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Provides Testimony In

Hormone Replacement, Hormone Replacement Testosterone, Pharmaceutical, Transdermal Hormone, FDA, Topical Testosterone, DHEA, Estrogen, Melatonin, Progesterone, Preventative Medicine, Disease Prevention, Sports Medicine, Geriatrics, Longevity, Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Developmental Visual Training, Nutritional Medicine, Psychiatric Health, Dentistry, Forensic Medicine, Anti Aging, Wellness Medicine, Andrology, Family Practitioner, Topical Hormone Cream, Proton Beam Therapy, Testosterone Deficiencies, Carcinogens,Dioxins, Hormone Balancing Technology

Background & Current Research

Expert graduated from the University of Manitoba as a dentist in 1969 and went on to earn his medical degree in 1973.  For over 25 years he has been a pioneer in the field of hormone replacement, with a special focus on anti-aging, wellness medicine, and andrology. Expert is currently a board-certified Family Practitioner and a Preventive Medicine specialist. Early in his training, Expert noticed that men and women who maintained normal hormone levels throughout their lives looked and felt better, and had greater functionality, than those who did not.
Expert developed a topical hormone cream in response to the needs of a patient who, after successful proton beam therapy for a high grade malignant tumor behind his nose, was rendered deficient in all hormones regulated by his pituitary gland, located in the center of the brain. Following this success, Expert conducted two clinical trials utilizing a transdermal hormonal delivery system to treat men with testosterone deficiencies. In the course of these studies, he identified numerous men in their early 30s seeking hormone therapy because their sex drive was reduced or even non-existent. Many stated that they felt like old men and lab tests showed their testosterone levels had dropped prematurely.
In searching for the cause of this accelerating problem, Expert focused specifically on a possible environmental cause. The revelation in January 2001 that dioxins had been identified as carcinogins (cancer-causing agents) triggered a search for other possible problems related to dioxins
Expert has a full-time medical practice in California and manages the wellness and hormone websites where men and women can get current, practical information on hormone replacement, preventive medicine, wellness and hormone balancing techniques.
In July 2001, Expert formed a company, which has developed a topical 10% testosterone cream with patent pending status.  Recently, the company has also developed a unique hormone therapy for women, and is currently seeking FDA approval to bring these exciting new products to market.

Undergraduate Education

University: 1963-1964, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Dental School: 1964-1969, University of Manitoba, School of Dentistry. Winner of bronze medals in Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. Dean’s honor roll. Awarded DMD in 1969.
Medical School: 1970-1973, University of Manitoba School of Medicine; Awarded MD in 1973.
Postgraduate Training


1973-1974, Stanford University; surgical internship
(including six months at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Burn Unit)

Visiting Fellowships
Surgery of the jaw.
Plastic surgery of the Orbit
Plastic surgery for Breast Modification

Licenses & Board Certification

1969 Certification in Hypnosis – Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1974 Medical License: California
1982 MMedical License: Hawaii
1996 Family Practice Board Certification – AAPS
1997 Forensic Medicine Board Certification


1969 Member, Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1975 Member, International Academy of Preventive Medicine
1977 Member, International College of Applied Nutrition
1979 Member, International Association of Metabolic Medicine
1985 Member, Association for Teachers of Preventive Medicine
1986 Member, Sports Medicine Association
1987 Member, American Running and Fitness Association
1994 Member, International Association of Neuroimmunology
1996 Diplomate, American College of Forensic Examiners
1996 Member, Board of Physician Specialists in Family Practice
1997 Physician Partner, Cenegenics Clinic of Antiaging Medicine
2000 Member, Millenium Group of AntiAging Medicine


Doctor of Dentistry, DMD, Canada 1969
Medical Degree, 1974. Licensed US: California 1974 and Hawaii 1982
Family practice, Board Certified, March 1996
Forensic Medicine, Board Certified, December 1996.

Hospital Privileges

Locum Tenans Kona Hospital, Big Island, Hawaii, 1982
Consulting Staff-Mee Memorial, King City, California, 1995-1996
Staff-Monterey Psychiatric Health Facility, 1996


1969 to 1970, Private Dentistry Practice.

