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Director for Health and the Environment, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Neurophysiologist, Laboratory of Neurophysiology, National Institutes of Mental Health, Chairman, Neurobiology Department Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Defense Nuclear Agency, Bethesda, MD, Director, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, Professor, Departments of Environmental Health Sciences and Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Pollution, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health, Global Health Perspective, Environmental Research and Public Health, Physiology Study, Brain Research Organization,


Positions Held:
Director, Institute for Health and the Environment
University at Albany
Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health, University at Albany
5 University Place, A217, Rensselaer, NY 12144

Honorary Professor

Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia


1959 B.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, MA

1964 M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Positions Held:

9/61-6/62 Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Göteborg, Sweden with Professor Anders Lundberg
7/64-6/65 Research Associate, Department of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA under the direction of Dr. Elwood Henneman
7/65-2/73 Neurophysiologist, Laboratory of Neurophysiology, National Institutes of Mental Health, Dr. Edward V. Evarts, Chief, Assistant Surgeon, USPHS, currently a Reserve Officer in the USPHS.
2/73-3/80 Chairman, Neurobiology Department Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Defense Nuclear Agency, Bethesda, MD
3/80-9/85 Director, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY
9/85-1/98 Dean, School of Public Health, University at Albany
9/85-Pres. Professor, Departments of Environmental Health Sciences and Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health, University at Albany.
9/85-7/98 Research Physician, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY
1/98-1/05 Adjunct Professor in the Center for Neuropharmacology & Neuroscience, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY
2001-Pres. Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, SUNY, Rensselaer, NY. The Institute was named a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization in 2011.
2005-2010 Senior Fellow, Alden March Bioethics Institute, Albany Medical College/Center, Albany, New York
2011-Pres. Honorary Professor, Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Editor-in-Chief: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 1981 – 1987
Editor-in Chief: Reviews on Environmental Health 2012-present
Editor-in-Chief: Environmental Pollution 2015-2019
Editorial Advisor: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 1987 – Present
Academic Editor: Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2009-2013
Academic Editor: PLoS ONE 2014-2016
Editorial Boards: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 1995 – 2002
International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health
1996 – 2016

• Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease – Associate Editor,2007-2009
•Reviews on Environmental Health; 2008-2012
•International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health; 2009-present.
•Environmental Health Perspectives, 2010-2017
•Global Health Perspective, 2012-present
•Environment International 2013-present
•International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2019-present.

National and International Committees:

1978, 1981 Physiology Study Section (Ad hoc member)
1979-1985 NIH International Fellowship Study Section
1974-1981 Member, Steering Committee of the Section on the Nervous System, American Physiological Society (Chairman of the Committee, 9/76-4/80)
1981-1989 Member, USA National Committee for the International Brain Research Organization
1985-1986 Committee on Electric Energy Systems of the Energy Engineering Board, National Research Council
1986-1987 Member, Neurophysiology Peer Panel for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
1987-1989 Member, Science Advisory Council of the American Paralysis Association
1987-1990 Advisory Panel for the Electric Energy System Division, U.S. Department of Energy
1985-1993 Committee #79, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
1986-1997 Member, Legislative and Education Committees, Association of Schools of Public Health
1989-1994 Member, Neuroscience Discipline Working Group, Life Sciences Division of the NASA
1994, 1995 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Consensus Conference on FY 1995 Federal Research Funding
1994-1997 Member, Legislative Committee of the Association of Schools of Public Health
1997 Member, Executive Committee of the Association of Schools of Public Health
1997-2000 National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council of the National Institutes of Health
1998-2015. Member, U.S. Section of the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board of the International Joint Commission
2000-Pres. Member, Board of Directors, Pacific Basin Consortium for Hazardous Waste Health and Environment; Treasurer, 2001-2004, 2008-pres; Chair, 2004-2008
2001-2008 United States Co-Chair, Workgroup on Ecosystem Health of the Science Advisory Board of the International Joint Commission
2002-2003 Member, Committee on the Implications of Dioxin in the Food Supply, The National Academies, Institute of Medicine
2001-Pres. Member, Board of Directors, Alliance for Public Health and Associates, Inc.
2003-2008 Member, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee
2003-2012 Chair, Advisory Committee to the World Health Organization and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on collaborative activities.
2004-2012 Member, Blue Ocean Institute Curriculum Advisory Board.
2007-2011 Chair, Workgroup on Risks vs. Benefits of Fish Consumption, Science Advisory Board, International Joint Commission.
2013 Invited Expert, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Panel for Monograph 107, Carcinogenicity of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.
2013-Pres. Member, Global Burden of Disease Panel

State and Local Committees:

1980-1987 Executive Secretary, New York State Power Lines Project
1985-1989 Board of Scientific Advisors, Institute of Basic Research, OMRDD, N.Y.
1986-1989 Member, Steering Committee, Health Policy and Administrative Consortium of the Capital District
1991-1992 Member, Connecticut Academy of Sciences and Engineering Committee on Electromagnetic Field Health Effects
1991-1992 Member, Board of Directors of the Capital District Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.
1991-1992 Member, State Task Force for the Reform of Middle Level Education in NY State
1992-1993 Member, State Needs Task Force on Health Care and Education
1987-1998 Delegate-at-Large, New York State Public Health Association
1991-1995 Member, Board of Directors of the Capital District Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association
1994 Chair, Council of Deans, University at Albany, SUNY
1997-2008. Member, Board of Directors, (Chair 1998-2004) Albany-Tula Inc.: A Capital Region Alliance
2000-Pres. Member, Board of Directors, Healthy Schools Network, Inc.
2000-2003 Member, Medical Advisory Board, Hepatitis C Coalition, New York
2000-2004 Member, Environmental Protection Agency /National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges Task Force
2001-2008 Member, Board of Directors, Environmental Advocates of New York
2004-2007 Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Brownfield Cleanup Standards
2005-Pres. Member, Schooling Chefs Curriculum Advisory Board
2005-Pres. Member, Advisory Board, Healthy Child Healthy World
2005-2008 Member, Board of Directors, Citizens Environmental Coalition
2006-2009 Member, Board of Directors, Marine Environmental Research Institute
2007-2009 Member, New York State Renewable Energy Task Force
2013-2015 Member, Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY)
2013-2015 Member, Preventive Medicine and Family Health Committee, MSSNY
2014-Pres. Member, Board of Directors, Regenerative Research Foundation
2014-Pres. Member, Board of Directors, International Institute for Health and Education

Research Interests:

•Exposure to persistent organic pollutants and risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.
•Cognitive and behavioral effects of environmental contaminants on children (IQ, ADHD) and older adults (dementias, Parkinson’s Disease and ALS).
•Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation biology.
•Effects of air pollution on respiratory and cardiovascular function.

Other Professional Activities:

Host, The Public Radio Health Show (a 30 min public health information show carried on 170+ stations nationwide), plus the Armed Forces Radio Network and Voice of America, 1985-2001.
Authored a biweekly health column in The Troy Record, a local newspaper, 1997-1999.
Member of the Ethics Board, Town of Guilderland, 2013 – 2018
Albany Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Air Pollution in the South End, 2016-present.
Board member and treasurer: Health Schools Network, 200-present.
Board member: Regenerative Research Foundation; 2010-present
Board member: National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation, 2019 – present.
Board member: RADIX Ecological Sustainability Center, 2018-present.

Honors, Awards and Fellowships: (Available upon request)

Federal Grants Held: (Principal Investigator Only) (Available upon request)

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