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Provides Testimony In

Neuropsychological Evaluation for Learning Disabilities, Neuropsychological Evaluation for ADHD, Neuropsychological Evaluation for ADD, Neuropsychological Evaluation for Autism, Neuropsychological Evaluation for Downs Syndrome, Neuropsychological Assessment, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Cerebral Palsy, Psychotherapy,

Clinical/Research Interests

Neuropsychological, Educational and Developmental Evaluations

Bilingual assessment, PTSD, bilingual special education, learning disabilities, attention and memory problems, trauma and brain injury abuse, childhood development and psychopathology

Licenses & Certification

NYS Licensed Psychologist

NYS Certified School Psychologist (Permanent)

Department of Health Early Intervention Approval Letter (Individual and Agency)


2003 (pending)
A School Administration and Supervision & School District Administration post-graduate certificate
Flushing, NY

Passed Teacher Language Proficiency Assessment examinations in Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi
Albany, NY

December 2002
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)
Doctoral Program – School-Community Psychology
Hempstead, NY

December 1999
Master of Science in Psychology (with distinction)
Hempstead, NY

Interpreter Certification by Berlitz Translation Services
(Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi)

June 1998
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Flushing, NY

Honors & Publications

Available upon request.

Clinical Experience

Clinical Director

Preschools, (5 sites)
Middle Village, NY
– Supervise all clinical and support staff in 5 preschools
– Design and implement a model of quality assurance, compliance with the DOE regulations, service provisions and accountability
– Head clinical team and parent informing meetings
– Design and implement behavioral intervention plans
– Contract with agencies to provide services within schools

Director and Founder

A Consultation Company
Kew Gardens, NY
– Provide quality monolingual and bilingual psychological, educational, neuropsychological and speech and language evaluations
– Early Intervention, Pre-School, School Age and College Special Education Services and Accommodations
– Provide standard and comprehensive psycho-educational assessments/evaluations.
– Also provide occupational and physical therapy evaluations as well as therapeutic services in all areas.
– Contract with school districts and various agencies to provide evaluations and related services
– Provide neuropsychological, psychological and forensic evaluations for legal purposes to individuals, law firms, agencies and courts
– Provide interpreters and translators for all major languages.


New York, NY
– Evaluate candidates using psychological test results and clinical interview for police officer positions
– Generate report indicating findings and recommendation for hiring

Neuro-Developmental Psychologist,

Brooklyn, NY
– Comprehensive assessment of children ages 0-21. (General battery: Clinical, Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Neuro-motor, Adaptive, social-emotional evaluation and Level of General Functioning)
– Generate diagnostic information, treatment planning and appropriate referrals
– Review and formulate IEP’™s and behavioral plans
– Autistic, MR/DD, learning disabled population
– Attend CPSE and CSE meetings, advocate for patients, and present findings and recommendations
– Perform administrative duties such as department statistics, audits, interview candidates for various positions, etc.
– Supervise departmental social worker and graduate level School Psychology interns and externs
– Apply for grants and lead research studies
– Conduct parent/family training and cognitive-behavioral therapy
– Corroborate with schools and other health care providers to maximize range of treatment
– Present case histories, lecture on various conditions and conduct in-services to train hospital staff
– Perform neuropsychological consults for other departments (Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, ER, etc.)

Bilingual Psychological and Education Evaluator and Consultant,

New York, NY
– Conduct full evaluations for bilingual students (Clinical interview/Social History, Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Psycho-Educational, Neuro-motor, Personality and Socio-emotional Testing), written reports and IEPs

Clinical Psychologist Intern,
2001-2002 (June 01, 2001-August 31, 2002)

