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Provides Testimony In

Occupational Therapy, Senior Safety, Lymphedema, Occupational therapist, Neurological conditions, CVA, stroke, brain injury, Cardiac conditions, Joint protection, Ergonomics, Body Mechanics, Orthopedic injuries, Evaluations, Assessments, Discharge Planning ,Documentation, Billing, Lymphedema, Home modifications, Safety, Balance, Aging, Aging in Place, Oncology, Cognition, Supervision, Ethics,

Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Touro University Nevada, School of Occupational Therapy


OTD (Doctor of Occupational Therapy) Creighton University, Omaha, NE, 2012
Capstone: Developing Cultural Competence and Leadership Skills through Foreign Outreach
Professional Rotations: Academia/Adjunct Professor at Touro University Nevada
Teaching neuro-rehabilitation to Chinese and Japanese trained therapists, China
Developed a rehabilitation guide for foreign trained occupational therapists
B.S. (Bachelor of Science) in Occupational Therapy Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 2002

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor, Touro University Nevada, School of Occupational Therapy, July 2012-June 2018
Associate Professor, Touro University Nevada, School of Occupational Therapy, July 2018-present
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Touro University Nevada, School of Occupational Therapy, July 2018-present
Current Courses:
OTDV 508 Introduction to Fieldwork
OTDV 526A Level I Fieldwork- Children & Adolescents
OTDV 630A Level I Fieldwork for the Adult
OTDV 651 Occupations of the Older Adult
OTDV 651A Level I Fieldwork for the Older Adult
OTDV 657 Integration of Learning in Occupational Therapy
OTDV 660 Fieldwork II A
OTDV 662 Fieldwork II B

Previous Courses:
OCTV 500 Fundamentals and Foundations of Occupational Therapy
OCTV 635 Occupational Analysis and Evaluation II
OCTV 636 Special Topics: Emerging Practice
OCTV 644 Preparation for Professional Practice
OCTV 645 Occupational Analysis and Evaluation III
OCTV 652A/B Management of Occupational Therapy Service Provision I & II
OTDV 701 Advanced Theoretical Applications in Occupational Therapy
OTDV 707 Advanced Health & Wellness

University Service: Committee Membership
Strategic Planning Committee Winter 2021-present
Student Scholarship Committee Spring 2020-present
OT Fieldwork Subtask Committee, Summer 2019-present
School of OT Orientation Planning Subtask Committee- Summer 2018-present
Interprofessional Education Subtask Committee, Fall 2018-present
Interprofessional Education Committee, Fall 2017-present
Pi Theta Epsilon Faculty Advisor, Touro University Nevada, School of OT, Summer 2017-2020
Faculty Search Committee, Chair, Touro University Nevada, Spring 2017-2018
Student Progression Committee, Touro University Nevada, School of OT, 2014-present
International Rotation Committee, Touro University Nevada, Fall 2012-present
Strategic Planning Committee, Touro University Nevada, Summer 2012-2014

Clinical Experience

Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital of Henderson- Henderson, NV
Occupational Therapist, September 2007-March 2020
Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation: Evaluate and provide client-centered treatment to individuals with illness, conditions, diseases, or injuries that impair occupational performance; supervise Level I and II OT FW students
Case Manager, January 2012-June 2012
Coordinate patient care during hospital stay and post discharge, provide patient and caregiver education, assist team and patient with discharge planning.

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania- Philadelphia, PA
Occupational Therapist-Lead Therapist and Certified Lymphedema Therapist; OT Professional Affairs Leader, June 2004- September 2007
Evaluate and provide client-centered treatment to individuals with illness, conditions, diseases, or injuries that impair occupational performance; provide annual educational in-services to staff; mentor new staff members; supervise Level I and II OT FW students.
Aegis Therapies-Philadelphia, PA
Occupational Therapist, March 2003-June 2004
Skilled Nursing Facility/Independent Living and Assisting Living Facility: Evaluate and provide client-centered treatment to individuals in long-term care facilities who suffer from physical, cognitive, and/or mental illnesses that impact occupational performance and engagement.
Delaware County Memorial Hospital-Drexel Hill, PA
Occupational Therapist, July 2003-2007
Inpatient Rehabilitation and Acute Care: Evaluate and provide client-centered treatment to individuals on the inpatient rehabilitation unit who are experiencing impairments in occupational performance areas due to surgery, illness, disease, and/or injury.

