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Provides Testimony In

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Board Certified Forensic Psychiatrist, Addiction Child Psychiatrist, Civil Cases, Criminal Cases, Litigation Support, Competency, Criminal Responsibility, Diminished Capacity, Malingering, Psychiatric Liability, Pre sentencing for Sex Offenders, Psychiatric Psychological Injury, Psychiatric Impairment, Neuropsychiatric Neuropsychological Testing Evaluation, Neurological Impairments, Brain Damage Brain Injury Assessment, Independent Medical Examinations, Workers Compensation Claims, Temporary Permanent Disability Evaluations, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Dementia, Military Psychiatry, Aviation Medicine, Aviation Physicals, Medical Malpractice, Pre employment Evaluations for Law Enforcement, Fitness for Duty, Chronic Pain, Pain Evaluations for Surgery, Cult Awareness, Behavioral Assessments, School Evaluations, Medical Records Reviews, Psychological Testing,


A forensic psychiatrist with extensive trial experience, expert 2045 has held a variety of clinical, administrative and teaching positions.  He has served as a faculty member for the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, where he conducts workshops on Neuropsychiatry and Efficient IME Practice.  He is a part-time medical director of a third party administrator for workers’ compensation and previously served as the medical director for the State Agency in charge of workers’ compensation.  In these roles he has performed utilization review on all industrial injuries and occupational diseases.  These experiences, along with over 10,000 independent medical examinations through the years have sharpened his appreciation of the effects of trauma on a person’s mental functioning.  His former position as State Air Surgeon for the Air Guard afforded an opportunity to deal with a variety of illnesses and injuries in military aviators.  He continues to be an Aviation Medical Examiner for the FAA.   His work with attorneys and agencies encompasses civil, criminal and disability issues.  He has a group practice wherein two doctoral level psychologists provide psychological test assessment services to supplement all forensic psychiatric examinations performed.

Current Practice

Evaluations for civil cases to assess for presence or absence of mental disorders and any linkage to trauma or life stresses:  discrimination, sexual harassment, etc.

Evaluations for court-appointed criminal cases for competency to stand trial/criminal responsibility, diminished capacity, and competency to waive rights and to plead

Litigation Support:  Consult with attorneys, depositions, trial testimony, chart reviews

Assessment of legal and medical professionals in defense of ethical or Board complaints

Assessments to rule out dissimulation, malingering and faking mental impairment

Pre-sentencing evaluations for criminal cases

Assessments for pre-sentencing on sex offenders, including the required physical examination, psychiatric interview, psychological testing which includes the Abel System to assist in the diagnosis of paraphilias, diagnosis, and potential treatment plan as mandated

Address issues concerning addiction, post traumatic stress disorder, mental retardation, and severe mental illness

Fitness-for-Duty evaluations for cases involving safety-sensitive positions

Pre-employment evaluations for Law Enforcement

Evaluations for military criminal cases

Neuropsychological testing for brain injury and neurological impairment

Independent Medical Examinations

Temporary and Permanent Disability evaluations

Evaluations for chronic pain

Evaluations for schools and behavioral assessments

Medical Record Reviews


Public Schools in Charleston, WV, through 10th grade, l957
1959 – High School Diploma, Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville, Georgia
1963 – Bachelor of Arts, West Virginia University, Major in Pre-medicine
1966 – Doctor of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
1966-l967 Medical Internship, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Illinois
1967-l969 Residency in General Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
1969-1971 Fellowship in Child Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
1976 Aerospace Medicine Primary, School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX
1989 Master of Business Administration, University of Charleston, Charleston, WV
1994 Air War College, United States Air Force (Correspondence), Maxwell Air Force Base, AL
1995 Certificate in Corporate and Organizational Communication, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
1996 Master of Arts in Communication Studies, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
1999 Certificate of Achievement, Mentor Coach Program, MentorCoach.com
2000 Graduate, Coach University


1970-1971 Part-time practice of Adult and Child Psychiatry and Coordinator, Alcoholism    Clinic
of Cincinnati

1971 – Staff Psychiatrist, Municipal Court Psychiatric Clinic, Cincinnati and Teaching Fellow in Child
Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center

1971-1974 Major, Medical Corps, United States Air Force Staff Psychiatrist, USAF Hospital Clark, Clark Air Base, Philippines Chief, Psychiatric Inpatient and Psychiatric Consultation Services Consultant, Child Guidance Clinic, DOD Schools, Clark AFB Presenter at monthly Pre-marriage Clinic, Clark AFB Consultant to Alice House (crisis center) and Hotline, Clark AFB Consultant in Psychiatry to 13th Air Force Staff Surgeon (Thailand and Taiwan) Director, Psychiatric Teaching Program for Philippine Military Psychiatrists and Philippine Resident Psychiatrists assigned to USAF Hospital Clark

1974 to Present – Private Practice, Adult, Child and Forensic Psychiatry

1979 – 1981 Consultant, Gallia Meigs Mental Health Center, Gallipolis, Ohio, 8 hours weekly for staff
and program development, in-service training, supervision and case consultation.

1981 -1986 Medical Advisor – Bureau of Hearings and Appeals, Social Security Administration

1974 -1987 Commander, 130th TAC Clinic, West Virginia Air National Guard, Yeager Airport, Charleston WV

1987 – 1997 State Air Surgeon, Headquarters, West Virginia Air National Guard

1997 – 2001 Assistant Adjutant General (Air) and Commander, West Virginia Air National Guard

1991 – 1992 Co-Medical Director, Parkside Recovery Units (Adult and Adolescent) at Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV

1991 – 1999 Health Care Advisory Panel, West Virginia Workers’ Compensation Division,
Chair 1995-1999

1992 – 1993 Interim Medical Director for Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Charleston Area Medical
Center, Charleston, WV

1993 – 1994 Treating Psychiatrist, Forensic Unit, South Central Regional Jail, South Charleston, WV

1995 –  1997 Physician Advisor, Green Spring Health Service (now Magellan) on call service

1996 – 1998 Medical Director, West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs, Workers’
Compensation Division

1996 – 1999 Associate Medical Director, CareLink Health Services

Current Appointments

Available upon request.

Professional Organizations

American Medical Association, West Virginia Medical Association, The Kanawha Medical
Society, West Virginia Psychiatric Association (Past President), American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, National Guard Association of the United States, National Guard Association of WV, American Society of Addiction Medicine, American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addiction, American Family Foundation

Scientific Articles: (Published)

Available upon request.

Professional Presentations

Available upon request.

Public Workshops

Available upon request.

Academic Courses Taught

“Introduction to Child Psychiatry”, University of Cincinnati Medical Center 1971

“Military Psychiatry”, USAF Hospital Clark, Philippines  1972-1974.

“Child Development, Normal and Pathological” WVU Medical Center, Charleston Division  1977-1979

“Assessment in Child Psychiatry” and Case Conference, weekly, WVU Medical Center, Charleston 1979-1982

“Forensic Psychiatry”, 8 presentations to Department of Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry, Fall, 1986.

Civic Activities

Available upon request.

Professional Interests

Executive Medical Management, Forensic Psychiatric Evaluations; Disability and Impairment Evaluations; Workers’ Compensation Medical Issues; Occupational and Organizational Psychiatry; Applications of Computer in Medicine; Group Practice Management; Toastmasters; Speaking, Training, Workshops and Presentations;  Personal and Executive Coaching

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