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Neuropsychology Psychology Board Certified, Toxic Exposure, Traumatic Brain Injury, Psychcological Trauma, Biological Sciences, Clinical Neuropsychology, Medical Examiner, Neuropsychologist, Assessment


  • B.A. Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1970
  • M.S. Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1974 Ph.D.
  • Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1978
  • ABPN, Diplomate, Professional Neuropsychology, American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, 1995
  • ABPP (CN), Diplomate, Clinical Neuropsychology, American Board of Professional Psychology, American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1996

Non-degree programs:

  • Summer School of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1974 Counseling in Alcoholism
  • New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princeton, NJ, 1974 Behavior Modification Training Program
  • California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, CA, 1979 – 1982 Doctoral Specialty Certificate Program


Licensed Psychologist, California, Michigan; New Mexico, Texas, Qualified Medical Examiner, California Division of Workers’ Compensation (1990-2018) Walnut Creek Hospital, Courtesy Medical Staff (1984-2000)
(Member, Consulting Board of Directors, 3/92 to 3/00) John Muir Behavioral Medicine
Prior Licenses as Psychologist: Arizona and Utah

Clinical Neuropsychologist, private practice, Walnut Creek, CA
Expertise includes psychodiagnostic and neuropsychological assessment, consultation, forensic evaluations (civil/personal injury, criminal, disability and fitness for duty), in-patient and out- patient treatment, acute rehabilitation treatment, and intern supervision, 7/83 to present.

Consulting Neuropsychologist, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA
Serving as U.S. Department of Energy Human Reliability Program Designated Psychologist and responsible for security related evaluations to certify individuals as safe and reliable regarding access to dangerous materials, 9/08 to 12/23.


Senior Consulting Neuropsychologist, NeuroLegal Sciences, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ and Albuquerque, NM. Conducting forensic neuropsychological evaluations, 11/98 to 2008.

Director, Psychological Services, Walnut Creek Hospital.
Responsible for providing psychological and neuropsychological assessment in an acute psychiatric setting, 4/97-3/00.

Director, Sequoia Independent Practice Association, Walnut Creek, CA.
Co-founder of a mental health practice group of 50 member doctors and therapists. The IPA was responsible for the mental health care of up to 30,000 insured individuals. Through 1994, as Vice- President, I was responsible for utilization review of all on-going treatment. Through 1995-1998, as President, I oversaw all administrative functions of constituent Psychological and Medical Corporations including credentialing, utilization review, quality assurance, and integration of service agreements with local hospitals.

Consulting Neuropsychologist, Coordinator of Psychological Assessment Services, CPC Walnut Creek Hospital. Responsibilities included supervision of psychological and neuropsychological assessment conducted within hospital, coordination with training programs, coordination with treatment planning, and development of credentialing and review procedures, 1/93 to 6/94.

Consulting Neuropsychologist, Adolescent Treatment Center, John Muir Medical Center.
Responsibilities included psychological and neuropsychological assessment related to substance abuse disorders, treatment planning, staff consultation and supervision, 11/90 to 6/93.

Consulting Neuropsychologist, North Coast Rehabilitation Center, Santa Rosa, CA.
Responsibilities included neuropsychological assessment, psychotherapy, treatment and discharge planning, and treatment team consultation with patients in acute rehabilitation following head injuries, strokes, or spinal injuries, 7/88 to 1/89.

Consulting Clinical Psychologist, Spectrum Psychology Associates, Berkeley, CA.
Responsibilities included psychodiagnostic and neuropsychological assessment of inpatients and outpatients, and supervision of interns, 7/83 to 12/84.

Staff Psychologist, Program Co-director, Progress Assessment System, California Medical Facility, Vacaville. Developed and administered a treatment and assessment system for psychotic and psychotic-in-remission inmates and applied the system to individual evaluations, treatment planning, and program evaluation and development. Duties also included supervision of clerical staff, student assistants and trainees, consultation with clinical and custody staff, and direct services with inmates, 8/82 to 11/84. Promoted from Graduate Assistant, 12/81 to 7/82.

