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Provides Testimony In

Electrical Enginnering Accidents Codes High Voltage, Electrical Contractor, Automatic Doors, Accidents Electrical, Aluminum Wiring, ANSI Standards, Apartment Building, Appliance, Blueprints, Building Electrical Codes, Circuit Breakers, Commercial, Construction Safety, Construction Damage, Cost Estimate, Electricians, Electrocution, Wiring, Engineering, Explosions, Fires, Grounding, Bonding, Neutral Wiring, FAA Airfield Lighting, Fires, High Voltage Power Lines, Highway Lighting, Historic Buildings, Industrial Equipment, Injury, Inspector, Insulation, Lighting, Meters, Motors, NESC Codes, National Codes, NEC Codes, Nursing Homes, OSHA Codes, OSHA Lock Out Tag Out, Parking Lot Lighting, Power Line Safety, Power Plant, Product Liability, Residential, Safety, Safety Engineering, Shock, Shopping Center, Transformer Utility, Underwriter Lab Standards, Wiring,


Electrical expert specialist national electrical codes, electrical safety codes, electrical accidents, code research, and high voltage contact.

Master Electrician and Electrical contractor has over 40 years of electrical hands on experience and has amased over 32 years of electrical consulting experience including electrical code research and consulting, depositions, and trial testimony.


Site inspections and investigations, electrical code compliance, fact finding reports, failure analyst, review others depositions, visual exhibits , electrical code research and consulting, depositions and trial testimony, for electrically caused damage, injury or death.


National Electrical Code, Compliance
National Electrical Safety Code , Compliance ( high voltage ) California-High Voltage Electrical Safety Orders ( GO 95-GO 128 ) Grounding and Bonding of Electrical Systems
High Voltage Utilities -Electrical line contact Bucket Truck, High Voltage Line Contact
Electrical Power Plant Wiring and Electrical Compliance ANSI-standards, American National Standards Institute UL-Underwriters Laboratories Standards
NEMA-Standards, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
OSHA- Electrical Standards— lockout / tag out of Hazardous electrical current Electrical line contact
High voltage contact
Federal OSHA Electrical Safety California Cal- OSHA


Michael Bellrose Electric

San Francisco, CA                          2013-2023

License is active

Michael Flautt Electric

Bentonville , Arkansas             1999-2013

(license is inactive)

Michael Flautt Electric

Reno, Nevada

License is in-active                  1994-1996

Michael Bellrose Electric

Los Gatos, California- General Electrical Contractor

License is active                     1982-1994

  • 1982—Stanford Liner Accelerator, Palo Alto ,California Master Journeyman (Union)
  • 1981—Ray Scheidt’s Electric, San Jose ,California. Master journeyman (Union)
  • 1981—Sprig Electric , San Jose, California. Master. Journeyman (Union)
  • 1981—WW Kelly Electric, Pacheco, California. Master Journeyman (Union)
  • 1980—Valley Electric, Mt View , California. Master. Journeyman (Union)
  • 1980—Hill Electric, Sunnyvale, California. Master. Journeyman. (Union)
  • 1980—T A Bailey Electric, San Jose, California. Master Journeyman (Union)
  • 1974-1979 -MDE Electric , Sunnyvale, California. Master. Journeyman (Union)
  • 1974-1979 -WYE Electric , San Jose, California. Master. Journeyman


2020- Normandy Kidd, Attorney for plaintiff, Los Angles, California. High voltage electrocution case , wire in trench became live, electrician severely injured, case is on going.

2020- lnia M Yevich , Attorney for plaintiff, Honolulu, Hawaii. High voltage electrocution case, man went to high rise building to install key lock box, drilled through metal buss duck (1600 amp) severely injured, case is on going.

2019-Gene Halavanau, attorney for plaintiff, San Francisco, California . Electrical fire second story apartment building , case is on going.

2017-Dean Alper, Attorney for insurance company, Greenbrae, California. Subrogation case ,house electrical fire second story, improper wiring of neutral wire (white wire ) and ground wires ,causing parallel voltage, performed electrical consulting and Code research on case.

2017-Mark Beatty, Park Assist, San Francisco, California.
Reviewed national electrical codes, involving low voltage class 2 wiring, City of San Jose , difference between high voltage and low voltage wiring in LED lights , performed electrical consulting and code research on project.

2017- John Maples attorney for plaintiff, Fair Oaks, California.
High voltage electrocution case, public utility worker and
local electrician , wired around meter base, socket burned out, tenant received electrocution .

2016- William Kirby, City Attorney , Beaverton , Oregon.
Electrical Safety and Compliance case , electrical permit dispute, low voltage / high voltage, (120 volt ac-24 volt dc) signal lights at intersections, report written, performed electrical consulting and code research.

