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Provides Testimony In

Highway Transportation Safety, Human Factors, Engineer, traffic control devices signs, markings, driver human factors, work zone construction maintenance activity, national flagger standards, highway geometric design, large truck operations, pedestrian accidents, parking, railroad grade crossings, public agency negligence, scientific investigation, case analysis, literature review incorporating automated database search, interrogatory question development, assistance with document production requests, exhibit preparation computer simulation, photography, graphics, scale models, Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering,Ladder Safety

Experience Summary

Specializing in cases involving traffic control devices (e.g., signs, markings), driver human factors, work zone (construction/maintenance) activity, highway geometric design, large truck operations, pedestrian accidents, parking, railroad-grade crossings, and public agency negligence.  Services include scientific investigation, case analysis, literature review (incorporating automated database search), interrogatory question development, assistance with document production requests, exhibit preparation (e.g., computer simulation, photography, graphics, and scale models), depositions, and trial testimony.

State and Local Government – Highway Design and Research, 1968-1972
Private Industry – Transportation, Human Factors, and Highway Safety Research, 1973-Present


Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1968

Master of Science, Civil Engineering
Major:  Transportation Engineering
West Virginia University, 1970

Post-graduate C.E.U. Credit:
Transportation Engineering
Human Factors
Accident Reconstruction
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) course work completion

Workshops/Advanced Studies

(Dates Available Upon Request)

Highway Capacity Workshop; Northwestern University
Transportation Systems Engineering; University of Virginia

Human Factors Engineering; University of Michigan
Coordinated Traffic Signal Systems; Georgia Institute of Technology
Highway Accident Research; National Highway Institute
Advanced Statistics Workshop; SYSTAT: The System for Statistics; Evanston, Illinois
Traffic Access and Impact for Site Development; Institute for Transportation Engineers
Traffic Access and Impact for Site Development; Institute for Transportation Engineers
Traffic Accident Analysis and Reconstruction; George Washington University
Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction, Society of Automotive Engineers

Highway Safety Research Experience:
Twenty-five year career for state/local highway agencies & private industry

Licensed Traffic Engineer:
California and Virginia

Internationally Recognized:

Fifty publications in four languages

Invited presentation on four continents

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Committee

Past President’s Award, Institute of Transportation Engineers

Professional Memberships

National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Transportation Research Boards
Institute for Transportation Engineers, Fellow
Society of Automotive Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
National Forensic Center

(A complete list of dates and roles on the above memberships available upon request)


Licensed Professional Engineer, Virginia, California, and North Carolina


June 1968 to June 1969 – Arlington County Government; Arlington, Virginia
Highway Design Engineer

Determined alignment of street, curb, and driveway access

Designed open and closed culvert and pipe storm drainage systems

Served on select task force to develop utility inventory system

June 1969 to May 1972 – Virginia Highway Research Council; Charlottesville, Virginia
Highway Research Engineer

Guide sign design and human factors evaluation based on erratic vehicle maneuvers

Conducted statewide analytic survey of highway signing inventory systems

Member of special task force to develop remedial measures for accident-prone interchanges

Participated in engineering evaluations of highway construction zone devices, railway grade crossing warning devices, and reflective delineators

May 1972 to January 1981 – BioTechnology, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia
Senior Transportation Research Engineer

Directed numerous major research studies evaluating driver/pedestrian behavior

Emphasis on driver responses to signing and other traffic control devices

Applied sophisticated roadway instrumentation data collection techniques

Developed and analyzed driver surveys

January 1981 to Present – Transportation Research Corporation; Haymarket, Virginia

Conducted major sponsored research in transportation engineering/human factors
Consulted on numerous highway safety studies
Provided expert testimony in a variety of traffic safety related cases.

Publications And Honors

Available upon request

Significant Accomplishments

A complete list of accomplishments is available upon request.  This also includes an exclusive CNN Interview involving a highly publicized traffic accident in March 2007.

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