1975 to 1976, Staff Physician, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital, Los Angeles; in charge of Emergency Room, outpatient and inpatient for 45 bed private hospital; performed general surgery and served as Utilization Review Coordinator.

1976 to 1977, Private Practice California. And a local Holistic Health Center

1977 to 1980, Group Practice, Holistic Health and Nutritional Medicine, with Chiropractor Bill Wells, Ophthalmologist Ray Gottleib, Biofeedback Therapist Jean Millay, Acupuncturist Andy SooHoo, Jan, an RN trained in Wellness Counseling, and Carl the MFCC.

1977 to present, Medical Director, a local non-profit medical clinic offering alternatives to traditional medicine: Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Marriage and Family Counseling, Developmental Visual Training and Nutritional and Preventive Medicine.

July 1977 to July 1979 Clinic in Santa Rosa area.  Conducted a research study to determine most effective alternative therapy–primary investigator (unpublished).

1980 to 1990, Private Practice, California; General Preventive Medicine, Family Practice and Acupuncture. Special interest in Gerontology and Immunology/Allergy. Research Project: Effects of Mycological (fungal) extracts on the immune system, primary investigator.

1983 to 1990, Medical Director, Sports Medicine Association, California. A non-profit organization providing education and evaluation for "Peak Performance" in Triathletes and Physical Trainers of school athletes. Combines Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Physicians, Acupuncturists, Podiatrists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Psychologists, all involved in a team approach to help athletes achieve peak performance.

1990 – 2000, Private Practice, A Local Preventive Medical Clinic, California. Family Practice, Pain Management and Outpatient Services with emphasis on disease prevention, Sports Medicine, Geriatrics, Longevity and Immunology.

2000 – present, CEO of a Pharmaceutical company bringing a line of transdermal hormone preparations to market. Involved with FDA regulatory procedures and clinical trials for topical testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, melatonin and progesterone. Clinical Study, primary investigator.

Board Affiliations

Monterey County AIDS Project — Board Member, 1995 to 1998
Stop AIDS Worldwide — Board Member, 1996 to 1999
Mycological Research Laboratories — Scientific Advisory Board, 1999 to 2001
Pharmaceutical company — CEO, Manager, President, 2000 to present

Conferences Attended

1982- Emerging Frontiers in Medicine- Cyprus Foundation
1982- Nutrition and Health – Pacific Medical Center
1982- Sports Medicine Conference – University of Hawaii
1985- Current Aspects of Clinical Medicine
1985- Nutrition for Hospital and Office Practice
1985- Infectious Diseases in General Medicine and Pediatric Practice
1985 -Office Problems for the Primary Care Physician
1986- Clinical Preventive Medicine – University of California – Davis
1986- Geriatric Medicine in Practice – University of Hawaii – Manoa
1987- Alternatives in Microbiological Testing
1987- Preventive Medicine in 1987
1987- AIDS in Monterey County
1987- Post Menopausal Osteoporosis-Regional Seminar
1987- Influenza – Mandate for the 80’s
1987- Treatment of Allergies
1987- Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Upper GI Disease
1988- Advances in Clinical Practice
1989- Gladstone Lipid Disorder Clinics
1990- Family Practice Update-Cyprus Foundation
1990- The Skin from A to Z
1992- American College of Allergy And Immunology
1992- Post Menopausal Osteoporosis
1994- Prime-MD – Diagnosis of Depression/Alcoholism/Eating Disorders
1994- Common Office Problems – Cyprus Foundation
1995- Progress in Treating Depression: A Primary Care Update
1995- Geriatrics – Cyprus Foundation
1996- Advances in The Management of Obesity
1997- Multispecialty Conference – University of Texas
1997- Hawaii Ironman Medical Conference
1998- Hawaii Ironman Medical Conference
1999- Hawaii Ironman Medical Conference
2000- Endocrine Society Meeting – Toronto
2001- Endocrine Society Meeting- Denver, Colorado

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