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Board Certified Occupational Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Independent Medical Examinations, IMEs, Workers Compensation, Case Management, Short Term Disability Evaluations, Long Term Disability Evaluations


I have a solo private practice in Occupational Medicine. My goal is to provide quality workers’ compensation and personal injury medical services. I have extensive experience performing Independent Medical Examinations, case management, short and long term disability evaluations, MRO and peer-to-peer/chart review services. I am available for expert testimony. Administratively, I provide consultation services for program and outcomes evaluation. I am the Medical Director for a third party administrator.


Associate Faculty
Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Hygiene and Public Health
A private university
September 1996 to present

Responsibilities: Lectures given for Occupational Medicine course as part of Residency training on Workers’ Compensation Managed Care, Independent Medical Examination and Medical Review Officer duties.


University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, MD
May 1989     M.S. Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine
May 1983     M.D.

Davidson College, Davidson, NC
May 1979 B.S. cum laude Biology


Occupational Medicine, February 1993, American Board of Preventive Medicine
American Board of Independent Medical Examiners 2000, Certified Independent Medical Examiner
Medical Review Officer Certification Council


State of Maryland October 1985
State of Maryland Controlled and Dangerous Substances License
State of Delaware March 2000

Professional Memberships

Fellow, American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Maryland College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine President 1997-1998
Baltimore City Medical Society


General Surgery Internship 1983:84 Orthopaedic Surgery 1984:86
Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine 1987:89
Co-Chief Resident July 1988-June 1989
University of Maryland Hospital/School of Medicine

Past Employment

January 1997 to November 1998
Statutory Benefits Management Corporation
Vice President, IWIF Comprehensive Care
Responsibilities:In charge of managed health care program contracted by the State of Maryland Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund. Supervised all aspects of the program including nurse case management, independent medical examination, durable medical equipment, prescription services, vocational rehabilitation, peer review, network development and bill processing. Worked closely with computer staff and first report of injury services. Prepared Quarterly, Annual and Outcomes reports. Duties included working with professional vendors and marketing, senior IWIF management and adjusters. Medical case review for [WIF Legal and Claims, and nurse case managers. Management for budget and staff of approximately 70. Duties with SBMC included preparation of documents for accreditation, presentations for marketing including other State Accident Funds, medical review of cases for Risk Management and forensic claims divisions.

August 1996 to January 1997
Director, Occupational Medicine Spectera, Inc.
Responsibilities:This position preceded employment at SBMC under subcontract for IWIF. Duties included peer-to-peer review, development and supervision of independent medical examination process and network, medical case review for IWIF Legal and Claims, and nurse case managers.

Associate Director
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
The Johns Hopkins University

September 1993 to August 1996
The Johns Hopkins University
Instructor, Department of Medicine
Responsibilities:Clinical supervision of outpatient Workers’ Compensation clinic at the Bayview campus, including direct patient care and administrative duties. Acute and chronic injury management for John Hopkins University System including School of Medicine, Graduate School and other employees at all campuses. Patient care, site visits and marketing of other local private, State and Federal employers including injury care, prevention programs, preplacement and surveillance examinations. Development of drug screening programs. Supervision of clinical staff in satellite clinics for workers’ compensation. Supervision of residents in Occupational Medicine. Performed majority of impairment evaluations for JHU.

July 1989 to August 1993
Staff Physician St. Paul & Biddle Medical Associates
Responsibilities:Acute and chronic care for Workers’ Compensation and personal injury group practice. Performed Independent Medical Examinations. Gained experience with depositions and court testimony at District, Circuit and Federal Court levels.

July 1986 to June 1989
Staff Physician Central Medical Center
Responsibilities:Acute and chronic care for Workers’ Compensation patients including trauma, surveillance and pre-employment examinations, and drug screening. This included some routine general medical practice for the community and State employees.


Available upon request.

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