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Provides Testimony In

Neuropsychology Forensic, Neuropsychology Forensics, Forensic Neuropsychology, Neuropsychology, forensic neuropsychology, forensic neuropsychodiagnostics, neuropsychological testing, neuropsychological evaluation, comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, objective measurement of brain impairment, peer review, traumatic brain injury, neurological diseases, dementia, licensed psychologist, disability determination, clinical neuropsychology, validity, record review, expert testimony, personal injury, workers compensation, criminal, neuropsychological examination, IME, neuropsychological assessment, claimant, head injury, neuropsychologist, head trauma, clinical psychologist, Alzheimers disease, therapy, learning disorder, psychotherapy, learning disability, rehabilitation, ADD, chronic pain, ADHD, pain management, Malingering, liability, response bias, brain injury, Parkinsons disease, clinical psychology, symptom validity,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Tabor Academy (Marion, Massachusetts); High School Diploma, (1982-1985)

University of Massachusetts (Amherst, Massachusetts); B.S., Psychology, (1987-1991)

University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina); Ph.D., (1991-1998)
Clinical Psychology (APA-Accredited)

Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Florida Health Sciences Center (Gainesville, Florida); (1997-1998)

Clinical Psychology Internship (APA-Accredited)

Postdoctoral Training

University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan); (1998-2000)
Clinical Neuropsychology Residency, Geriatric Neuropsychology Track (APA-Accredited,)


Michigan Limited Doctoral Psychologist License (1998-2000)

Connecticut Psychologist License (2000-Present)
Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut) – 2000 to 2004

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Department of Psychiatry,
University of Connecticut Health Center (Farmington, Connecticut) – 2001-2004

Clinical Activities

Facilitator, Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group, Health South Rehabilitation Center (Columbia, South Carolina).1993-1995

Clinical Psychology Extern, Reception and Evaluation Center, South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (Columbia, South Carolina).1993-1994

Clinical Psychology Extern, Birchwood School, South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (Columbia, South Carolina).1994-1995

Psychological Examiner, Reception and Evaluation Center, South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (Columbia, South Carolina).1994-1996

Clinical Psychology Extern, Richland Springs Psychiatric Hospital (Columbia, South Carolina).1995-1997

Consultant, University of Connecticut Huskies Athletic Teams, and Co-Director, Concussed Collegiate Athlete Testing Program (Storrs, Connecticut; With Jeffrey M. Anderson, M.D., Head Physician, University of Connecticut Department of Athletics) 2001-2003

Consultant, Learning Disabilities Association of Connecticut (Hartford, Connecticut)

Consultant, Connecticut Superior Courts for Juvenile Matters (New Haven, Bridgeport, and Waterbury, Connecticut)2002-2005

Staff Neuropsychologist, Comprehensive Neuropsychological Services, P.C. (Cheshire, Connecticut)2002 – Present


Available upon request.

Scientific Activities

Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer, Including Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition; Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology; Brain and Cognition; Epilepsia; Psychological Assessment; The Clinical Neuropsychologist

Teaching Activities


Teaching Assistant, Research Methods in Psychology and Psychology of Marriage and Family; Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina)

Course Instructor, Social Psychology and Psychology of Marriage and Family; Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina)

Honors Thesis Committees, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Supervision of undergraduate research assistants in neuropsychologic evaluations; Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Course Instructor, PSYC 135 (General Psychology II Enhanced; Fall and Spring Semesters; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)

Supervision of undergraduate honors theses; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)


Teaching Assistant, Cognitive and Personality Assessment; Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina)

Supervision of clinical psychology interns; Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

“Understanding the Clinical Neurologic Examination” (Workshop presented to clinical psychology interns; Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center [Ann Arbor, Michigan])

Supervision of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)

“Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Window to the Subcortex and Brainstem” (Invited presentation to staff neuropsychologists and postdoctoral fellows in clinical neuropsychology; Hartford Hospital [Hartford, Connecticut])

“An Introduction to Functional Neuroimaging of Human Cognition with MRI: Principles, Challenges, and Applications” (Invited presentation to behavioral neuroscience graduate students; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut [Storrs, Connecticut])

Course Instructor, (Research Design and Test Construction; Fall Semester; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut [Storrs, Connecticut])

Course Instructor, (Advanced Practicum in Clinical Neuropsychology; Spring Semester; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut [Storrs, Connecticut])

Course Co-Instructor, (Neurobiology of Aging; Spring Semester [Alternate Years]; With Etan Markus, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut [Storrs, Connecticut])

“(A Very Brief) Introduction to Forensic Neuropsychology” (Invited presentation to clinical psychology graduate students; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut [Storrs, Connecticut])


“Something for Everyone: Principles of Group Psychotherapy with Medical Psychiatric and Geropsychiatric Inpatients” (Invited workshop presented to psychiatric nursing personnel; Richland Memorial Hospital [Columbia, South Carolina])

“Introduction to the Clinical Neuropsychologic Examination” (Invited workshop presented to PGY I residents; Department of Neurology, University of Michigan Medical Center [Ann Arbor, Michigan])

“Neuropsychologic Assessment of Dementia” (Invited presentation to PGY II and IV residents; Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut Health Center [Farmington, Connecticut])

“Introduction to Functional MRI in Psychiatry” (Invited presentation to PGY III residents; Department of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut Health Center [Farmington, Connecticut])

Committee and Administrative Service

Postdoctoral Psychology Program Liaison to Psychiatry Residency Program; University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Faculty Advisor to Committee on Diversity in Clinical Psychology; Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)

Institutional Review Board; University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)

Criminal Justice Minor Advising Committee; University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut)

Honors and Awards

Psi Chi (National Psychology Honor Society)

Recipient, Honorable Mention, South Carolina Psychological Association Graduate Student Paper Competition (Columbia, South Carolina)

Nominee, Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina)

Recipient, Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Executive Council of the South Carolina Psychological Association (Columbia, South Carolina)

Recipient, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Training Grant, University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Recipient, Letter of Commendation in Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Michigan Medical Center (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Memberships and Offices in Professional Societies

1991-Present – Psi Chi (National Psychology Honor Society)

1992-Present – American Psychological Association

1993-Present – Division 40 (Division of Clinical Neuropsychology)

2002-Present – Division 41 (American Psychology-Law Society)

1993-1997 – South Carolina Psychological Association

1994-1997 – Graduate Student Affiliate, Legislative Committee

1995-1997 – Associate Editor, Association Newsletter;Graduate Student Representative, Executive Council

1995-Present – International Neuropsychological Society

2000-2001 – Scientific Program Committee Member, Annual Conference (Chicago, Illinois)

2001-2002 – Scientific Program Committee Member, Annual Conference (Toronto, Ontario)

2002-2003 – Scientific Program Committee Member, Annual Conference (Honolulu, Hawaii)

2001-Present – Connecticut Psychological Association

2001-2004 – Association of Doctoral Education in Clinical Neuropsychology

2003-2004 – Secretary

2004-Present – New York Neuropsychology Group

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