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Neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, forensic neuropsychology, forensic neuropsychodiagnostics, neuropsychological evaluation, psychological neuropsychological testing, comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, objective measurement of brain impairment, peer review, traumatic brain injury, ADHD learning disorders, school consultation for child community reintegration, disability evaluation, licensed psychologist, board certified disability determination, pediatric neuropsychology, due process, record review, expert testimony, personal injury, workers compensation, criminal, divorce, collaborative divorce, collaborative practice, Collaborative Divorce Team of Connecticut,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Emory University – APA Approved Clinical Psychology Program
Atlanta, Georgia
1979 – 1989

Ph.D., January 1989
M.A., August 1983
Graduate Student Fellowship 1979, 1980

Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
1975 – 1979

B.A., Psychology
Durant Scholar (summa cum laude)
Phi Beta Kappa

Clinical Experience

Independent Practice
A Neuropsychological Services Group
Cheshire, Connecticut
September 1992 – present
Clinical and forensic neuropsychological examination; outpatient psychotherapy with children, adults and families; neuropsychological rehabilitation with children, adolescents, and adults; consultation to attorneys for litigation support, schools for educational planning, and community-based rehabilitation teams for community reintegration; Coaching and Child Specialist services in Collaborative Divorce practice.

Independent Practice
Downey and Pasadena, California
November 1985 – August 1992
Individual psychotherapy with children and adults, neuropsychological examination, neuropsychological rehabilitation and adjustment.

Neuropsychology Staff
NeuroCare, Inc.
Pasadena, California
April 1990 – August 1992
Neuropsychological services for post-acute head injury rehabilitation center – Residential, Day Treatment and Community and Home programs; neuropsychological examination; group therapy; stress management; educational groups for patients and families; consultation with and supervision of staff.

Staff Psychologist, Department of Psychology
St. Jude Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
Fullerton, California
September 1985 – September 1990
Assessment and treatment of brain-injured, spinal cord injured, and stroke patients in acute hospital setting; neuropsychological assessment; outpatient psychotherapy with non-medical and medical patients; group therapy; educational groups for patients and families; crisis intervention; psychological consultation for acute medical patients.

Consultant, Pediatric Aids Project
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, California
June 1987 – June 1990
Development and implementation of neuropsychological assessment battery for transfusion infected HIV positive children ages 3 – 8, for Centers for Disease Control/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/Los Angeles County joint research project.

Clinical Psychology Intern
Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program
APA Approved Clinical Psychology Internship Program
Los Angeles, California
September 1983 -August 1984
Individual, group and family short- and long-term psychotherapy with a broad range of patients; behavioral medicine track including stress management, biofeedback, and consultation and liaison psychiatry rotations; crisis intervention; neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations.

Psychology Intern
Village of St. Joseph
Atlanta, Georgia
September 1981 – August 1983
Provided psychological consultation, evaluation and treatment services in this residential treatment setting for children and adolescents with learning, behavioral and emotional difficulties:  weekly individual and group therapy, bi-monthly family therapy, psychoeducational evaluations, individual treatment plan development, parent education, home visits, parent-teacher staffings, intake evaluations, classroom observation, staff consultation, supervision of junior intern.

Staff Psychologist, Department of Psychology
University and Community Counseling Center
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia
September 1980 -August 1983
Short- and long-term individual psychotherapy with undergraduate, graduate and community outpatients; group psychotherapy with college students; case presentations; psychological evaluations; weekly team supervision meetings.

Papers and Presentations

Presentation, “Objective Discrimination of Valid from Invalid Claims in Brain Function Impairment,” CPA Annual Convention, CT, 2004.

Presentation, “Systematic Measurement of Brain Impairment Claim (In)Validity,” CIRMA, CT, 2004.

Presentation, “Systematic Measurement of Brain Impairment Claim (In)Validity,” In-service Workshop, State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission, CT, 2004.

Presentation, “Measuring Brain Impairment Claim (In)Validity,” In-service Workshop, Liberty Mutual Insurance, CT, 2004.

Presentation, “Building Social Competency in the School Setting,” Southbury Schools, CT, 2001.

Presentation, “Neuropsychologically-Informed School Psychology,” Hamden Public Schools, CT, 2000.

Presentation, “Traumatic Brain Injury in Children, Issues Affecting School Systems”, Wallingford Public School System, CT., 1998.

Papers available upon request.

