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Provides Testimony In

Neuropsychology Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuropsychology, traumatic brain injury, neuropsychological evaluation, comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, psychological neuropsychological testing, objective measurement of brain impairment, peer review, dementia, ADHD Learning Disorders, Anxiety Adjustment Disorders, competency assessment, psychology, disability determination,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Psychologist, State of Connecticut

Current Practice and Professional Experience

September, 1992 – present
Director of Neuropsychological Services.  A private, not-for-profit rehabilitation long-term acute and chronic care hospital, CT.  Patient assessment and intervention, staff training, program development, student supervision.

January, 1989 – Present
Independent Practitioner.  A Neuropsychological Services Clinic, CT.  Psychological and Neuropsychological services.

December, 1986 – August, 1987
Clinical Psychology Consultant.  Psychology Department, Health Psychology Program.  VA Medical Center.  Newington, CT.  Program development, clinical assessment, and intervention.

January, 1984 – July, 1985
Associate Staff Psychologist.  Mansfield Training School.  Mansfield Depot, CT.  Assessment, case management, staff training and supervision.

January, 1980 – September, 1982
Assistant Staff Psychologist.  Monson Development Center.  Palmer, MA. Assessment, case management, program development, staff training and supervision.



Ph.D.   University of Connecticut, Storrs.  Psychology (clinical).
M.A.   University of Connecticut, Storrs.  Psychology (clinical).
B.S.    University of Massachusetts at Amherst.  Psychology and Economics (cum laude).

Clinical Training

September, 1987 – August, 1989
Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Neuropsychology.  Institute of Living.  Hartford, CT.

July, 1985 – June, 1986
Clinical Psychology Intern.  Greater Hartford Clinical Psychology Internship Consortium.
Primary placement:  Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Newington, CT.

May, 1983 – August, 1983
Clinical Psychology Extern.  Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Newington, CT.



American Psychological Association
National Academy of Neuropsychology
Connecticut Psychological Association
Connecticut Neuropsychological Society (past president)
Brain Injury Association of Connecticut (advisory board)



Available upon request.


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