Provides Testimony In
Neuropsychologist, Neuropsychology, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Children and Adult Evaluations, Clinical Disorders, Neuropsychological Evaluation, Psychological Testing, Malingering Assessment, IME Independent Medical Evaluation, Traumatic Brain Injury TBI, Forensic Neuropsychologist, Disability Evaluation, ADHD, Autism Autistic Spectrum, Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, MiniQ, QEEG, Peer Review, Workers Compensation,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
To provide psychological and neuropsychological assessment to diverse populations.
Over ten years of mental health experience providing direct service and consultation
to diverse population. Including, but not limited to: crisis intervention, psychological
and neuropsychological assessment and evaluation of culturally diverse populations.
Over three years management/coordination experience with social service
Program development and evaluation
Adept at building productive relationships to further organizational goals
Persuasive skills, both written and verbal
Professional Achievements
Development of evaluative practices for proper assessment of culturally diverse children, adolescents and adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Supervision of masters-prepared service providers and bachelors level case managers relevant to clinical case conceptualization and crisis intervention
Management, direction and program design/evaluation of daily psychiatric rehabilitation program for the severe and persistent mentally ill
A strong community leader and team member emphasizing a collaborative yet decisive style. Previous experience working in alliance with various state, local and academic agencies
Current Professional Goals/Activities
Continue to develop competencies and educate others regarding service provision to diverse populations
Gain further exposure to neuropsychological, behavioral and psychiatric disorders through assessment and evaluation duties relevant to Psychologist practice
Work History
2005, Private Practice- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Current, specializing in Applied Clinical Neuropsychology, Serving The Central Valley of California
Duties: Provide Neuropsychological and Psychological Evaluation services to children and adults. Types of evaluations include: diagnostic, psycho-educational, forensic/IME, psychophysiological and neuropsychological evaluation. Common referrals include: Workers Compensation/IME, competency, presence of head injury, developmental disability and general psychological profile. My specialized training and experience allows me to assess individuals who may show signs of: Axis I Clinical Disorders, Axis II Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation, Behavioral Disorders, Brain Injury, Dementias, such as Alzheimers Disease, Developmental Disabilities, Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders. Psychophysiological methods are clinically applied to conditions such as: ADHD, Seizure D/O, Anxiety, TBI, Chronic Pain, and Mood D/O. Furthermore, evaluation incorporates use of techniques such as: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, EEG Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and Neuroimaging (eg. QEEG and/or MiniQ EEG). Consultation services are also provided upon request.
2004-2005, Gap in service to prepare for professional psychologist license
2003-2004, Staff Psychologist, Intake Team, Central Valley Regional Center, Visalia, CA
Duties: Report directly to program manager. Performed neuropsychological assessment of child, adolescent and adult populations presenting for service evaluation. Compliance with court mandates and worked as part of a multidisciplinary treatment team to provide input for case conceptualization and treatment planning. Designed a child neurodevelopmental clinic to facilitate more accurate assessment of culturally diverse individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. Developed psychological reports for public consumption with relevant diagnostic and clinical recommendations.
2003-2004, Psychological Assistant, Desert River Psychological Center, Clovis, CA
Duties: Under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. Performed neuropsychological assessment of child, adolescent and adult populations presenting for service evaluation.
2002-2003, Assistant Clinical Director, Institutional discharge project (IDP Team) Southcentral Counseling Center (SCC), Anchorage, AK
Duties: Community mental health center providing intensive clinical/case management services to severe and persistent mentally ill adult patients with history of chronic hospitalization and/or incarceration. Furthermore, I was the primary community liaison with the Department of Corrections and the state psychiatric facility to assist with treatment planning and coordination. Primary duties consisted of: management and clinical supervision of masters-prepared clinical therapists, nurses and case managers (over 20 employees total). Additional responsibilities included: overall management of psychiatric day rehabilitation program and staff, program design/evaluation, staff training, monitor of service provision, clinical assessment/direct service, treatment planning, hiring, personnel practices including disciplinary actions. Also, quality assurance and evaluation to assure compliance with relevant SCC, DMHDD and Medicaid policies and procedures.
1999-2002, Staff Psychologist and Developmental Disabilities Coordinator(DDC) State of California, Dept. of Corrections, Systemwide, CA
Duties: As DDC reported directly to Chief (CMO) with two primary assignments at reception centers in central valley state prisons. Responsibilities included: assisting the CMO and the Senior Psychologist with oversight of day to day clinical operations of the Clark Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP). This included mental health screening, intake, adaptive functioning and neurocognitive assessment to all inmates admitted to the reception center (over 3000). Additional responsibilities included: inpatient consultation, crisis intervention, individual and group therapy, case management, psychoeducational treatment and consultation on cases relevant to diagnosis of developmental disabilities within the correctional system.
