, Co-Investigator, “Adaptation of Otolith Responses Assessed by OffVertical Axis Rotation.”
Honduras, “Jungle Hospital,” February 2016. Provided basic medical care to indigenous people of the region.
Flight Surgeon Training, Johnson Space Center, 1993.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, 1992.
Mode 6 Shuttle Rescue Exercise, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), 1992.
Skull Base Workshop, Ear Research Foundation, 1992.
Midas Rex Skull Base Surgery Course, Ear Research Foundation, 1992.
KSC Shuttle Emergency Medical Support Course, Kennedy Space Center, 1991.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, University of Florida, 1991.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Vanderbilt University, 1989.
Laser Surgery Course, Vanderbilt University, 1989.
Basic ENT Science Course, University of Iowa, 1985.
COURSES TAUGHT: Available upon request.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Available upon request.
PRESENTATIONS: Available upon request.
GRANTS AWARDED: Available upon request.
PUBLICATIONS: Available upon request.
POSTERS: Available upon request.
INTERVIEWS: Available upon request.
AWARDS AND HONORS: Available upon request.
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