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Workplace violence, threat assessment and internal investigations / Digital forensics, complex fraud and violent crimes / Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE), Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Improvised Explosive Devices, (IED) and post-blast bomb investigations / Close protection and physical security, federal law enforcement and criminal investigations, as both a federal agent and licensed attorney, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Dangerous Mail Investigations, U.S. District Court-recognized Subject Matter Expert Witness (SME) in the areas of federal criminal investigations (primary focus mail fraud and postal crimes), U.S. Postal Service operations and employee threat assessment, Dangerous Mail Investigations and tracking, task force operations (JTTF, USMS, Cyber), and law enforcement policy, Mail Fraud and Internal Revenue Fraud, Emergency Management and Internal Security, Task Force Officer, U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force


Unparalleled credentials and experience in federal law enforcement and criminal investigations, as both a federal agent and licensed attorney. Former police officer and retired federal agent with multiple areas of expertise. Current undergraduate criminal justice professor with a pre-eminent online university.

Core areas of expertise: Workplace violence, threat assessment and internal investigations / Digital forensics, complex fraud and violent crimes / Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive (CBRNE), Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and post-blast bomb investigations / Close protection and physical security.

Licensed attorney with extensive federal and state criminal law trial experience and testimony. Federal Employment Law litigation experience, including EEOC, HIPAA,
Whistleblower Retaliation, Workplace Privacy and e-discovery. Admitted to Maryland Bar and application pending before North Carolina Bar.


Juris Doctor, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, MD (2002)

  • Certificate of Concentration in Criminal Practice
  • Admitted to Maryland Bar December (2002-Present)
  • Sitting for North Carolina Bar Exam (July 2022)

Bachelor of Science, Law Enforcement, Towson University, Towson, MD (1997)
Associate of Arts, Criminal Justice, Catonsville Community College, Catonsville, MD (1993)


University of Maryland Global Campus, Largo, MD (10/2017-Present)

Adjunct Professor – Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

Currently teach undergraduate criminal justice courses in an online learning environment which includes multi-media course materials, facilitating online discussion with and between students and progressive course projects. Grading and assessment encompassing detailed feedback, rubrics, comments, discussions, objectives and metrics. Courses taught include Criminal Procedure, Digital Forensics Investigations, Ethics and Law Enforcement, Private Security Management and Intro to Criminal Justice.

Federal Law Enforcement & USPS Expert Witness, Leland, NC (12/2021-Present)

U.S. District Court-recognized Subject Matter Expert Witness (SME) in the areas of federal criminal investigations (primary focus mail fraud and postal crimes), U.S. Postal Service operations and employee threat assessment, Dangerous Mail Investigations and tracking, task force operations (JTTF, USMS, Cyber), and law enforcement policy.

U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Newark, NJ (8/2007-10/2015)
U.S. Postal Inspector (GS 1811 Criminal Investigator)

Dangerous Mail Investigations
Completed specialized Hazmat, WMD, and bomb investigation training and responded to CBRNE threats for emergency field screening of suspicious substances, collection of evidence. Coordinated with state, local and other federal agencies and first responders for emergency responses, investigations, and appropriate prosecution with U.S. Attorney’s Office, to include international WMD cases. Served as Backup FBI JTTF officer.

Mail Fraud and Internal Revenue Fraud
Conducted complex criminal investigations into various types of fraud and financial crimes, including mail fraud, health care fraud, identity theft, internal revenue violations and whitecollar crime. Coordinated investigations with U.S. Attorney’s Office and other federal and state law enforcement agencies. Served on international identity theft and cyber-crime task forces. Federal District Court Subject Matter Expert. Conducted internal and external fraud investigations utilizing multiple IT systems, Prepared complex case reports, federal grand jury subpoenas and presentation/charging documents.

Workplace Violence Prevention and Violent Crimes
Investigated all employee-related cases of workplace violence, external violent crimes, and non-physical threats by and to employees. Worked with USPS multi-discipline Threat Assessment Teat (TAT) to assess and respond to workplace violence threats in coordination with executive leadership, facility management, human resources, EAP, legal and labor relations. Participated in employee-related administrative hearings in addition to criminal and civil enforcement actions.

Emergency Management and Internal Security
Emergency response duties for all man-made and natural disasters, including contingency planning, preparedness, continuity of operations, coordination with USPS managers and resources in addition to local, state and federal first responders. Conducted physical security assessments at USPS retail and operational locations. Advised senior USPS management on security planning and risk assessment.

