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Provides Testimony In

Materials Engineering, failure analysis, materials failure, fatigue failure, overload failure, stress fatigue, cavitation fatigue, corrosion fatigue, subsurface origin, surface origin, compressional forces, fracture fatigue, brittle ductile failure, failure analysis high strength steels, grinding wheel, Civil Engineering


A multi-disciplined engineer with over twenty years of experience in solving complex mechanical and materials engineering problems, while providing unique and cost effective solutions for these challenging problems.


A Private Materials Engineering Company, December 1992 to July 2012
Senior  Mechanical and Materials Engineering Consultant
Provided mechanical and materials engineering design, failure analysis,manufacturing and support services both domestically and internationally.
Clients ranged from the U.S. Army and Navy to Her Majesty’s government, the R.C.C. of Hong Kong to Fortune 100 Companies to small start-ups.

School of Materials Science and Engineering, June 1990 to December 1992
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Worked as a Research Assistant on project ranging from the development of oxide single crystal structures for electronic, magnetic and optical applications to the analysis of tank armor.
In addition, as a Teaching Assistant, taught the following senior level undergraduate labs: metallurgy; mechanical testing; failure analysis of materials; glass (amorphous materials);
refractores and refractory failure analysis; ceramic (oxide) microstructure property, control and processing; rheology.

G. A. Industries, Ltd., R.C.C. Hong Kong, May 1985 to June 1986
Vice-President of Sales and Marketing
Left G. A. Industries, Ltd. in June of 1986 for graduate school in business

G. A. Industries, Ltd., Taiwan, R.O.C., June 1982 to April 1985
Sales Manager/Engineering Products
Marketing specialty engineered products internationally.


Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering – Current
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Over 135 Graduate Semester Hours in Engineering

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering – May, 2014
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Minor in Civil Engineering

Doctoral Studies in Materials Engineering –
Georgia Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Ceramic Engineering – March, 1993
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Thesis:  The Manufacture of Polycrystalline Alpha-Alumina Fibers from Organometallic Syntheses.
Designed for high-temperature and high-strength composite applications.

Professional Licenses:

Non-Restricted, Industrial and Commercial License for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Air Filtration, Fuels Piping and Three-Phase Electrical Systems, Georgia

American Petroleum Institute License

U.S. E.P.A. 608 License, Type: Universal

A Short Selection of Current Research and Development:

Numerical modeling of microfluidic device for lab-on-chip technology (Georgia Tech)
Indium-gallium-arsenide alloys as nano-wires for a new generation of non-silicon transistors
Gradiet energy analysis in non-uniform systems involving p- and d-block elements for
metallic single crystal (whisker) growth abatement applied to electronic circuits and
electrical equipment.
Long-lived Ostwald-Miers region amorphous materials, for non-nucleating application as
electronic interposers and nuclear waste vitrification.
The design of specialized high-temperature and high-pressure (2,000 atmospheres or approx. 30,000
psi) hydrothermal equipment for oxide single crystal growth.
Electrical generation from connate and hydrated salt domes.

A Complete List of All R & D Is Available Upon Request

Professional Memberships:

Past or present member of the following:

Geological Society of America
Society of Petroleum Engineers
American Ceramic Society
ASM International
American Chemical Society
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Clay Mineral Society
National Institute of Ceramic Engineers
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogical Association of Canada
American Petroleum Institute
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (GT Student Member)

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