Holliswood, NY
– APA Approved Internship site, 24 hours a week totaling 1100 hours of internship
– Work as an intern psychologist in a 100-bed private psychiatric hospital
– Provide acute psychological care for children and adolescent and for adult, including MICA and geriatric patients (In-patient and out-patient)
– Design and implement behavior modification programs for children with behavioral problems
– Lead psycho-educational groups with adults in the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
– Consultation with psychiatrists, social workers, nurses and psychologists, individually and during rounds
– Conducted in-services and workshops for hospital staff, community clinicians, hospital consumers, etc. Topics include coping with 9/11, childhood personality disorders and immigration and acculturation

Behavioral Consultant,

Oceanside, NY
– Interviewed and diagnosed patients/residents
Consolidated Consultants Co.(800) 683-9847
– Provided intervention and brief psychotherapy
– Evaluate each patient referred for behavioral problems, design an intervention and treatment modality
– Train staff to implement behavioral plans tailored for each patient
– Conducted in-services for nurses, social workers and CNAs on topics such as geriatric disorders and behavioral treatments, rules of behavior modification, etc.

School Psychologist Intern,
2000-2001 (September 04, 2001 �’œ May 22, 2002)

Elmont, NY
– APA and NASP Approved Internship site, 16 hours a week totaling 600 hours of internship
– Worked as an intern school psychologist for Grades 7-12
– Conducted psychological evaluations, new entrant screenings, social skills training groups, classroom observations, individual and group psychotherapy
– Participated in meetings of the Committee on Special Education; presented evaluation results and recommended special services and placements.
– Consulted with teachers about concerns regarding certain students, provided suggestions and designed behavior plans to be implemented in the classroom.
– Evaluated Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi speaking students from other schools in the district. Interpreted for bilingual parents and students at meetings.

Intern Psychologist,

Hempstead, NY
– Conducted 14 extensive psycho-educational evaluations (I.Q., academic achievement, neuro-motor, personality, level of general functioning).
– Detailed and summarized evaluation results in written report.
– Extensive supervision on each case.
– Conducted informing conferences with parents.

Intern Therapist,

Hempstead, NY
– Planned, conducted and monitored weekly psychological therapy with clients.
– Evaluated and diagnosed clients when necessary.
– Utilized cognitive and behavioral techniques to treat clients; assigned weekly homework tasks to reinforce clients’™ understanding and use of techniques presented.
– Set up behavior modification programs such as home and school token economies with proper consultation with parents and teachers.
– Detailed session summaries were submitted to supervisor.


Flushing, NY
– Counseled students regarding academic and personal difficulties.
– Reviewed transcripts to advise students regarding core and major requirements.
– Acted as a liaison between students and various departments.
– Counseled and approved/denied requests for leave of absences.

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Professor, 2001-Present
Jamaica, NY
Introductory Psychology
Human Development 2
Cognitive Psychology

Adjunct Professor, 2001-2002
Hempstead, NY
Abnormal Psychology
Introductory Psychology

Adjunct Professor, 2001
Bayside, NY
Introductory Psychology

Adjunct Professor, 2001
Hempstead, NY
Personality theories
Behavior Modification

Research, Presentations & Other Relevant Experience

Available upon request.

Assessment Experience

Expertise in administering, scoring and interpreting

Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Halstead-Reitan Test Battery, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III & IV); Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI); Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence- Third Edition (WPPSI-III); Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-III); Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SB IV & 5); Bayley Scales of Infant Development; Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS); CAT CLAMS; Differential Abilities Scales (DAS); Woodcock-Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement (WJ-R and WJ-III); Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT 1 and II); Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III); Miller Analogy Test (MAT); Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test; Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (DTVMI); Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT); Gray Silent Reading Test (GSRT); Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI A & II); High School, Children’™s and Early School’™s Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ; CPQ; ESPQ); NEPSY; Rotter Incomplete Sentences Tests (Child, High School and Adult); Behavior Assessment Scale for Children (BASC); Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale (ADDES; home and school); Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales (BADDS); Beck’™s Depression Inventory (Child and Adolescent); Thematic Apperception Test (TAT); Rorschach Inkblot Test

Bilingual Skills

Fluent in Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi (Pakistani & Indian languages)


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