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Provides Testimony In

Metallurgy, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Mechanical Engineering, Human Implants, Craniofacial implants, bone mechanics, digital image processing, bone tissue engineering, Bio ceramics, Biomechanics, metallurgy, materials, biomaterials, dental materials, bioengineering, orthopedics non physician, orthopedics engineering, toxic metals, materials testing, ceramics, metals, Metal failure analysis, metallurgical engineering, metal fatigue, materials engineering, laboratory automation,

He has over twenty years of experience in the areas of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering research. His specialties include ceramic and inter-metallic biomaterials for bone engineering and the analysis of tissues as materials. He is on the forefront of metallurgical and bio-mechanics research, and as a result has undertaken the study of dozens of issues in the field of biomechanics. His research experience is impressive in its range and volume. He has published over 60 articles and book chapters in the course of his career, which he began as a Mass Properties Engineer in the private sector before transitioning to academia and research. He has since performed research at the University of Colorado and Colorado State University, and is now an Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthopedics at the UC Denver School of Medicine and an Assistant Professor of Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines.


Porous Metal Implants in Humans
Metal/Alloy/Metallurgical Failure
Metallurgical Testing/Non-Destructive Testing
Tissue Response to Bio-Materials
Bio-Materials Engineering
Metallurgical Biocompatibility
Metal Fatigue/Stress Evaluation
Bio-Material Toxicity
Bio-Ceramic Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio-Mechanics of Implants
Artificial Joint Design
Artificial Joint Materials

PhD, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1999

MSE, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1995

BSE, Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1987

Professional Memberships

ASM – MPMD (Materials and Processes in Medical Devices)

International Bone and Mineral Research Society

Society for Biomaterials

Grants and Awards

American society of Dermatopathology, Physician in Training Award

Funded Research

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Industry Funded Research

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Professional Experience

Colorado School of Mines

Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Research Assistant Professor, Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space, Colorado School of Mines

Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space, Colorado School of Mines

University of Colorado

Assistant Clinical Professor, Orthopaedics, University of Colorado, Denver, School of Medicine

Research Associate, BioServe Space Technologies, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado

Graduate Research Assistant, BioServe Space Technologies, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado

Colorado State University

Instructor, Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University
Amgen Biopharma, Inc.

Engineer, Laboratory Automation Research and Development, Amgen Biopharma, Inc. Outlast Technologies, Inc.

Research and Development Engineer, Outlast Technologies Inc.
Martin-Marietta, Space Launch Systems

Mass Properties Engineer, Systems Integration and Mission Operations

Research Interests

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Teaching Experience and Academic Service

Created, developed, and teach MTGN/MLGN 570, Introduction to Biocompatibility, a required class in the Ph.D./M.S. Biomaterials emphasis in Materials Science and the Bioengineering and Life Sciences Undergraduate Minor in Materials Sciences

Instructed SYGN 202, Engineered Materials Systems, Fall and Spring semesters, 2006 – present

Advised Materials Science Senior Design, class project, 2006 – present

Developed 6 course undergraduate minor curriculum for a Bioengineering and Life Sciences Undergraduate Minor in the MME Department

Developed 4 course emphasis in Biomaterials in CSM’s Bioengineering and Life Sciences degree program

Instructed Introduction to Engineering Materials, ME331, Colorado State University, 2004-2005.

Metallurgy and Materials Science Department’s Graduate Affairs Committee; lead in developing Colorado School of Mines’ Biomaterials Ph.D./Master’s focus area curriculum, 2002.

Committee to establish Bioengineering and Life Sciences Program/Department at the Colorado School of Mines, 2002.

Publications (Since 2000)

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Papers in preparation

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Conference Proceedings (Since 2000)
Available Upon Request

Student Advising Experience

Ph.D. Advisor: Denise Belk (2005)

Master’s Advisor: Zachary Dezman, Alejandro Criado (2005)

Ph.D. Co- Advisor: Xiaolan Zhang (2001), Martin Costillo (2002), Douglas Burkes (2004), Guglielmo Gotolli (2005)

Undergraduate Advisor: Onica Ramey (2004), Matt Cain (CSU) (Present), Senior Design module on Biomaterials and energetic materials

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