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Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry, Entrepreneurial Technology, Engineering Technology, Composite Materials, Manufacturing Processes, Matrix Fiber Interface, New Resin Characterization, Plastics, Recycling, Plastics Materials Processing, Composites Materials Processing, Creating Managing New Ventures, Small Business Manufacturing, Process Planning Estimating, New Product Development, Plastic Recycling, Manufacturing for Entrepreneurs, Plastics Materials, Plastics Processing, Resin Transfer Molding


1971, University in Utah, Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (Minor: Physics)
1967, University in Utah, B.A. (Cum Laude), Chemistry

Professional Experience and Employment

University in Utah:

1999-present, Professor of Entrepreneurial Technology

1986-present, Professor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology

2003, Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award – BYU’s most prestigious faculty award (for clear
superiority in both scholarship and teaching)

2002, Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering

2001-2004, Fellow, BYU award for contributions to General Education

1991,1997,2002, Outstanding Faculty Award, School of Technology

1993, Outstanding College Researcher

1992-1995, Dept. Chair, Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Technology

Research areas:

Composite materials, new manufacturing processes, matrix/fiber interface, machining and finishing, new resin characterization.

Plastics, In-use performance, recycling, improved manufacturing processes, resin adaptation to end-uses.

Methods for sensing resin cures and other material properties.

Creativity development and pedagogy.

Manufacturing for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Classes taught at university:  Plastics Materials and Processing, Composites Materials and Processing, History of Creativity, Creating and Managing New Ventures, Materials Science, Quality Control, Process Planning and Estimating, Capstone (Senior project class), Quantitative Reasoning, University Foundation

1999-present, Founding Director, Manufacturing Leadership Forum (MLF), facilitated the development of leadership skills in manufacturing students through seminars, cooperative work assignments, and research

1996-1997, Director – Rapid Product Realization (RPR) Center,assisted inventors and companies in the development of new products, especially in prototyping.  Developed methods to reduce the time for product development.

1990-1996, Founding Director – Advanced Composite Mfg. & Eng. (ACME) Center, Coordinated technical assistance to over 150 companies in Utah in advanced materials (composites and plastics) resulting in over $32 million in related business and over 400 new jobs.  Center sponsored 5 conferences.  5 patents and licenses granted for Center technology.

1984-1986, Vice President of Research Institute in Utah, Supervised launching of new software products, new military antenna and process for coal liquefaction.

1979-1984, President of Hardie Irrigation Systems, California, Supervised all US and South American operations with full profit/loss responsibilities.  Directed manufacturing (principally extrusion and injection molding) throughout the world.  Increased sales from $5 to $18 million and profits from $1 million (loss) to $1.6 million (gain).

1978-1979, Technical Manager, Certified new resin materials for various irrigation product uses.  Supervised use of electron irradiation and laser drilling.  Established QC and reliability testing procedures.

E. I. DuPont, Delaware

1976-1978, Field Service Engineer, Field service and marketing of drip irrigation tubing.
1973-1976, Senior Manufacturing Engineer, Devised and implemented procedures for production of an inflated, foamed fiber material. Set QC standards.
1972-1973, Senior Research Chemist, Supervised testing of new uses for foamed fiber material. In-use testing.
1971-1972, Research Chemist, Modified a new membrane material used in electro- chemical cells and built a test cell to evaluate membrane efficiency.  Formulated new composites, defined their moldability, and determined their impact strength, flammability, weatherability, and other properties.

Professional Societies

Society for the Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering (SAMPE), trustee membership

Composites Fabricators Association (CFA), honorary membership

Association of Rotational Molders (ARM), honorary membership

Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), senior membership

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Phi Kappa Phi — Honorary Scholastic Society

Sigma Xi — Honorary Science Research Society

National and International Recognitions

Elected Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering

Utah Engineering Educator of the Year Nominee, Utah Engineering Council.

Selected as member of Advisory Committee of NASCOMP, Seminar on Composites, Bangalore, India

Program Chair, International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, California

Selected as peer reviewer for the state of Indiana 21st Century technology awards program

Recipient of the Student Honor Association award for supporting students in living the honor code

Named the Lorin Farr Professor of Entrepreneurial Technology

Winner of the Padnos Design Competition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for Environmentally Progressive Projects

Winner of the M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Textbook Award, awarded by the Education Foundation of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

International President, SAMPE

Contributing Editor, Composites Fabrication

Editorial Board, Journal of Advanced Materials

Editorial Board, SAMPE Journal

International Executive Cabinet (SAMPE)

Editorial Board, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials

Proposer of national standards for performance of trash carts

Organizing committee, workshop for Certified Prosthetists and Orthotists on Composite Devices

Board member, Utah Manufacturing Extension Partnership (holding company)

Elected International Director (SAMPE)

Elected Member Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society

Award Speaker and Elected Member, Sigma Xi, Honorary Research Society

Member, Center for Advanced Materials (U of U)

Member, SME Composites Technical Council

Organizing committee, National Technology Workshop, Utah

International Academic Advisory Committee, SAMPE

Organizing committee and program moderator, Composite Materials in Medical Devices, Conference in

Programs and Courses Attended For Teaching or Professional Improvement

Numeracy Across the Curriculum Conference

Polyurethane Coatings, Georgia, Technomics

Incorporating Science in the History of Civilization Courses

Writing Across the Curriculum Conference

How to give better essay exams

College of Engineering and Technology Integrated Learning System teacher improvement program

Developed short course on Composites Manufacturing for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Developed curriculum for a course in Composite Technician Training for Utah Valley Community College (UVCC)

Developed equipment requirements for course in Composite Technicians for Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)


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