Provides Testimony In
Engineer Mechanical HVAC, Plumbing, Sprinklers, Indoor Air Quality Testing Analysis, Construction Contracts, Bid Documents, Energy Studies, Fire Cause Origin, Boilers,Roofing Material Fires
Expert has over 45 years of experience in the design of mechanical systems the building industry which includes 25 years of experience conducting forensic engineering of problematic mechanical systems and components.
Expert’s education, training and experience includes the following systems and components:
- Heating
- Ventilating
- Air Conditioning
- Refrigeration
- Plumbing
- Fire Protection Sprinklers
Expert is qualified as an “Expert” in the mechanical engineering field and is investigative work involving report writing, depositions and litigation support. The following is a listing of the categories in which this expert is highly qualified and experienced.
- Property loss or damage related to the failure of mechanical systems
- Personal injury caused by mechanical systems and equipment.
- Design analysis of mechanical systems and components.
- Product analysis of mechanical equipment.
- Code and Standards compliance for mechanical systems and components.
- Start up and testing of mechanical equipment and components.
- Construction contracts and bid documents.
The following is a brief outline of the mechanical systems and components for which this expert has provided examination, analysis, investigative reports and expert witness testimony.
• Natural gas piping systems, boilers, furnaces, water heaters and appliances related fire and explosion.
• Propane piping systems, boilers, furnaces, water heaters and appliances including related fire and explosion.
• Fuel oil piping systems, boilers, furnaces, water heaters, pumps and storage including related fire and explosion.
• Steam piping systems, boilers and deaerators.
• Fire places, gas insert heaters and wood burning stoves.
• Chimneys, flues and vents for products of combustion including property damage
• Carbon monoxide gas production including related wrongful deaths and
• HVAC piping systems air handling units, fans, water chillers, cooling towers and duct work.
• Refrigerant piping systems, compressors, condensing units and heat pumps.
• Fire protection sprinkler piping systems(wet & dry), storage tanks and pumps including freeze related failures.
• Plumbing piping systems, fixtures, domestic water heaters, pumps and clothes washing machines including freeze related failures.
• Scalding from domestic hot water systems including related wrongful deaths and bodily injury.
• Maintenance, service and repair work.
B.S.M.E. 1968, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
- State of Delaware – Professional Engineer, 2005
- State of Pennsylvania – Professional Engineer, 1968
- State of New Jersey – Professional Engineer, 1972
- Professional Land Planner – 1979
- State of New York – Professional Engineer, 1998
- State of Ohio – Professional Engineer, 1978
- State of Connecticut, 2011
- District of Columbia, 2011
- Department of Defense – Fallout Shelter Analyst, 1970
- American College of Forensic Examiners – Certified Forensic Consultant, 2005
- Association of Energy Engineers – Certified Energy Manager, 1982
- OSHA Certified for Confined Space Safety, 2010
- Gastite Piping Systems Qualified Installer, 2011
Expert has held membership in the following societies and associations which were instrumental in developing the skills and knowledge he possesses relating to the construction industry contracts, management, design, construction, commissioning, maintenance and forensic analysis. Current memberships are shown in bold Italics text.
- AAA- American Arbitration Association
- ABSA – American Biological Safety Association
- ACFE- American College of Forensic Examiners
- AEE – Association of Energy Engineers
- AIPE – American Institute of Plant Engineers
- ASHE – American Society of Hospital Engineers
- ASHRAE- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers
- ASPE- American Society of Plumbing Engineers
- ASSE- American Society of Safety Engineers
- AWWA – American Water Works Association
- BOCA – Building Officials & Code Administrators
- ISPE – International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers
- NFPA- National Fire Protection Association
- NFSA- National Fire Sprinkler Association
- NSPE – National Society of Professional Engineers
- SCA – Smoke Control Association
- SFPE- Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- Association of Energy Engineers – Plant & Building Energy Conservation Seminar, 1983
- Certification Course on Energy Management, 1982
- ASHRAE – Fire Protection & Safety in Buildings, 11/19/81
- Engineers Club of Philadelphia – Fire Protection Engineering, 11/17/77
- SFPE/ASHRAE – Smoke Control Seminar, 4/27/83
- Department of Defense – Fallout Shelter Analysis, 5/18/70
- FDA-ISPE Joint Conference, 3/12/84
- TPC Training Systems
- Refrigerants & Refrigerant Oils, 3/19/93
- Air Conditioning & Refrigerant Compressors, 3/26/93
- trouble Shooting Refrigeration Systems, 4/2/93
- How Power Plants Work, 2/4/94
- Generating Steam in the Power Plant, 2/7/94
- Using Steam in the Power Plant, 2/8/94
- The Trane Company
- TRACE Direct Training, 7/24/8o
- Gas Furnace Service, 9/30/98
- Beckett Corporation – Installation, Adjustment Servicing and Combustion Efficiency
- Oil Burners, 9/30/98
- Viking Company – Fire Protection Seminar, 6/7/99
- National Propane Gas Association – Installation of Propane Gas Systems, 1/3/00