Task Force Officer, U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force
Worked on multi-agency fugitive task force targeting New Jersey’s most wanted and violent fugitives. Conducted investigations, surveillance and high-risk entry search and arrest operations. Attended advanced tactical and tactical medic training. Commended for apprehension of one of NJ’s “12 Most Wanted” Fugitives and multiple homicides.

Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA (4/2006-8/2007)
Special Agent – Protective Operations Division

Close Protection Agent who served on the Protective Security Detail (PSD) for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Director of National Intelligence, in addition to other cabinet level officials and visiting foreign dignitaries. Required frequent domestic and overseas travel, including operating in a non-permissive or combat environment. Extensive liaison work with domestic and overseas military/intelligence services, local and federal law enforcement agencies, foreign embassy staff, and other key government personnel.  Involved pre-planning advance locations for VIP visits CONUS/OCONUS, also served in Counter Assault element and protective intelligence operations.

Everest Technology Solutions, Fairfax, VA (10/2005-4/2006)
Technical Operations Officer (U.S. Intel Agency Contractor)

Worked on a classified counter-terrorism contract with a major intelligence agency in a direct operations capacity along with Headquarters support roles, specializing in all forms of technical surveillance and engineering. Field work included technical operations, countersurveillance and conducting liaison operations with foreign intelligence services, liaison work with U.S. Military and direct overseas support to U.S. and foreign counter-terrorism operations and units. Required CONUS and OCONUS travel in high threat areas and the related use of field intelligence tradecraft.

Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Fairfax, VA (7/2004-10/2005)
Staff Operations Officer/Intelligence Analyst (U.S. Intel Agency Contractor)

Served on a classified counter-terrorism contract with a major intelligence agency in a direct operations capacity. Also completed required tactical, technical and tradecraft training. Conducted direct liaison operations with foreign intelligence services, liaison work with U.S. Military and assisting with HUMINT operations. Was responsible for initiating program via. being embedded with overseas JSOC counter-terrorism operations. Served as Deputy Team Leader, directly responsible for the supervision of eight employees at CONUS/OCONUS sites.

Howard County Department of Police, Ellicott City, MD (5/1993-9/2003)
Police Officer First Class, Assignments included Patrol Division, Research & Planning Section Southern District Patrol Office.

Served as a patrol officer in full service nationally accredited agency. Handled full range of law enforcement calls for service, enforced laws through arrest and citation, conducted investigations, prepared reports, received in service training in skills such as WMD response and processing digital and computer forensic crime scenes, testified in court, conducted community outreach, participated in special details, and served as a Field Training Officer for multiple academies. Researched, revised, and maintained 350 written directives, related to all aspect of a full- service law enforcement agency. Coordinated policy writing with senior management and County’s Office of Law, served on the executive staff of the Chief.  Supervised district support staff members, managed daily staffing requirements and overtime details, managed assigned fleet of vehicles, coordinated staffing and training  schedules. Supervised up to ten Police Cadets, Police Service Aides and Front Desk Officers.


• North Carolina Board of Law Examiners (Bar membership pending July 2022 exam)
• Maryland State Bar Association
• Howard County, MD Bar Association (former)
• North Carolina Criminal Justice Association
• National Association of Retired Postal Inspectors (NAARPI)
• Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA)
• Sigma Delta Kappa International Law Fraternity
• International Association of Bomb Technicians & Investigators (IABTI)
• National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Association (NATEODA)
• International Association of Arson Investigators


U.S. Postal Inspection Service – Investigative Training
Basic Postal Inspector Academy (FLETC Certification, Federal Criminal Investigator)
USPS Workplace Violence and Threat Assessment
USPS Threat Assessment Team
Advanced Interview and Interrogation
Advanced Cyber Investigations
Mail Isolation, Control and Tracking (MICT)
USPS Mail Processing Operations and IT Infrastructure
Mail Fraud Investigations
Advanced Fraud Investigations
Revenue Fraud Investigations I & II
International Cyber Crime Task Force Training
International Identity Theft Task Force Training
Securities Fraud Investigations (SEC)

U.S. Postal Inspection Service – Dangerous Mail Specialist Training (CBRNE)
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Hazardous Materials Operations (Level I & II)
Advanced Forensic Sampling and Screening
IED Recognition and Response
IABTI Bomb Investigation and Explosive Ordnance Disposal
ATF Post Blast Investigation
FBI Improvised Explosive Devices
NFPA Level I & II Arson Investigator
DEA Clandestine Laboratory Response
OSHA Fit Test Operator
Smiths Detection Portable IR Spectrometry
Smiths Detection Portable Ionic Explosives Detection
FEMA Incident Command System (IS-100)
FEMA National Incident Management System (IS-700)

