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Provides Testimony In

Mechanical Engineering, Product Defects, Microtechnology,Sensors, Microfluids, MEMS, Product Design, Gas Sensors, Industrial Accidents, Failure Analysis, Laboratory Accidents, Injection Molding, Fluid Dynamics


Founder and Principal Engineer
Engineering, PLLC
Served as forensic engineer and expert witness for personal injury legal cases.
Provided engineering expertise in matters related to microfluidics, experiment design, and product development.

Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Serve on graduate student committees as needed.
Serve on cleanroom design committee for new engineering building.
Volunteer position


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering – September 2008
University of California, Berkeley
Major Subject: MEMS (with emphasis on polymers)
Inside Minor: Fluid Dynamics
Outside Minor: Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Professor Albert P. Pisano
Dissertation: “A highly-integrated, polymer-based microfluidic chip for disposable applications.”

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering – December 2006
University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Professor Albert P. Pisano
Thesis: “Packaging and assembling microfluidic devices via plastic injection molding.”

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with Honors – May 2003
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Advisor: Professor Kevin W. Kelly
Thesis: “Modification of an injection molding machine to mold micro parts with a LIGA mold”


Senior Systems Engineer
Nevada Nanotech Systems Inc.
Developed and validated chemometric algorithms to create customer-facing answer from raw sensor signals. Wrote scripts to pull sensor data from log files, trained physics and statistical based models, prepared algorithms for deployment in sensor system firmware.
Led MEMS fabrication team responsible for all design work including Finite Element Analysis, CAD, vendor management, and wafer probe testing. Used statistical analysis to identify common failure modes and improve wafer yield.
Collaborated with marketing team to develop technical sales material and manage customer specific inquiries.
Management responsibilities included conducting annual reviews and mentorship of early to mid-career engineers.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Research – Built microfluidics fabrication laboratory from ground up. Focus on dielectrophoresis for cell sorting applications.
Publications: 8 peer-reviewed journal paper published, 13 conference publications
Funded Competitive Grants: 1 NSF unsolicited grant, 1 ORAU Junior Faculty Award, 3 Nevada NASA Space Grant, ($412,464 total including $54,997 in matching)
Graduate Students: 1 PhD student, 4 MS students graduated.
Teaching: Completely redeveloped the Capstone Design Course Sequence (Senior Project). I have instructed 421 capstone students in 89 teams. Developed a senior elective course, “Introduction to Microtechnology” and contributed to other department teaching needs.
Service: Editorial Board Member of Algal Research, reviewer for a variety of journals, panelist for NSF, active member of the ASME IMECE conference community, organized college-wide Innovation Day.

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Responsible for designing, fabricating, and testing neural prosthesis components including microfabricated polymer-based electrode array and biocompatible packaging for electronics. Applications include the Artificial Retina project (Dept. of Energy) and general purpose nervous stimulation and recording (NIH).
Wrote proposals for using polymer-based microsystems for emerging biomedical and energy applications.
Mentored undergraduate summer interns by identifying projects, providing necessary training, and monitoring progress.

Graduate Student Researcher
Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
In-house expert for projects using plastic injection molding. Key projects include: plastic microfluidic chip fabrication, plastic injection molding for microfluidic packaging, plastic microneedles, and plastic wafer manufacturing.
Developed plastic microfluidic chips with integrated electrodes and thermally actuated hydrogel valves.
Worked closely with advisor to write research proposals to DARPA and private industry.

Student Worker
Chemical Engineering Machine Shop, LSU
Designed and fabricated and high-pressure compression molding machine for rapidly molding cement parts in a CO2 environment.
Machined various projects on mill, lathe, and CNC machine.

Intern Engineer
Advanced Ceramics Research
Tucson, AZ
Summer 2002
Researched and produced prototype gel cast ceramic MEMS, including high performance mechanical seals and turbine blades.
Designed and fabricated molding fixtures for cast ceramic process and other molding processes.

Intern Engineer Intralox, Harahan, LA
Summer 2001
Intern Engineer with new product development group.
Designed and built new testing equipment for conveyor belts.
Performed strength, fatigue and wear tests on new conveyor belt designs.

Undergraduate Researcher
Microsystems Engineering Team, LSU
Designed and managed fabrication of injection molding die.
Produced prototype plastic micro heat exchanger parts and microfluidic devices with hot embossing machine.
Assisted graduate students with various design projects such as vacuum chambers, injection molding dies, and electroplating fixtures.
Supervised other student workers.


  • Technical/Professional Consultant, Xandex Inc., Petaluma, CA, 2018-present.
  • Expert Witness, Anderson, Boutwell, and Traylor, Hammond, LA, 2018.
  • Technical/Professional Consultant, Xandex Inc., Petaluma, CA, 2012 -2013.
  • Litigation Consultant, Anderson & Boutwell, Hammond, LA, 2011.