Psychological Assistant/Post-Doctoral Fellow, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Kaiser
Permanente Medical Center, South San Francisco. Duties included conducting individual, family, and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, psychodiagnostic and neuropsychological evaluations and consultation with other hospital departments (e.g. Medicine, ER, Neurology), 8/82 to 6/83.

Post-Doctoral Psychology Intern, Youth Guidance Center, Psychiatric Clinic, San Francisco.
Clinical duties included conducting psychological and neuropsychological assessments, individual and family therapy, crisis intervention, and providing consultations with Juvenile Court staff,
9/81 to 6/82.

Psychological Assistant/Post-Doctoral Psychology Intern, Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, Drug Detoxification Project, and Psychological Services, San Francisco. Duties included conducting short- and long-term psychotherapy, psychological and neuropsychological evaluations, supervising practicum level interns, developing a referral system, serving as liaison between clinic divisions, and participating in training of intake volunteers, 9/80 to 8/82.

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Langley-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, Dept. of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco. Conducted psychopharmacological studies on the relationship of ethanol tolerance and dependence to neuronal membranes, on lipid involvement in opiate receptors and on endogenous opiate antagonists, 12/78 to 8/80.

Group Leader, Behavior Modification Program, Alcoholism Unit, New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princeton, NJ. Provided individual and group counseling using behavior modification techniques, 9/74 to 7/75.

Graduate Research Assistant and Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University.
Conducted psychopharmacological studies on ethanol consumption and dependence and on the determination of pharmacological treatments for dependence; responsible for training and supervising undergraduate research assistants, 7/71 to 9/78.


  • Director, Psychological Assessment Services, Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA 9/09 to 8/16. Responsible for teaching psychological and neuropsychological assessment, and providing clinical supervision to doctoral level psychology students/interns.
  • Adjunct Faculty. NeuroLegal Sciences, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ and Albuquerque, NM
  • Developed and presented continuing education programs for attorneys on brain injury and neurolegal litigation, 11/98 to 2008.
  • Adjunct Faculty, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley/Alameda.
  • Taught courses in Sensation and Perception, and Biological Bases of Behavior, 9/86 – 12/86, 9/87 – 12/87, Intellectual Assessment, 1/88 – 5/88, and Psychodiagnostic Assessment, 9/88 – 6/89, 9/89 – 6/90.
  • Lecturer, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley.
  • Taught review seminar in psychological and neuropsychological assessment, 5/83. Taught licensing review seminar in physiological psychology, 10/84, 5/85, 9/85, 4/86.
  • Contract Faculty, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley.
  • Taught Review for Comprehensive Exams, a clinical psychology survey course, and developed portions of the Comprehensive Exam, 1/81 to 6/81.
  • Teaching Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers University.
  • Instructor in Introductory Psychology, 9/75 to 1/76.


  • Busch Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Rutgers University, 1973-74 and 1974-75
  • National Research Service Award Post-doctoral Fellowship, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1978-79
  • Interdisciplinary Training Program Post-doctoral Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco, 1978-80


  • California Psychological Association
    Member, Board of Directors, 1985-1992; Chair, Chapter Affairs Task Force, 1988 and 1989; Chair, Membership Committee, 1990; Chair, Short-Term Therapy Committee, 1993; Member, Board of Directors, 2010-2012.
  • Contra Costa Psychological Association
    Member, Board of Directors, 1984-1993; Secretary, 1984-1985; President, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988; Chair, Hospital Practice Committee, 1986-1993; Governmental Affairs Chair, Representative to CPA, 1985-1992; Member, Board of Directors, Chapter Representative to CPA, 2010 to present; Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee, 2010 to present; President-Elect, 2011- 2013; President, 2013-2015, Past-President, 2015-2017.
  • American Psychological Association
  • National Academy of Neuropsychology
  • Society for Personality Assessment
  • International Neuropsychology Society
  • Northern California Neuropsychology Forum, President-Elect, 2006-2007; President, 2007-2008; Past- President, 2008-2009
  • Learning Disabilities Association
  • Brain Injury Association


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