Provides Testimony In
Forensic Psychology, Physical/Sexual Trauma, Sexual Compulsions, and Internet Compulsions, Licensed Psychologist,
Doctor of Education, December 1990, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Counseling Psychology
Birth Order Proportions of Arizona Psychologists as Compared to Birth Order Proportions of the General Population in the United States
Master of Arts Degree, December 1985, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Emphasis in Marriage and Family Counseling
Focus in Adlerian Psychology
Birth Order Proportions of Counseling and Guidance Graduate Students
Bachelor of Arts Degree, June 1983, Bethany College, Santa Cruz, CA
Major in Psychology
Sophomore Class President
Counseling and Forensic Psychology, Tucson, AZ
February 2000 to Present
Provide individual, couples, and family counseling in a private practice setting. Specializations include physical/sexual trauma, sexual compulsions, and Internet compulsions. Also provide forensic psychology services to the Arizona Superior Court and Federal Court for juvenile and adult populations. Evaluations include state-of-mind, competency, psychosexual, violence risk assessment, malingering, IQ, independent medical evaluations, involuntary committal, and general assessment. Certified as an expert witness by the Arizona Supreme Court.
Clinical Supervisor, Renewal Centers, Tucson & Nogales, AZ
August 2004 – 2009
Provided regular supervision, training, and served on the executive board for Renewal Centers. Renewal is a non-profit agency offering professional counseling to under-served populations in Southern Arizona since 1985. The agency includes two centers in Tucson and one in Nogales.
October 2003 – Present
Have provided one-day trainings for counseling, education, and probation professionals in over 300 cities and all 50 states. Topics have been on assessing and treating sexual compulsions, assessing and treating Internet compulsions, and protecting youth online.
October 1998 – July 2003
College Instructor, Northern Arizona University – Tucson Satellite, Tucson, AZ
Taught graduate level Adolescent Psychology and supervised master’s level practicum. Assisted in the creation of the counseling practicum lab that included services to non-English speaking clients and placement of interns in predominantly Hispanic and Native American school districts.
May 1999 – June 2001
Advisor and Certification Instructor, National Abstinence Association, Tucson, AZ
Helped create the National Abstinence Association and served on its advisory board. A program founded by Carondelet Hospitals for training/certifying school personnel and childcare professionals in directed-sexual abstinence programs. I taught on adolescent physical, emotional, and psychological development, as well as decision-making and goal-directed behavior.
May 1998 – January 2000
Psychologist and Family Mediator, Palo Verde Behavioral Health, Tucson, AZ
Inpatient & outpatient psychological services for adolescents and adults. Served on the Psychological Testing Committee, facilitated testing for 31 psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists. Performed inpatient psychological evaluations. Coordinated monthly trainings for the group and hospital. Established and coordinated the American Psychological Association’s approval for educational programs sponsored by the group. Served on the General Psychology Committee, which addressed administrative and program issues specific to psychologists.
October 1996 – May 2000
School Counselor, Grace School, Tucson, AZ
Provided counseling and psychological testing at Grace Christian School (K-8th). Worked with children, parents, teachers. Coordinated with the Special Education Director, school nurse, and administration. Addressed a wide spectrum of issues – ADD/ADHD assessment and intervention, learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, and school phobia.
October 1993 – May 1998
Psychologist and Family Mediator, Private Practice, Tucson, AZ
Worked as a psychologist and mediator in private practice with a diverse client population. Provided counseling supervision to therapists at Family Life Counseling Center and Arizona Counseling Associates. Founded Project Middle Ground in 1993, a national program providing mediation services to conflicted families.
Nov. 1991 – Oct. 1993
Psychologist, Psychological Counseling Services, Ltd., Scottsdale, AZ
Provided individual, couples and family counseling for adolescents and adults within a group practice and an inpatient psychiatric facility. Special focus on victims of physical and sexual trauma, sexual compulsives, sex offenders, adolescent developmental issues, and family dysfunction. Coordinated psychological testing for the practice and therapists in the community. Facilitated 12-Step and general support groups. Member of the Providers’ Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers (PATSA) and served as cabinet officer.
June 1991 – October 1991
Counselor, Scottsdale-Camelback Hospital, Rapha Program, Scottsdale, AZ
Provided treatment for adolescent and adults in an inpatient psychiatric facility using individual, group, couples, and family interventions. Issues included sexual/ physical abuse, family dysfunction, oppositional behaviors, sexual and chemical addictions, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, obsessive/compulsive disorders, bipolar and thought disorders. Additional duties included case management, coordinating treatment teams, developing and implementing treatment and aftercare plans, meeting and documenting quality assurance standards, and community relations.