  • 2014 College of Engineering Nominee for Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award (UNR)
  • 2012 Oak Ridge Associated Universities: Ralph E. Powe Jr. Faculty Enhancement Award
  • 2009 R&D 100 Editor’s Choice Award: Artificial Retina Project (R&D Magazine)
  • 2006 Industrial Advisory Board Best Presentation Award (Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center)
  • 2005-06 National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship
  • 2003-07 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
  • 2003 Most Outstanding Senior in Mechanical Engineering (LSU)



Mechanical Engineering, UNR

  • Intermediate Dynamics and Lab (ME 444/644/444L)
  • Lagrangian Dynamics for ME Seniors and MS students
  • Laboratory was revitalized with the introduction of MEMS-based accelerometers and gyros
  • Fall 2010 (26 students), Fall 2011 (31 students)

Senior Capstone Sequence (ME 451/452)

  • Initiated and championed a curriculum change to offer the ME senior capstone courses a sequence whereby students could work on a single project for two semesters
  • ME 451 focuses on design methodology with an emphasis on written communication leading to the development of a proof-of-concept for each of the projects
  • ME 452 provides time for students to build working prototypes of their design using knowledge gained from the proof-of-concept build. Students learn about a wide variety of topics including: intellectual property, business topics, ethics, sustainability, supply chain management, and globalization.
  • Implemented Writing Fellow to support student written and oral reports.
  • OLD ME 452 Spring 2011 (35 students in 9 teams), NEW ME 451/2 AY 2012-13 (89 students in 18 teams), AY 2013-14 (69 students in 14 teams),
  • AY 2014-15 (101 students in 21 teams), AY 2015-16 (127 students in 27 teams)

Special Topics – Introduction to Microtechnology (ME 493)

  • Survey of microtechnology focusing on microfabrication technologies, material selection and properties, design considerations, and scaling of physical laws. Included a hands-on microfluidic laboratory.
  • Upper division and MS elective course based on my expertise
  • Spring 2012 (17 UG, 1 Grad), Spring 2015 (35 UG, 2 Grad)

Guest Lecturer
Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Fall 2009

  • Invited to give two lectures for the graduate level ME polymers class (MEC223).
  • Lecture 1: Polymer fabrication processes.
  • Lecture 2: Polymer Microfluidics – a design case study

Graduate Student Instructor
Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Spring 2007

  • Instructed injection molding laboratory for senior ME lab (ME107B).
  • Developed 4-5 week curriculum designed to teach students basic theory about injection molding and design of experiments.
  • Diagnosed and repaired existing infrastructure to improve laboratory experience.

NSF GK-12 Graduate Fellow
College of Engineering, UC Berkeley

  • Worked in a 9th grade geometry classroom developing hands-on engineering modules to supplement regular course work. These modules were designed to expose students to engineering and highlight the utility math education.
  • Module 1: Students built solar ovens as they learned about the geometry of mirrors and reflection.
  • Module 2: Students learned about the geometry of engines by building a working stirling engine with a test tube, marbles, and a balloon.
  • Tutored struggling students one-on-one and in small groups in geometry and algebra.
  • Taught 5 week summer course on high school chemistry with emphasis on material science. Developed both curriculum and hands-on experiments.
  • Organized student science fair for elementary students as a final team project.


Guest Speaker
UNR Upward Bound

Guest Lecturer
UC Berkeley Outreach
2005, 2006, 2008
Mentor for High School Laboratory Interns
Laboratory Tours and Demonstrations



  • Algal Research – Editorial Board Member (2014-2015)


  • Licensed Professional Engineer in State of Nevada (Mechanical #22884)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • American Society of Engineering Educators

Proposal Review Panels

  • NSF – 4 panels, 1 adhoc
  • Nevada Space Grant Consortium – 1 panel

Technical Review

  • Algal Research
  • American Society of Engineering Education
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Biomass and Bioenergy
  • Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
  • International Journal of Engineering Education
  • Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
  • Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing
  • Measurement
  • Microsystem Technologies
  • Smart Materials and Structures

Technical Conference Organizer

  • ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Expo
  • 2015, Houston, TX – 2 topic organizer
  • 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada – 1 topic organizer
  • 2013, San Diego, CA – 1 session
  • 2012, Houston, TX – 2 sessions



  • Capstone Core Curriculum – Member (2014-2015)
  • Undergraduate General Research Award – Reviewer (2012)

College of Engineering

  • Differential Fee Committee – Member (2011-2013)
  • Innovation Day – Co-organizer (2014-2015)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Search Committee – Member (2015)
  • Differential Fee Committee – Chair (2011-2013), Member (2014-2015)
  • Instructor Search Committee – Chair (2011)
  • Curriculum Committee – Member (2011)
  • Graduate Committee – Member (2012)
  • Laboratory Committee – Member (2013-2015)


  1. Member of Board of Directors for Edgewater HOA, 2016-present.
  2. Member of Board of Directors for Regeneration, a community non-profit, 2009.
  3. Monthly speaking engagements with community youth group, 2000.


Computer Languages: Matlab, Git, Python, JMP scripting
Software: Solidworks, Autocad, Pro/Engineer, L-Edit, Mastercam, Comsol, Moldflow, Labview, Microsoft Office, Coreldraw, Latex.
Microfabrication: Lithography, furnaces, plasma etching, thermal evaporators, PVD sputterers, wafer bonder, injection molding, hot embossing.
Machine Shop: Mill, lathe, CNC equipment, sheet metal design and fabrication, printed circuit board design.

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