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Crime Scene Consultant, Evidence Recovery, Preservation, Classification, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Biological Evidence Collection and Preservation


Retired NYPD Detective First Grade is a practicing forensic crime scene consultant, expert witness, instructor and training consultant. His areas include the fields of crime scene investigations, evidence recovery, preservation and classification, crime scene reconstruction, biological evidence collection and preservation. Can provide professional assistance in case evaluation, courtroom preparation and trial presentation in both criminal prosecution and civil litigation.



Provided professional training and instruction to the following agencies:

Department of Justice International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) –
Instructed Police Officers/Instructors in Kiev, Ukraine (3/97) and Almaty, Kazakhstan (12/97) Global Anti-Terrorism Training Assistance, US State Department, Rabat, Morocco (10/11)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Shooting Investigators Seminar – FBI Academy, Quantico VA (3/96) – Lectured to Supervising Special Agents from the INS, DEA, FBI and Marshall’s Service regarding shooting investigations involving law enforcement personnel.

FBI Crime Scene Investigators Course & Criminal Investigation Course – Rockland & Westchester County Police Academy – Lectured to investigators responsible for crime scene investigations on proper evidence recovery, preservation and classification techniques.

New York City Police Department (NYPD) – provided extensive training and instruction related to the documentation and recovery of physical evidence to recruits, Detectives and at Homicide Investigators Course. Hal assisted in the preparation of the NYPD Biological Evidence Collection and Preservation Course. :

Practical Experience

Assigned to the NYPD Crime Scene Unit in 1987 investigated in excess of 2,500 Crime Scenes; including more than 1,900 Homicide Investigations. Duties afforded an opportunity to provide expert witness testimony in over 200 criminal trials in New York, Queens, Kings, Bronx and Richmond Counties, Southern & Eastern District US Federal Court System, and Superior Court in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Assigned to a number of major investigations which included:

• The 2001 World Trade Center Attack
• The 2001 Anthrax Attack in NYC
• The Wendy’s Massacre (five fatalities)
• The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing (six fatalities)
• The “Happyland Social Club” (87 fatalities)

Developed training programs for newly assigned members of the Crime Scene Unit and provided comprehensive courses of academic instruction, practical training and mentoring for a number of junior members. Assigned to the Office of the Police Commissioner’s Bio-Terrorism Task Force; providing assistance in the formulation of a tactical response protocol to bio-terrorism attacks and the instruction of first responders in these newly developed procedures.

Professional Awards

During tenure at the New York City Police Department, received numerous awards related to professional accomplishments

Published Material

Co-Authored “Illustrated Guide to Crime Scene Investigation”, Publisher: CRC Press, 2005
Contributor to  Color Atlas of Forensic Toolmark Identification”, Publisher: CRC Press, 2010
Co-wrote Hazardous Evidence Collection Course for the Center for Domestic Preparedness, US Department of Homeland Security


1986  John Jay College of Criminal Justice, B.S.
1982  NYPD Auto Larceny Course
1987  NYPD Crime Scene Investigation Course
1987  FBI Basic Latent Print Course
1988  NYPD Sex Crimes Investigation Course
1988  NYPD Criminal Investigation Course
1988  FBI Advanced Fingerprint Recognition/Classification Course
1989  NYPD Homicide Investigation Course
1992  FBI Post Blast Investigation Course
1993  FBI Crime Scene Investigation Course
1995  FBI Hostage Negotiating Course
1996  NYPD Cult/Occult Seminar
1996  FBI Shooting Scene Reconstruction Course (Quantico, VA)
1996  Federal Law Enforcement Investigation of Shooting Incident Course
1996  FDNY Advanced Cause and Origin of Arson Investigation Course

Office of Chief Medical Examiner:
1997  Blood Spatter Pattern Recognition & Documentation Course

NYPD Hazardous Material Technician:
1998  (HAZMAT) & Weapons of Mass Destruction Training
1998  NYPD Shooting Crime Scene Reconstruction Course
1998  FBI Exhumation of Human Remains Course
1999  NYPD Footwear / Tire track Documentation / Comparison Course
1999  NYPD Methods of Instruction Course

Forensic Science Services:
2000  DNA Collection Preservation Course (London, England)
2007  New York Microscopical Society Microscope Course
2009  ASCLD-LAB International Audit Assessor Program
2010  Medical Response to Post Blast Bombing Incidents
2011  Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings (New Mexico Tech)

Professional Affiliations

• International Association of Identification (Senior Crime Scene Analyst)
• New York Microscopical Society
• New York Police Department Honor Legion
• Retired Detectives Association of New York (President)

Forensic Consultation

• Community Research Associates (CRA) Alexandria Virginia (Instructor and Course Developer)
• Instructor 40 hours FBI Hazardous Materials Response Unit Course, Fredericksburg, Virginia
• Chemical Protective Clothing Course
• Department of Defense/FBI WMD Counter Proliferation Program Full Scale Exercise Riga, Latvia
• New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Biological Threat Response Lab Training
• New York City Police Department: Republican National Convention Functional Exercise
• Metropolitan Transportation Authority: Operation Train Safe, Full Scale Exercise
• Ponce, Puerto Rico North Region Tabletop Exercise
• National Capitol Region, Command Post Exercise
• 2005 Presidential Inauguration Armed Forces Inaugural Committee Observer
• NYC Department of Health, Full Scale WMD Exercise
• E.A.I. Corporation: , Department of Homeland Security: Center for Domestic Preparedness Weapons of Mass Destruction, Hazardous Evidence Collection and Crime Scene Management Instructor






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