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Provides Testimony In

Gas Turbine Materials, High Temperature Coatings, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Fatigue, Fracture Mechanics, Creep, High Temperature Environmental Attack


Expert is an internationally recognized expert on gas turbine materials, and, in particular, high–temperature coatings and the life of hot section components. He has over 30 years of experience in mechanical and metallurgical engineering and is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Expert’s technical background is in the areas of gas turbine materials; the mechanical behavior of materials, including fatigue, fracture mechanics, and creep; and high-temperature environmental attack.


Expert was the Chairman of the Manufacturing Materials and Metallurgy Committee of the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI), and has served on government review panels, including the National Materials Advisory Board (NMAB) Committee on Coatings for High- Temperature Structural Materials. Prior to forming Gas Turbine Materials Associates, he was the Assistant Director of the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) Materials Center for Combustion Turbines. Expert is currently organizing the Additive Manufacturing Section for the 2018 IGTI Turbo Expo Conference.


Ph.D., Applied Mechanics and Materials Science Interdisciplinary Program, University of Cincinnati, 1983; M.S., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, 1978; B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University, 1975.


Expert has worked on most types of gas turbine engines, and has worked with most of the manufacturers of gas turbines, as well as repair shops and vendors to OEM’s. He has worked with most types of gas turbine operators, including oil and gas, utilities, IPP’s, and aircraft. Expert has also been involved in the refurbishment of gas turbines, including the preparation of specifications and the inspection of repairs. He has been the project manager of contracts to provide gas turbine services to a number of companies, which include most aspects of combined cycle plants.

Expert was the project manager and principal investigator for major studies on Rolls Royce aeroderivative gas turbines, which have developed a unique method to evaluate the damage on air cooled gas turbine blades. He was the project manager and principal investigator for the development of a Life Management System for the General Electric Frame 6 and Frame 7 industrial gas turbines. He was the organizer, program manager and principal investigator on a study of the GE blade alloy GTD-111, the GE family of coatings and the GE Frame 5 gas turbine. Expert was the materials manager of a program to develop deposit resistant coatings and improved thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine fuel nozzles, and has consulted for fuel nozzle vendors. He has conducted a highly respected study of the effect of bio-fuels on gas turbine hot section components.

He was the project manager and principal investigator for programs on remaining creep life of gas turbine blades, high cycle fatigue, and compressor water washing. He was the project manager on programs on casing distortion and rotor life. While at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), he was the project manager and principal investigator for the EPRI Life Management System, which developed REMLIF™, an expert system computer program (ABC) that determines the remaining life of gas turbine hot section components. He was the project manager and principal investigator for the EPRI High–Temperature Coatings Project, which developed a guidebook on high–temperature coatings and an expert system computer program to select these coatings for specific gas turbine applications. He has conducted numerous metallurgical and failure analyses of hot section components, and has directed stress analyses and probabilistic analyses of gas turbine components. The above activities have resulted in documented savings of over ten million dollars for gas turbine operators.

Expert has performed a number of failure analyses of compressors, steam turbines, fasteners, bearings, etc. He has directed stress analyses of many of these components, as well as of gas turbine components. He has developed data bases for engine durability and the tracking of components. He has been involved in the development of material property data bases, and has given a keynote paper on this topic at a major international conference.


Prior to joining SwRI, Expert was on the faculty of the University of Houston, where he conducted research on corrosion fatigue and tribology, and taught courses in fracture mechanics, the mechanical behavior of materials, materials science and engineering alloys. In addition, he was the faculty advisor to the ASM student chapter and the SAE Formula Race Car Team. He also has evaluated the high-temperature, low-cycle fatigue behavior of nickel-base superalloys; the creep crack growth behavior of these alloys, including environmental effects; the constitutive behavior of nickel-base superalloys; oxidation stresses and their effect upon mechanical properties; and the non-linear fracture mechanics of polycarbonate.

Expert is the author of over 80 technical papers and presentations, including keynote papers, invited talks and tutorials at national and international meetings.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers; ASM International; TMS- AIME, Pi Tau Sigma.


1995 – Fellow, ASME; 1987 – Herbert F. Allen Award, ASME, for outstanding young engineer in the South Texas Chapter; 1986 – Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineers;
1983 – AMOCO Young Faculty Development Award, University of Houston; 1979- 1983 – University Graduate Scholarship, Supplementary Engineering Graduate Scholarship, Student Summer Research
Fellowship, University of Cincinnati; 1977-1981 – Technical Award Winner (3 times), System Research Laboratories.


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