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Provides Testimony In

Mechanical Metallurgical Structural Engineering, Engineer, Mechanical Metallurgy Materials Forensics Structural Engineering, Materials Mechanical Technology Research, Materials Failure Analysis, Failure Analysis on Material Selection, Product Liability, Product Development, Expertise in Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical Metallurgical Tests, Analysis Techniques, Automotive Bumpers, Airplane Engine Component Failures, Automotive Axle Frame Weld Joints, Aluminum, Titanium, Polymers, Plastics, Ceramics, Composite Materials Failure Analysis, Life Assessment Durability Of Prototype Components, Fractures, Metals, Metallurgical, Ceramics, Jet Engines, Accident Reconstruction, Lightning, Fire Cause Origin, Storm, Chemical, Ladders, Roofing Material Fires

Areas Of Expertise

Engineer, Mechanical Metallurgy Materials Forensics and Structural Engineering, Materials and Mechanical Technology Research, Materials Failure Analysis, Failure Analysis on Material Selection, Product Liability and Product Development, Expertise in Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical and Metallurgical Tests and Analysis Techniques, Over 300+ Failures Investigated including Automotive Bumpers, Airplane and Engine Component Failures, Automotive Axle To Frame Weld Joints, Aluminum, Titanium, Polymers, Plastics, Ceramics and Composite Materials Failure Analysis, Life Assessment and Durability Of Prototype Components, Fractures, Metals, Metallurgical, Ceramics, Jet Engines, Accident Reconstruction, Lightning, Fire Cause and Origin, Storm, Chemical, Ladders


Ph.D., Major Engineering Science and Materials Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Major Technology Management MBA, Florida Institute of Technology

Major Structural Engineering MS., South Dakota Tech

Major Civil Engineering BE., Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Bombay

Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) Virginia and Florida

Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CmfgE), Society of Manufacturing Engineers


Independent Mechanical Metallurgy, Mechanical Materials, Mechanical Forensics, Mechanical Structural Engineering Consultant Failure analysis consultant on material selection, product liability and product development. Expertise in fracture mechanics, mechanical and metallurgical tests and analysis techniques Over 300+ failures investigated including automotive bumpers, airplane and engine component failures, automotive axle to frame weld joints. Aluminum, titanium, polymers, ceramics and composite materials failure analysis Internal company consultations on life assessment and durability of prototype components

Director/Principal, Consulting Firm, GA Forensics/Materials/Metallurgical/Mechanical/Structural-Engineering consultant. Accident reconstruction, products liability, materials and mechanical technology research, tech transfer and commercialization

Chief, Technology Integration Allison Engine Company/Rolls Royce Aerospace Group Facilitated opportunities for integrating Allison engine company technical activities with the Rolls Royce group of companies.

Sr. Manager, Materials and Mechanical Technologies Rolls Royce Aerospace Group Advanced materials component development programs, structural and durability analysis, life cycle cost. Project manager on number of coatings, fracture behavior of super alloys, polymer and ceramics composite components. Represented company on numerous professional national and international organizations.

Group Leader, Materials Behavior Group United Technologies, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, FL Principal Investigator on several NASA and DOD funded programs on fatigue and fracture behavior of titanium and super alloys. Structural assessment and durability assessment of engine components

Senior Engineer, Engineering Product Design Division, Pittsburgh, PA. Supervised fatigue, fracture and structural testing lab, Developed testing scheme for automotive aluminum bumpers to relate their cracking with alloy properties. Member of team for “the development of fatigue/fracture resistant aluminum alloys

Instructor, Engineering Science and Materials Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA Taught courses on engineering statistics and strength of materials. Research on “Accelerated testing of polymer composites” Participated on “Assessment of crash worthiness of automobiles program” funded by DOE.

Honors And Awards

1996 Elected Fellow, ASM International (American Society of Metals)
1993-97 Who’s Who in America
1971 R. D. Sethna Graduate Scholarship
1975 Sigma Xi Research Society of America
1992-97 Who’s Who in Engineering
1986 Best Paper Award “Short Crack growth Behavior” AIAA

Professional Activities

1994 Chairman, SAMPE Conference,
(Society for Advancement of Material and Process Engineering)
1996-97 Sr. Director, SAMPE International Society,
1992-94 Chairman, Atlanta ASM and SAMPE
1990 Chairman, fracture/fatigue committee of SEM
1976-97 Member, American Society of Testing and Materials
1991-97 Sr. Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers
1997 Member, American Forensic Society
Reviewer, ASTM, AIAA, SAMPE, ASM Journals

Continuing Education

Numerous short courses and seminars on manufacturing technologies, material defect analysis, damage tolerant approaches to component design. ABA conference on “Expert testimony, technology and law” Washington DC. 1997

Other Activities

1978-1995 Toastmasters International
1992-1995 Vinings Club, GA Social Committee
1981-1983 Advisor, Junior Achievement Program
1972-1973 Chairman, International Students Association, Virginia Tech
1994-1997 Virginia Tech. Alumni Association

Publications And Presentations

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