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Provides Testimony In

Accident Investigation, Accident Prevention, Accident Reconstruction, Accident Safety, Accidents, Aerial lifts, Animations, Automated loaders,Boom Lifts, Computer Graphics, Cranes, DOT Compliance, Engineering Design, Exercise Equipment, Failure Analysis, Fork Trucks, Forklifts, Front Loaders, Garbage trucks, Golf Products, Heavy Equipment, Hoists, Human Factors, Hydraulically operated equipment, Hydraulics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial equipment, Industrial Safety, Infringement, Intellectual Property, Invalidity, Liftgates, Machinery, Machinery, Manlifts, Material handling, Mechanical Engineering, Mobile equipment, Models, Patent Law, Patents, infringement, Invalidity, Personal Injury, Product Engineering, Product Liability, Rear loaders, Rigging, Rolloffs, Safety, Scaffolds, Scissor Lifts, Side loaders, Suspension systems, Threadmills, Trailers, Trailers, Trucks, Trucks, Utility Vehicles

Expert has been in consulting engineering since 1980.  He is
currently president of a company he started in 2000.  Previously, he
spent 20 years doing consulting work with F.S. New Products, Inc.
During his consulting career, Expert has directed the development
and improvement of a wide variety of products including trucking
equipment, refuse equipment, hydraulically operated mobile equipment,
specialty axles and suspensions, exercise equipment, radio frequency and
magnetically shielded enclosures, rotomolded containers, cranes, aerial
lifts and a variety of consumer products.

Expert expertise extends to many areas of product design;
including concept generation, design, stress calculations, finite
element analysis, modeling, prototyping, testing, manufacturing and
assisting in the patent process.  Expert has been engaged hundreds
of times as a testifying expert in product liability, breach of
warranty, negligent misrepresentation and intellectual property cases.

As Vice President of Engineering at the MRI Support Systems Corporation,
Expert was responsible for the design of RF and magnetic shields
manufactured for magnetic resonance imagers and supervised the
development of new products.  He collaborated with other engineers and
architects to assure the shielding interfaced well with the complete
project and tested the performance of the completed shields.

Expert worked for F.S. New Products, Inc. and attended college
concurrently from 1980 through 1984.  In 1984 Expert completed his
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and graduated with distinction from
California State University, Long Beach, where he was on both the Dean’s
and the President’s Honor Lists.

Expert began his engineering career, prior to receiving his degree,
in the engineering department of Sargent Industries, Huntington Park
Division where he performed engineering design changes, accumulated and
organized technical information for record purposes and submittal to
customers on government related projects. He wrote instruction manuals
for the preparation of Certification Data Sheets and model parts lists.

Expert is a registered professional engineer in the States of California, Utah, Nevada and Alabama.

Expert is certified by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals
as a Certified Safety Professional in comprehensive practice.  He is
certified in 1st aid, CPR and AED.  He is a certified as a
train-the-trainer for lift truck operators.  Expert is also a
certified trainer for scissor lifts and boom lifts.  He is also a
certified overhead crane, mobile crane and rigging inspector.  He has
taken continuing education courses in: intellectual property issues for
engineers, risk management/assessment, economic evaluation of projects,
Autocad, SolidWorks, OSHA health & safety, ANSI a92.2 changes, pole
top rescue, confined space and accident investigation.

Expert has been a member of the Utah Safety Council, National
Safety Council, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Society of
American Value Engineers, the National Honor Society, and Tau Beta Phi,
a national engineering honor society.  He was nominated for membership
in Phi Kappa Phi, and has been named to Who’s Who in California, Who’s
Who in the West and the national registry of Who’s Who in Executives and
Businesses.  In 2009 he was awarded the Utah Genius award for being one
of Utah’s top patentees.

Expert holds Patents on over 65 products.  Expert has several patents pending at this time.

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