- National Fire Sprinkler Association – Inspection, Testing & Maintenance of Water-based Fire
- Protection Systems, 5/9/00
- Hydraulics for Fire Sprinkler Systems 5/30/08
- Petroleum Marketer’s Association of America – Oil Heat Technician Training, 1/16/01
- Fire Findings – Investigation of Gas & Electric Appliance Fires, 4/16/02, 4/17/02
- Investigation of Solid Fuel Burning Appliance Fires, 10/28/09, 10/29/09
- Siemens Building Technologies – Life Safety Training Course, 5/07/04
- American College of Forensic Engineers – Forensic Expert’s Guide to Litigation Conference, 2005
- National Oil Heat Research Alliance – Residential Hands-On Burner Program, 8/23/05 Burner Program, 8/25/05
- Lorman Education Services – Building Codes in Pennsylvania, 5/19/06
- Chubb Services Corporation
- Combustion Systems Safety Workshop 9/20/07
- Dry, Deluge & Pre-action Sprinkler Systems, 9/25/07
- Maintaining Water Based Fire Protection Systems, 9/27/07 & 9/28/07
- Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)
- Certificate of Completion – Confined Space Safety 5/10/10
- Gastite Division Certification Training Program – Design and Installation of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) Piping Systems -2/10/2011
Expert is knowledgeable of the standards and guidelines issued by the following organizations and Expert’s library contains many of the standards and guidelines produced by these organizations. Expert regularly utilizes these standards and guidelines in his design, analysis and inspection of mechanical systems and components. When applicable, Expert will communicate with these organizations to determine which, if any, of these standards and guidelines have been updated or replaced and obtain same for the purposes needed.
AABC Associated Air Balance Council
ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association
ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AGA American Gas Association
AGC Associated General Contractors of America
ACEC American Consulting Engineers Council
AIA American Institute of Architects
AISI American Iron & Steel Institute
AMCA Air Movement & Control Association International, Inc.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
APPA Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities & Colleges
ARI Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing
ASQC American Society for Quality Control
ASTM American Society of Testing Materials
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association
BOMA Building Owners’ & Managers’ Association
CGA Compressed Gas Association, Inc.
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSI Construction Specification Institute
FM Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation of Factory Mutual Global
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
GAMA Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association
GBCA General Building Contractors Association, Inc.
GRI Gas Research Institute
GPBPA Greater Philadelphia Building Professionals Association
HUD Housing and Urban Development
ICBO International Conference of Building officials
IFSTA International Fire Service Training Association
IIAR International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration
MABSA Mid-Atlantic Biological Safety Association
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve & Fittings Industries
NADCA National Air Duct Cleaners Association
NAEW National Academy of Expert Witnesses, Inc.
NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau
NEMI National Energy Management Institute
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIA National Insulation Association
NPGA National Propane Gas Association
NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association
NSC National Safety Council
OSHA U.S. Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration
PHCC Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association
REZA Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association
RSES Refrigeration Service Engineers society
SMACNA Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
TABB Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Bureau
UL Underwriters Laboratory
2020 to Present
President, Private Engineering Company
At the end of 2019, the office of NRG Consultants Incorporated was dissolved and all forensic engineering investigation work was transferred to a Private Engineering Company.
Expert is responsible for business development, finances and project activities related to forensic engineering investigative work. Expert is also for expert witness testimony and litigation support.
1991 to 2020
NRG Consultants
Responsible for managing a consulting engineering practice involving forensic investigation work and the design of heating, ventilating and air conditioning AC), refrigeration and fire protection systems for buildings in the high-tech industrial,
and commercial fields.
Total responsibility for all business development, finances, design and project activities including: proposals, presentations, budgets, fee and contract negotiations, allocation, project scheduling and profit projections.
1991 to 2012
Director of Mechanical Engineering Dawson Engineering Inc.
Responsible for the following services:
• Conceptual design of mechanical systems and selection of equipment for commercial, industrial, educational and residential type facilities. Mechanical encompass heating, refrigeration, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, fire and waste water disposal.
• Preparation of construction documents (drawings and specifications).