Professional Organizations

American Psychological Association
Connecticut Psychological Association
Connecticut Neuropsychological Society – past secretary
Brain Injury Association of Connecticut, Inc.
The Collaborative Divorce Team of Connecticut


Connecticut – Psychologist
Diplomate:  American Board of Professional Disability Consultants
Fellow:  Academy of Learning and Developmental Disorders

Continuing Education

“Evaluation of Mild Closed Head Injury in Civil and Criminal Litigation,” Jeffrey T. Barth, Ph.D., State of Connecticut Whiting Forensic Institute, Middletown, CT, October 9, 1992.

“Meeting the Needs of Children with ADHD and Other Disruptive Behavior Disorders:  Behavioral and Cognitive Strategies,” Lauren Braswell, Ph.D., Clifford W. Beers Guidance Clinic, Inc., New Haven, CT, October 8, 1993.

“Pediatric Neuropsychology,” Neuropsychological Associates of California, February 11 – 12, 1994.

“Psychology at the Crossroads – Moving Toward Models of the Future,” The Connecticut Psychological Association 8th Annual Convention, Sheraton Inn Waterbury, Waterbury, CT., October 27 – 29, 1994.

“New Advances in the Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive Deficits in School-Aged Children,” 1995 West Coast Neuropsychology Conference, San Diego, CA, April 7 – 9, 1995.

“Altered Child Development:  Neuropsychological Aspects of Brain Injury and Recovery,” Sixteenth Annual Conference, New York Neuropsychology Group, New York, NY, April 29, 1995.

“Building A Future For Students With Brain Injuries,” sponsored by The May Institute, Radisson Inn, Marlboro, Massachusetts, March 7, 1997.

“The Evolution  Away From Institutions and Into Communities for People With Brain Injuries,” Yehuda Ben-Yishay, Ph.D., presented by Brain Injury Association of CT, Inc., Trumbull, CT, March 25, 1997.

“Explosive/Noncompliant Children: A New Conceptual and Practical Approach,” presented by Dr. Ross Green and Dr. Jean Frazier, Jiminy Peak Resort, Massachusetts, August 14 & 15, 1997.

“Northeast Conference On Learning Disabilities And Mental Health”, The Connecticut Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, April 3, 1998.

“In Search of Common Ground: Exploring the Clinical and Personal Issues of Living with Brain Injury”, Gaylord Hospital, Wallingford, CT, May 29, 1998.

“Memory:  A Seminar for Health Professionals,” presented by Stuart Zola, Ph.D., September 16, 1998.

“Multi-Modal Treatment Of ADHD: Integration Of Behavioral and Pharmacologic Therapies,” The Institute of Living, Hartford, CT, September 23, 1998.

“Understanding the Role of Executive Function in Language, Academics & Daily Life,” by Martha Bridge Denckla, M.D., November 6, 1998.

“A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment,” NEPSY, Boston, MA,  February 5-6, 1999.

“Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom,” by Kathleen Frey, MA, Southington, CT, March 1, 2000.

“Neuropsychological Assessment of the Developing Child,” by Jane Holmes Bernstein, Ph.D., American International College, Springfield, MA, March 17, 2000.

“Understanding & Treating Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD),” presented by Kenneth E. Miller, ACSW, CISW, Hartford, CT, April 10, 2000.

“Helping the Out-Of-Sync Child at Home and School,” presented by Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association, Meriden, CT, December 9, 2000.

“Communication: Access to Power,” Landmark Education, Meriden, CT, December 2000.

“Communication: Performance and Power,” Landmark Education, Meriden, CT, July 2001.

“Second Annual Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association East Coast Lecture Series,” Hartford, CT, November 9-10, 2001.

“The Team Management and Leadership Program,” Landmark Education, February 2002 – February 2003.

“Understanding Asperger’s Syndrome,” presented by Tony Attwood, Ph.D., Springfield, MA, April 8, 2002.

“Assessing & Treating Attachment Disorder In Children & Families,” Arizona Nurses’ Association, Springfield, MA, June 4, 2002.

“Woodcock-Johnson III:  Interpretation and Educational Planning,” American International College, September 27, 2002.

“Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect/Abuse,” Training Session, Speaker, Mr. Art Rodriguez, Department of Children and Families, October 15, 2002.

“Systematic Behavioral Assessment Emphasizing the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC),” American International College, Springfield, MA, November 7, 2003.

“Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom,” presented by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., American International College, Springfield, MA, September 29, 2006.

“Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training,” Connecticut Council for Divorce Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution, North Haven, CT, November 2 & 3, 2006

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