2016- Matthew Warren , attorney for defendant ,Long Beach, California. Electrocution case, bucket truck ,contact with high voltage lines, testimony given at deposition , settled in favor of defendant.

2016 -David Elliot, product development Conyers, Georgia.
Air conditioning assembly patent, UL certification, performed electrical consulting and Code research.

2016-Eric Schroeder, Attorney for plaintiff ,West Sacramento, California. Calistoga hotel ,in Calistoga California, electrical fire second story, performed electrical consulting and code research.

2016-Mitchell Orysh, Amazon Digital Program Sunnyvale California.
Development of electrical hardware ,switches and receptacle outlets, performed electrical consulting and Code research.

2015-Carter Ott, Attorney for plaintiff, State of California Attorney General’s office, Sacramento, California. Post secondary education complaint ,involving licensing , I was to give testimony, and the matter was set for trial,
settled out of court, in favor of plaintiff.
2015-Robert Glassman, attorney for plaintiff, Los Angeles , California.
Personal injury complaint, regarding the installation an electrical cable
tray installation and operation, researched and reviewed National Electrical Code, ANSI Standards and manufacturers specifications, deposition
given settled out of court in favor of plaintiff.
2015-Charles Bunn, Attorney for plaintiff, Modesto, California.
Personal injury complaint , regarding the safe operation of automatic doors, researched and reviewed ANSI Standards and manufacturers specification , report written settled out of court.

2011-2014 Elliot Wilson and David Hodges’s, Attorneys for plaintiff, Little Rock, Arkansas; metal ladder in contact with high voltage lines in alleyway, electrocution of five men, four reports written, testimony given at deposition , settled out of court , in favor of plaintiff.
2011- Don Hearn, Attorney for defendant, Memphis Tennessee.
Attorney representing owners of Plumb point power plant in Arkansas (750 meg a watt ). Electrical wiring at the power plant ,did not meet Federal or State guidelines ,for electrical wiring at the coal power
plant. Researched National electrical Code, Federal and State guidelines, ANSI Standards, Underwriters Laboratories Standards. Reviewed contract with owners, two reports written, settled out of court in favor of owners.
2010- Eric Goetz, Attorney for insurance company, Hartford, Wisconsin.
Subrogation case, electrocution at American Railcar , in Paragould, Arkansas. accidental death, their was no ground wire, as required by the manufacturer of the towing dolly, Arkansas OSHA case, report given to Attorney and Arkansas OSHA.

2010-2013-Angela McGraw, Attorney for plaintiff, Denver, Colorado.
Personal injury case, regarding safe operation of fork lift vehicles, with workers in a non-approved lift basket, researched and reviewed ANSI And OSHA regulations, deposition given, settled out of court.

2010-Thomas W Paul, Attorney for defendant, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Personal injury case, involving large circuit breakers aboard ships, malfunction of circuit breakers, settled out of court.
2008- Susan Bisong, Attorney for defendant, Albuquerque New Mexico.
Personal injury case, regarding a hospital automatic door installation/ Operation, researched and reviewed ANSI Standards and manufactures specifications, report written ,deposition given, settled out of court,
In favor of defendant.

2006- David Feigelson , Attorney for plaintiff, Memphis Tennessee. Personal injury case, regarding a automatic door installation / operation at a Target store, in Memphis, Tennessee, researched and reviewed ANSI Standards and manufacturers specifications, settled out of court.
2006- Charles C Weddle, Attorney for plaintiff, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Federal court case, wrongful death lawsuit. Improper wiring of neutrals and ground wires at sub-panel on wharf, which lead to the accidental death, settled out of court.
2000- Joe Rogers, Attorney for plaintiff, West Memphis, Arkansas.
Personal injury case, regarding the safe operation of a hospital automatic door installation / operation, researched and reviewed ANSI Standards and manufacturers specifications, testimony given at deposition and trial , settled out of court ,in favor of plaintiff.

1999- Eskridge Smith, Attorney for plaintiff, Bossier City , Louisiana. Personal injury case , regarding the safe operation of a hospital automatic door installation/operation, researched and reviewed ANSI Standards and manufacturers specifications,
settled out of court.
1999- Lewis D Jones, Attorney for plaintiff, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Personal injury case, truck came in contact with high voltage lines, that were to low to the ground, researched National Electrical codes, and National Safety Codes (high voltage codes) for height limit from the ground to high voltage wires, settled out of court.
1999- Charles W Coe, Attorney for plaintiff, Anchorage, Alaska.
Personal injury case, loss of limbs, electrical utility worker performing work on high voltage power lines, while power was tagged out, power was accidentally turned on, injuring the worker, researched the
National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code ( high voltage code ), OSHA and federal codes, lock out tag out regulations, written report, deposition given, settled out of court.