February 1990 – May 1991
Counselor, Northern Arizona University Counseling & Testing Center, Flagstaff, AZ
Counseled diverse populations dealing with relationship difficulties, depression, dysfunctional families, adjustment issues and substance abuse. Promoted NAU’s priority of addressing the special needs of Native American students. Facilitated therapeutic groups for nursing students, residence hall directors, men, and adult children of alcoholics. Presented to the Multicultural Center, Head Start Program, Office of Residence Life, Tri-Delta Sorority, and various residence halls. Topics included crisis intervention, suicide prevention, healthy relationships, adjustment to college life, stress management, and peer counselor training. Doctoral internship from February 1990 to December 1990 and afterwards as University staff.
December 1985 – July 1987
Case Manager, Child Protective Services, Tucson, AZ
Developed the Arizona Young Adult Program for adolescents in foster care. Assisted adolescents with personal, academic, and behavioral concerns. Also assisted foster care families with needed services and counseling. Provided services in South Tucson – a predominantly Hispanic community. Created and facilitated a 10-week class series teaching independent living skills and helped clients transition into their own apartments six months before their 18th birthday. Administrative tasks included extensive interactions with Pima County Juvenile Court and regular staffings with the Arizona Foster Care Review Board.
Feb. 1985 – June 1985
Master’s Internship, Springboard Shelter, Tucson, AZ
Provided counseling for multicultural youth & families at a residential shelter and in-home follow-up. Also performed house-parent, fund-raising, and promotional tasks.
September 1983 – August 1984
Master’s Practicum, CIRCA and Family Crisis Services, Tucson, AZ
Addressed Anglo and Hispanic client populations regarding career, individual, family, and college adjustment issues through the University of Arizona’s CIRCA program. Volunteered at a local GED preparation program to assist students with personal and career issues. Counseling and crisis intervention were provided over the telephone and through home visitations for Family Crisis Services. Both the GED program and Family Crisis Services involved extensive outreach to Hispanic populations.
- Challenges and Pitfalls in Using the DSM-V in Forensic Evaluations. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Sept. 4, 2014). San Antonio, TX.
- Forensic Evaluation in Disputed Confession Cases. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Sept. 3, 2014). San Antonio, TX.
- Assessing Sexually Abusive Children and Adolescents: MEGA (Multiplex Empirically Guided Inventory of Ecological Aggregates. (August 21-22, 2014), San Diego, CA.
- Personality Disorders: The Challenges of the Hidden Agenda. (April 10, 2014), Tucson, AZ.
- Risk Assessment, Community Management, and Treatment for Juvenile and Adult Sex Offenders. (May 2-3, 2013), Phoenix, AZ. Presented by AzATSA.
- Practical Psychopharmacology: What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know About Psychotropic Medications. (Nov. 26, 2012), Tucson, AZ.
- Memory. Institute for Brain Potential. (Nov. 7, 2012), Phoenix, AZ.
- Family Court Child Custody Evaluation Training. Arizona Superior Court in Pima County Family Center of the Conciliation Court. (September 24, 2012).
- FBI Citizens Academy. Eight-week training. (March 28, 2012). Tucson, AZ.
- Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency and Restoration. Arizona Supreme Court. (Feb. 22-24, 2012). Phoenix, AZ.(Certification to provide forensic services in AZ courts)
- Ethical and Effective Court Testimony. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Nov. 5, 2011). Dallas, TX.
- Law School Crash Course. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Nov. 4, 2011). Dallas, TX.
- Mental Health Evaluations in Homicides and Crimes of Violence. State Bar of Arizona CLE, June 2, 2011. In addition to receiving training, I presented on psychological evaluations (State-of-Mind, competency, future risk) and participated with a panel of judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys.
- Advanced Forensic Psychology Practice: Issues & Applications. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2011, March 31 – April 2, Albuquerque, NM). Trial competence assessments of juveniles, evaluations for juvenile waiver/transfer hearings, personal injury cases, employment discrimination, case law update, ethical issues, violence risk assessment, sex offender risk assessment, child custody evaluations, parenting evaluations in child protective matters, strict mens rea examinations, assessment in capital cases, psychological test use in forensic assessments, and expert testimony.
- Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency and Restoration. State of Arizona Supreme Court. (Feb. 11-12, 2009). Phoenix, AZ. (Certification to provide forensic services in AZ courts)
- Children’s Memory: Interviewing Children to Preserve Accurate Testimony. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Sept. 19, 2008).
- Risk Assessment and Management in Probation and Parole Contexts. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (Sept. 18, 2008).