• Economic studies and evaluations.
• Site investigations and surveys.
• Cost estimating.
• Construction administration.
• Testing.
1984 to 1991
Principal and Director of Engineering Edward A. Sears Associates
New York, New York
New York City office responsibilities included supervising project engineers/manager and designer/draftsmen in completing mechanical systems design for commercial and institutional projects.
New Jersey branch office responsibilities included for business development and project management for 18 person office. Major projects included: hospital suites, medica and industrial research labs, university buildings, hotels and commercial/corporate office buildings.
Management responsibilities included business development, presentations to architects and owners, fee/contract establishment and negotiations, budget and manpower scheduling cost estimating, system selection, equipment specifications, conceptual design, technical quality control, supervision of detailed design to resolve unique technical problems and status reviews.
Representative Projects:
New gymnasium and recreational pool, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey can pus. Estimated Construction Cost $4,500,000. Building area square feet 31,000
Addition of 1500 ton absorption chiller, New York Hospital.
Replacement of major mechanical and electrical components, Peter Rodino Federal Building, Newark, New Jersey.
Estimated Construction Cost $ 3,800,000.
Tenant fit out for corporate office facilities, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Technical assistance reports & energy conservation studies for 25 buildings – Drew University, Madison New Jersey.
177 room addition to the Marriott Hotel, Newark Airport, Newark, New Jersey.
Refrigerated warehouse & distribution center, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Estimated Construction Cost $6,500,000.
NRG Consultants
Responsible for Energy Studies, Analysis, Reports, Fire Investigations, Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Fire Protection Design.
NOTE: In June 1984 the office of NRG Consultants merged with Edward A. Sears
and relocated to Trenton, New Jersey. Expert was responsible for managing
1979 to 1984
Director of HVAC Engineering CUH2A Architects & Engineers Princeton, New Jersey
Responsible for client contact, sales presentations to clients, management of HVAC staff 32 people, project scheduling, cost control, conceptual and detailed design for Research Laboratories, Hospitals and Office Buildings, plus Energy Management
Representative Projects:
Pfizer, Inc., Pfizer Central Research Laboratory, Groton, CT
220,000 sq. ft. Drug discovery facility including biology and chemistry
16,000 sq. ft. animal facility, administrative offices, library, auditorium, and central service area.
E.R. Squibb & Sons, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ
55,000 sq. ft. Quality Control Laboratory including microbiological and control laboratories and extensive sterility testing areas.
American Home Products Corporation, Ayerst Laboratories Research Center, Brunswick, NJ
285,000 sq. ft. Pharmaceutical research facility including medicinal chemistry, bio- chemistry, microbiology and pharmacology laboratories, 2O,OOO sq. ft., animal , administrative offices, library, auditorium and central food service area.
Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc., Toxicology Lab & Animal Handling Facility, East Milestone, NJ
Alterations to 55,000 sq. ft. environmental health science laboratory. Master plan for additions to environmental health science laboratory, new aquatic toxicology laboratory.
Nabisco, 6O million dollar Research Laboratory & Administrative Office, East Hanover, NJ
St. Peter’s Hospital
Middlesex County Medical Center
RCA Administrative Office Building, Morrestown, NJ
Ocean and Atlantic County Community Colleges 1975 to 1979
Creative Design Associates, Inc., Warminster, PA
Responsible for Business Development, Management, Cost Control, Design of HVAC Plumbing, Fire Protection & Solar Heating Systems.
Representative Projects: Churches, Schools, Shopping Centers, Nursing Homes, Office
Buildings, Apartment Complexes
Largest Projects: Heritage Towers Total Care Facility, Doylestown, PA, 238
Apartment Units plus 6O Bed Nursing Home
Master Planning for new Naval Academy, Saudi Arabia – Central Chiller Water Plant, Approximately 9,000 tons.
1965 to 1975
Chief Engineer
A.J. Creati & Associates, Inc. Elkins Park, PA
Responsible for HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Process Piping Design, Specification Writing, Cost Estimating, storm Water Management, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Construction Administration, and Contracts. Supervised a staff of six people in HVAC and Plumbing Design. Started employment as a Designer.
Representative Projects: Largest Project:
Shopping Centers, Industrial Buildings, Office Buildings
Columbia Mall, Columbia, MD – Largest enclosed mall on the East coast with a central chilled water & heating plant.
1959 to 1965
Charles Barrows, Consulting Engineer, Levittown, PA
Responsible for HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Design for Residential and Commercial Buildings. Representative Project: Cheltenham Shopping Center, Cheltenham, PA
AWARDS: Available upon request.
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