U.S. Postal Inspection Service – Instructor Training
Facilitator Instructor Development
Dangerous Mail Specialist Instructor
Public Information Officer and Media Relations
Public Information Officer Workshop (DEA)
Public Sector Media Representative (Montclair State University)

U.S. Marshals Service Regional Fugitive Task Force
Fugitive Task Force Tactical Training
USMS Tactical Medic
Fugitive Investigations and USPIS/USPS Investigative Resources

Central Intelligence Agency
CIA Protective Agent Course
CIA Annual Protective Operations In-Service
Operational Skills Group/PPCT Protective Agent Defensive Tactics
CIA Tactical Development Course, Dieter’s Close Quarters Defense (CQD)
Armour Group International Advanced Tactical Driving
Blackwater USA Advanced Rifle
Covert Audio/Video Electronic Surveillance
Geolocation Surveillance Technology
Blackwater USA Advanced Pistol
Field Officer (Concealed) Firearms Carry
Weapons Familiarization for Iraq/Afghanistan Deployment
Overseas Personal Security (Tactical Driving/Shooting) for Iraq/Afghanistan Deployment
Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Evasion for Iraq/Afghanistan Deployment (SERE)
National Reconnaissance Academy Technical Surveillance Officer/Engineer (Ft. Bragg)


University of Maryland Global Campus, Criminal Law, Criminal Justice, Digital Forensics
Investigations for Law Enforcement, Ethics and Law Enforcement, Current Issues in Law
Enforcement, Private Security Management

USPIS Certified Facilitator Instructor & Dangerous Mail Investigations Trainer (CBRNE)

USPIS Public Information Officer, Numerous Presentations to Law Enforcement,
Government, Corporate and Civic Groups and Stakeholders, Mailroom Security, WMD
Threats and Hoaxes, Mail Bomb Identification and Response, Workplace Violence
Investigations, Workplace Threat Assessment, Fraud Prevention,

Union County, NJ Police Academy, Identity Theft Investigation (Police Recruits)

Union County, NJ Police Academy, Advanced Identity Theft (Police Detectives)

U.S. Marshals Service (Bergen County, NJ Police Academy), Fugitive Investigations

Howard County Police Academy (MD), Adjunct Instructor

Howard County Police Academy (MD), Field Training Officer (FTO)


U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Certificate of Accomplishment, U.S. Marshals Service (2014)
Performance Recognition, Inspector-in-Charge, U.S. Postal Inspection Svc. (Total 6; 2014)
Letter of Recognition, Inspector-in-Charge, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2013, 2014)
Letter of Recognition, Deputy Chief Postal Inspector (2013)
Performance Recognition, Assistant INC, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2013, 2014)
Certificate of Achievement/Performance Award, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2012)
Chief’s Award, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2012)
Letter of Recognition, U.S. Marshals Service NY/NJ Fugitive Task Force (2010)
Letter of Appreciation, Inspector-in-Charge, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2010)
Letter of Appreciation, New Jersey Security Fraud Association (2010)
Letter of Appreciation, U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (2010)
Letter of Appreciation, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (2009)
Letter of Appreciation, Chief Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (2009)
Letter of Recognition, Inspector-in-Charge, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (Total 3; 2008)

Central Intelligence Agency, et al.
Letter of Appreciation, Director of National Intelligence (2007)
Unit Citation, Director’s Protection Staff, Central Intelligence Agency (2007)
Deputy Director’s Letter of Commendation, Central Intelligence Agency (2007)
Guardian of Freedom Award, Northrop Grumman (2005)
Intelligence Division Performance Awards, Northrop Grumman (2004, 2005)
Letter of Appreciation, U.S. Army 1st Calvary Division, 3rd BCT Iraq (2004)

Howard County Department of Police
Chief’s Award Medal, Howard County Police (2003)
Certificate of Recognition, Howard County Police Department (2002)
Certificate of Appreciation, Howard County Police Department (1996)
Lifesaving Medal, Howard County Police Department (1994)
Memorandum of Recognition, Howard County Police Department (Total 8; 1995-2003)
Letter of Appreciation, Howard County Police Department (1993, 1994)
Gift of Life Award, Howard County Fire & Rescue (1993)
Certificate of Appreciation, Howard County Fire & Rescue (1992)
Top 10 Ambulance Responder, West Friendship Vol. Fire Dept. (Total 3; 1990-1992)
Top 10 Fire Responder, West Friendship Vol. Fire Dept. (1991, 1992)
Top 10 Combined Responder, West Friendship Vol. Fire Dept. (Total 3; 1990-1992)

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