1998-1999 Clinical Psychology Intern-Porterville Developmental Center State of California, Dept. of Mental Health, Porterville, CA, APA Accredited Internship
Special areas of Interest: Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology
Duties: Provided neuropsychological testing and diagnostic information to culturally diverse patients (adults, adolescents, male and females) in an intensive residential state facility for the developmentally delayed forensic offender. Co-lead sex offender, anger management and social skills training groups. Co-facilitated Neuropsychiatric Clinic- a forum for mental health professionals to discuss treatment concerns relevant to the facility’s clientele.
1998-1999 Clinical Therapist Cedar Vista Hospital, Fresno, CA
Duties: Provided group therapy, psychoeducation and family therapy to culturally diverse child, adolescent and adult patients in an in-patient psychiatric setting. Medical model emphasized, specific attention to short-term interventions. Psychoeducational groups focused upon medication management, treatment effects and related issues. Weekly supervision provided under a licensed psychologist.
1998-1999 Senior Psychiatric Counselor, III, Four-West Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
Fresno community Hospital, Fresno, CA
Duties: Provided group therapy, psychoeducation and family therapy to culturally diverse child, adolescent and adult patients in an in-patient psychiatric setting. Medical model emphasized, specific attention to short-term interventions. Psychoeducational groups focused upon medication management, treatment effects and related issues. Weekly supervision provided under a licensed psychologist.
1998 Family Therapist Family Services of Tulare County, Visalia, CA
Duties: Provided individual, group therapy, psychoeducation and family therapy to culturally child, adolescent and families. Eclectic strengths model emphasized with focus upon short-term interventions. Provided individual and group therapy to sexual assault and domestic violence victims in center’s battered women’s shelter. Weekly supervision provided by licensed clinical social worker.
1997-1998 Psychological Trainee Psychological Services Center
California School of Professional Psychology, Fresno, CA
Duties: Performed psychological evaluations and intake assessments on culturally diverse child, adolescents and adults. Screened for inclusion into sex offender treatment program, eating disorders, domestic violence, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy programs. Facilitated parent support groups and made community presentations to state and county officials regarding treatment efficacy and practice.
1997 Psychological Trainee Valley State Prison for Women
California School of Professional Psychology, Fresno, CA
Duties: Provided individual therapy, crisis intervention, case management, psychological and psychosocial assessment to culturally diverse female inmates with chronic and acute mental illnesses. Weekly supervision provided by licensed psychologist.
1997 Clinical Case Manager & Program Assistant
King of Kings Women in Transition Residential Treatment Facility, Fresno, CA
Duties: Provided substance abuse counseling and psychoeducational focus groups to dual diagnosis, substance abusing pregnant mothers. Managed direct day to day operations and supervised program personnel. Experience with administrative duties including Medicaid billing, quality assurance, utilization reviews, evaluation/research and outcome measurement.
1996-1998 Child Care Worker Genesis Group Homes, Fresno, CA
Duties: Provided behavioral modification to culturally diverse child and adolescent female residents. Supervised and trained new workers.
1994-1995 Psychological Trainee Agencies for Families Enhancement Coordination Teams, Inc. Anchorage, AK
Duties: Provided crisis intervention, case management services to culturally diverse families referred by the Department of Family and Youth Services to assist with re-unification efforts. Exposure to substance abuse counseling models and taught parenting classes and skills to at-risk families.
1994-1995 Case Manager Southcentral Counseling Center, Anchorage, AK
Duties: Provided clinical case management, crisis intervention, substance abused education and group counseling to acute and chronically mentally ill adult patients in patient care.
1992-1993 Volunteer Student Mental Health Program Participant
Alaska Psychiatric Institute, anchorage, AK
Duties: Assisted in maintaining treatment program milieu through behavior management and social, individual skill development with chronic mentally ill Alaska Native patients.
Professional Memberships & Interests
American Psychological Association
International Neuropsychological Society
Division 40: Clinical Neuropsychology
Division 22 & 22.1: Rehabilitation Psychology & Pediatric Rehabilitation
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues
Teaching Experience
1999-2002 Training Instructor California Department of Corrections, Systemwide, CA
Overview of Developmental Disabilities Program
Overview of Mental Health Services Delivery System
Overview of Statewide Suicide Prevention Program
1999-2002 Part-Time Faculty
California State University Fresno-Ethnic Studies Dept.,
Fresno, CA
Race Relations
1997-1998 Part-Time Faculty
San Joaquin Valley College, Fresno, CA
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Research Experience
2000 Research Assistant with Dr. Barry Perlmutter and Marilyn Stewart, M.A. California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno,
Fresno, CA
Duties: Analyzing the correlates of neurocognitive functioning with violent juvenile offenders. Administered and scored neuropsychological tests to female and male juvenile offenders.