- Clinical Neuropsychology for the Forensic Psychologist. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2008, January 11). San Antonio, TX.
- “Guilty Except Insane†Training. State of Arizona Supreme Court. (Nov. 30, 2007). Phoenix, AZ.
- Certification in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Taught by Dr. Hare. (2007, Oct. 25 & 26). Larned, KS.
- Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency and Restoration. State of Arizona Supreme Court. (May 3-4, 2007). Tucson, AZ. (Certification to provide forensic services in Ariz. courts)
- Forensic Psychology in Arizona Courtrooms: Discovery Wars, Records Management, Scope of Practice, Professional Ethics, and Legal Requirements. Barrow Neurological Institute (2007, Jan. 5). Phoenix, AZ.
- Comprehensive Assessment of Malingering in Forensic Settings. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, April 8). Indianapolis, IN.
- Personal Injury Evaluations. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, April 7). Indianapolis, IN.
- Sexual Offender Evaluations: Risk Assessment and Management. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, April 6). Indianapolis, IN.
- Preparing for Board Certification in Forensic Psychology. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, Feb. 23). Houston, TX.
- Critical Issues In Child Sexual Abuse Allegations. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, Feb. 24). Houston, TX.
- Psychopathy in Youth: Research, Assessment, and Forensic Issues. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2006, Feb. 23). Houston, TX.
- Training Mental Health Experts in Legal Competency and Restoration. State of Arizona Supreme Court. (Sept. 23-25, 2003). Phoenix, AZ. (Certification to provide forensic services in Ariz. courts)
- Survey Intensive Workshop in Forensic Psychology. American Academy of Forensic Psychology. (2002, April 18-21). Atlanta, GA.
- Psychopharmacology Update. 7th Annual Neuropsychiatric Pharmacology Update. (2001, Oct. 18-19). Phoenix, AZ.
- Abstinence Facilitator Certification. National Abstinence Association. (1999, May 17-19). Tucson, AZ.
- Psychopharmacology Update. 2nd Annual Southwest Regional Psychiatric Pharmacology Update. (1996, Oct. 4-5). Phoenix, AZ.
- Expert Witness Training. Arizona Psychological Association. (1996, June 18). Phoenix, AZ.
- Professional Mediation. United States Arbitration and Mediation. (Fall, 1994). Phoenix, AZ. Trained and certified in mediation.
- Family Mediation. Pepperdine University Mediation Institute. (Fall, 1993). Costa Mesa, CA.
- Hypnosis Training & Certification. Well Being Institute. (Spring 1991). Phoenix, AZ.
- Plethysmograph Certification. Farrel Institute. (Spring 1991). Grand Island, Nebraska.
- Adolescent Case Management. CPS. (Dec. 1985 – July 1987). Tucson, AZ. Received on-going, specialized training in teen pregnancy, adolescent health issues, physical and sexual abuse, child development, and operating procedures for Child Protective Services and Pima County Juvenile Court. This training included an emphasis in working with Hispanic populations.
- Juvenile Detention Training. Pima County Juvenile Court. (Spring 1985). Tucson, AZ. Learned court and detention procedures, use of restraints, and search techniques.
- Child Abuse Prevention Program. Family Crisis Services. (Fall 1984). Tucson, AZ. Trained in working with abused children, and created and presented educational programs for children and adults on sexual abuse issues.
- Counseling Sex Offenders. University of Arizona. (Fall 1984). Tucson, AZ. Specialized training in identification and intervention methods with sex offender populations.
- Certified to administer the Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest – 3, (adult), Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest – 2 (juvenile), and the Abel-Blasingame Assessment System for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ABID). Aug. 2014.
- Certified to administer the MEGA (Multiplex Empirically Guided Inventory of Ecological Aggregates. (August 22, 2014), San Diego, CA
- Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners Psychology. Dec. 6, 1991 to Present.
- Certified to Provide Forensic Services. State of Arizona Supreme Court. Sept. 23-25, 2003.
- Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (CPQ). Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. January 14, 2002 – Present.
- National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. Feb. 1994 to Present.
The CPQ and National Register are honorary professional organizations which certify that psychology training meets or exceeds the licensing requirements for the following states and providences, and allows for interstate reciprocity.
British Columbia
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
North Carolina
North Dakota
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
• American Psychological Association
• Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
• National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
• Arizona Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (AZ-ATSA)
• Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA – National)
Publications: Upon Request
Media Interviews: Upon Request
Notable Consultations: Upon Request
Professional Lectures: Dates & Locations Upon Request
Various Presentations: Upon Request
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