1998- Bradley Best , Attorney for plaintiff, Oxford , Mississippi . Personal injury case , accidental death by wall heater fire, developed detailed report , on comparative analysis of electrical fire, that destroyed the wall heater, two lawsuits were filed, settled out of court.
1997- Grady, Schneider and Newman, Attorneys for plaintiff, Houston, Texas.
Accidental death, this was a metal extension ladder accident,
high voltage contact, consulted with attorneys, researched National Electrical Safety Code ( high voltage code) and National Electrical Code, OSHA regulations and other evidence that was provided, settled out of court.

1994- Hansen, Epperson and Smith, Attorneys for plaintiff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Accidental death, this accident involved a large industrial plant, the main circuit breaker (16,000 amps) exploded, severally injuring a maintenance man, researched National Electrical Safety Code ( high voltage code ) and
National Electrical code, and other evidence that was provided, settled out of court.
1993- Gary G Divine, Attorney for defendant Santa Rosa, California.
Accidental death, this accident involved a bucket truck that came in contact with Pacific Gas and Electric’s high voltage lines, researched California high voltage orders (G O 95) and Cal OSHA requirements for working around high voltage electrical lines, settled out of court.

1992- Sedgwick, Detert and Arnold, Attorney’s for plaintiffs ,San Francisco, California. Homeowners association lawsuit, regarding original electrical construction on 100 condominiums, researched on sub -standard electrical installations,
two reports written , researched National Electrical Code, settled out of court.
1992- Martin Nakahara, attorney for plaintiff, Oakland, California.
Severe electrical shock, from hot water dispenser under kitchen sink, researched National Electrical Code ,Underwriters
Laboratories Standards, for water dispensers in remote locations. After a second site inspection was performed, it was determined that the disconnecting of the main service ground wire ,was the root cause of the severe, electrical shock, report written, testimony given at deposition, settled out of court.
1992- John W McDonald, Attorney for plaintiff, San Jose, California.
Pole climbing accident, pole did not have steps, site inspection, Reviewed California joint pole agreement between P G and E, Telephone and Cable TV company, reviewed California High Voltage Orders (G O 95), National Electrical Safety Code (high voltage code),
Cal OSHA requirements, report written, deposition and trial testimony given.

1992- Robert Brown, Attorney for cross complaint defendants, San Francisco California, personal injury case, in this case a lighting fixture fell from the ceiling, causing a severe injury, researched National Electrical Codes, and State of California Earthquake codes, report written, settled out of court.

1992-Norman Newhouse, Attorney for cross complaint, Redwood City, California. This complaint was involving a swimming pool, versa a reflecting fountain, and if the wiring and installation of ten pool lights, were in compliance with the National Electrical Code Standards, written report, deposition given, settled out of court.
1991- Ken Sovey, American Federation Insurance company, Soqual, California.
Surge of power at mobile home parks, I found three defective main power plugs that were improperly grounded, three reports written ,

1989- Gregory E Ebstein, Attorney for plaintiff, San Francisco, California. This was a complaint pertaining to the original electrical work on 300 condominiums, site inspection, researched National Electrical Code, written report, and testimony given at arbitration and mediation services (jams) in San Francisco, California,
settled out of court.

1988- Ronald G Lawson, small claims court, Saratoga, California. This case involved a miss- wiring of the addition to the back of an existing home in Saratoga, California, gave testimony In court, settled in favor of Mr Lawson.


1967- San Rafael High School, San Rafael, California 1969- Collage of Marin, Kentfield, California
1972- Columbia School of Broadcasting ,San Francisco ,California.
Degree in broadcasting and communications
KGMY Radio, Missoula, Montana, daytime music and talk show host (KGMY radio is now KGRZ radio )
1979-1982-Member local 332, electrician’s union of Santa Clara County, California.
Night classes, dispatched to union jobs in daytime hours
National Electrical code, National Safety Code (high voltage Codes) California High Voltage Safety Orders (GO 95 and 128)
Motor control circuits
Grounding and bonding of electrical circuits, high and low voltage Cal OSHA, high and low voltage applications


1985- San Jose Opera Company, San Jose ,California
Electrical design and build ,the practice facilities at Delmas house in San Jose, California.
1985- KCAT local television station in Los Gatos , California.
Electrical design and build , senior staff consultant, and Electrician, 4,235 total hours ,to build the television station.
1989-Loma Prieta Earthquake ,in Los Gatos, California.
I performed emergency electrical services, for Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and the town of Los Gatos, California.
For two weeks after the earthquake,I disconnected ,tested ,checked and re-installed high voltage power lines. To residential, commercial, and industrial meter mains, from pole to buildings. Also I set up the recloser to handle over-currents and power surges. I was on call
to PG and E and the Town of Los Gatos as their electrical consultant and high voltage electrician.


1962 to present, San Francisco Bay Area , California.
I am a professional “Blues Harmonica Player”, and I have performed at many nightclubs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area .

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