1999 Research Assistant with Dr. Rudy Hannenphen California Youth Authority and Stanford University, Paso Robles, CA
Duties: Assisted in developing a database to provide future accuracy of diagnoses and treatment plans for the mental health division of California Youth Authority. Conducted structured clinical interviews with male offenders.
1997-1998 Research Assistant with Dr. Daniel Stanzack and Masha Levy, M.A.California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
Duties: Utilized neuropsychological testing to assess level of executive functioning in elderly adults with a history of multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury and cerebral palsy. Test results were integrated into a final diagnostic report.
1996 Research Assistant with Dr. Sue Kuba
California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
Duties: Study to assess the prevalence of eating disorders in ethnocultural populations. Administered and scored acculturation and eating disorder instruments to given participants. Ethnicity, acculturation and types of eating disorders correlates were explored.
Professional Presentations
Fresno Children’s Medical Group, Pediatricians Panel, Fresno, CA: Neuropsychological Evaluation and Diagnosis of neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2006.
Southcentral Counseling Center, Southcentral Counseling Center Board of Directors, Relevant Mental Health Concerns in Dually Diagnosed Populations: Overview of the Institutional Discharge Project, 2002.
California School of Professional Psychology Fresno, Community Workshop Sunnyside High School Project, Increasing Cultural Sensitivity in Todays Youth, 2000.
State of California Department of Mental Health, Porterville Developmental Center, Neuropsychiatric Clinic, bi-weekly forum to discuss neuropsychiatric and multidisciplinary concerns relevant to PDC
residents, 1998-1999.
California School of Professional Psychology Fresno, Forum on Ethnic Student Concerns, co-facilitated open forum discussion with students and faculty to address issues relevant to ethnic relations and professional competency, 1998.
Consulting, Fresno Foster Care Agencies, Diversity Workshop, Increasing Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness,1997-1998.
California School of Professional Psychology Fresno, Fresno County Probation, Sexual Predators: Sex offender psychosocial concerns, presentation to Fresno County Probation and Custody Evaluators, 1997.
Advanced Training
2006 Certificate EEG Biofeedback: Neurofeedback, EEG Spectrum International, Woodland Hills, CA
2005-Current, Advanced Clinical Traineeship: Clinical Neuropsychology
Fielding Graduate Institute, Chicago, IL
Certificate of Completion pending graduation in 2007
Supervision provided by Neuropsychologist and ABPN Member
Concentration(s): Pediatric Neuropsychology and Psychophysiological Feedback
2003, Administration and Scoring of the Autism Diagnostic Observations Scale (ADOS)
Clinical Training Workshop Ages 18 mos. M.a.-Adult
2003 Certificate
Clinical Supervisors’ Academy National Council for Community Behavioral Health Care, Denver, CO
1999 The Clinical and Forensic Use of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised Clinical Training Workshop
1998 Implications of Attachment Theory for Interventions with Children, Parents, and Systems: The Ecosystemic Model Clinical Training Workshop
1998 Evaluating and Treating the Incest Offender Clinical Training Workshop
1997 Certificate Cultural Diversity Training and Sensitivity Consulting California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
1997 Ecosystemic Integration of Play Therapy Treatment Models Clinical Training Workshop
1997 Play Therapy Interventions with Children of Divorced Families Clinical Training Workshop
1999 Ph.D. Clinical Psychology California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
APA accredited program Dissertation: The Influence of Afrocentric World View upon Therapists Selection of Training Program and Therapeutic Orientation
Proficiency: Ecosystemic Child and Family Psychology Concentration: Neuropsychology
Additional Training Focus: Forensics and Psychopharmacology
2005 Advanced Post-Doctoral Internship: clinical neuropsychology Fielding Graduate Institute, Chicago, IL Certificate of Completion pending graduation in 2007 Supervision provided by Neuropsychologist and ABPN Member
Concentration(s): Pediatric & Psychophysiological Feedback
2001 Masters in Organizational Behavior (M.O.B.) California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
Concentration: Organizational Consulting Additional Training Focus: Executive Coaching
1998 M.A. Clinical Psychology California School of Professional Psychology-Fresno, Fresno, CA
APA accredited program
Proficiency: Ecosystemic Child and Family Psychology
1995 M.S. Interdisciplinary Studies Community Psychology University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
Thesis: Understanding African Americans and Substance Abuse Treatment from an African World View: A Training Manual for Professionals.
Interdisciplinary studies are comprised of: Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Public Administration and Public Policy
1995 B.A. Psychology A.A.S. Human Services University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
1994 B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies Community Psychology University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK
Available upon request.
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