Other Professional Positions

Nevada Occupational Therapy Association, Treasurer, September 2017-June 2020
Expert Witness, State of Nevada Board of Occupational Therapy, Winter 2018
Peer Reviewer for Doody Enterprises: Measuring Occupational Performance Supporting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy, 3rd Ed., April 2017
State of Nevada Board of Occupational Therapy, Chair, February 2016-December 2017
State of Nevada Board of Occupational Therapy, Vice Chair, February 2015-2016
State of Nevada Board of Occupational Therapy, Board Member, January 2013-December 2017
Peer Reviewer for Doody Enterprises: Theoretical Basis of Occupational Therapy, 3rd Ed., March 2015


Cognitive Approach to Influencing Motor Performance in Adolescents with hfASD; Co-Investigator
Validating the Weekly Calendar Planning Activity and Executive Functioning Abilities with Adolescents with hfASD;
IPE Building Block Party event: Student perceptions on IPE events; Research Assistant
Use of standardized patient experiences as Predictors of Fieldwork Performance: A pilot study. Primary Investigator. IRB approved

Media Coverage and Community Outreach

Interview by Sodoma, B. (2017, July 1) (in press). Universal design makes homes accessible and pleasing. Las Vegas Review Journal.
Interview by Przybys, J. (2015, September 15) (in press). Kids’ backpacks shouldn’t weigh them down. Las Vegas Review Journal.
Fox 5 News and Channel 8 Appearances- Backpack Awareness 2014-2015

Professional Presentations

Enclothed Cognition: The Psychology of Fashion and its Impact on Mental Health presented June 1, 2019 at Nevada Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Henderson, NV.
Rock ‘N’ My Workout: Using music-based exercises to promote balance, functional strength, and mobility in participants at an adult day care center. Short course (1.0 hour) presented at Arizona Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2018, Phoenix, AZ.
Commanding Your Space: A Brief Introduction to Honing and Developing Your Executive Presence presented June 7, 2018 at Touro University Nevada.
Leadership Success in Higher Education presented May 6, 2018 at Touro University Nevada.
Utilizing Performance-Based Assessments to Transform the Evaluative Process for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments. Workshop presented at American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference 2018, Salt Lake City, UT.
Getting Behind the Wheel: Adolescents Diagnosed with high-functioning ASD and Simulated Driving
Short Course presented at American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Utilizing a Cognitive Based Strategy to Influence Occupational Performance in Adolescents with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Short Course presented at American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference 2017, Philadelphia, PA.
Using the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach to Improve Motor Performance presented at Research Day 2017 at Touro University Nevada.
Using the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach to Improve Motor Performance. Short course (1.0 hour) presented at Nevada Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2016, Las Vegas, NV.
The Role of the OT in Primary Health Care, Valley Hospital Medical Center: Family Medicine Residency Program, 2015, Las Vegas, NV.
Incorporating a service-learning project at a community-based camp setting into occupational therapy curriculum. Poster Presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Conference, 2014, Baltimore, MD.
Spinal cord injury and Skin Protection Strategies, presented at Rebuilding All Goals Efficiently (RAGE) SCI
Network, 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Lymphedema Education, presented to Touro University Nevada Physical Therapy Class, 2013-present
Neuro-rehabilitation and OT in The U.S., Neurorehabilitation Conference, China, 2012

Continuing Education

American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conferences
Can I Get a Witness? A Therapist’s Guide to Becoming an Expert Witness, Medbridge, February 2021
AOTA Education Summit, October 2019
Mental Health Series through Touro University Nevada’s Certificate of Mental Health Wellness and Knowledge offering, Student Counseling Services July 2019
AFWCC-Academic Leadership Council Meeting, April 2019
Institute (AOTA), Becoming an Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2019
Nevada Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conferences
AOTA Fieldwork Educator Certificate Program Workshop, March 2019, Philadelphia, PA
Annual Stakeholder’s Summit for Dementia Capable Care Transitions: Better Care and Better Outcomes, Las Vegas, NV, January 2018-2019
Senior Home Safety Specialist Course, Age Safe America, January 2019
Dealing with Dementia Workshop, Nevada Senior Services, Las Vegas, NV, February 2019
Pi Theta Epsilon Evening with a Scholar, Vision 2025: A Vision for High Value, High Impact Occupational Therapy, Touro University Nevada, November 2018
Academic Impressions Women’s Leadership Success in Higher Education Conference, Orange County, CA, March 2018
Interprofessional Education Institute, Touro University Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, October 2018
Conflict Resolution, Touro University Nevada Academy Presentation, December 2017
Interprofessional Practice and Education, Touro University Nevada Academy Presentation, May 2017
Pi Theta Epsilon Evening with a Scholar, Mild Stroke in the Community: The Future is Technology Driven, Touro University Nevada, November 2017
NBCOT Inaugural State Regulatory Leadership Forum, New Orleans, LA, May 2016
Strategies for Success: Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP), Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Workshop, Kelowna, British Columbia, May 2016 & August 2016
Scholar Practitioner Mentor for Doctoral Student at St. Catherine University, January-May 2016
AOTA Chronic Disease Management Specialty Conference, Orlando, FL, December 2016
Institute, Professional Inquiry: Everything You Need to Know about Data Analysis, AOTA 2015, Nashville, TN
Nevada Legislature Day, March 2014
Hands on Advocacy: A Visit to Capitol Hill, April 2014
Occupational Therapy Education Summit, Colorado State University, June 2013
AOTA Stroke Specialty Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2012

Certifications and Licensure

Psychology of Leadership, Cornell University, February 2020
Senior Home Safety Specialist, 2019
Certified Aging in Place Specialist, 2015- present
Certified Ergonomics Specialist, 2008-present
Occupational Therapist Licensure, State of Nevada, 2007-present
Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), 2004-present
National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy, 2003-present
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification, 2000-present


American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) (#4305823)
Nevada Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA)




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