Provides Testimony In
Aquatic Chemistry, Ecology, Hydrology, Fluvial Geomorphologist, Environmental Sciences, Impact Assessment, Wildlife, Watersheds, Rivers, Streams, Quantifying Subjectivity, Environmental Data Analysis, Statistics, Clean Water Act, CWA, Endangered Species Act, ESA, National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA, Environmental Consultant, Natural Resources, Mining, Energy, Environmental Management System, ISO 14001, Ecology, Permitting, Reclamation, Environmental Regulations, Permit Compliance, Siting the transmission line, Threatened and endangered species, Fish and wildlife conservation, Heritage conservation, Land use planning, Wetlands, Farmlands, Air pollution control, Waste water discharge, Solid and hazardous waste, Recreational resources,
Expert is an applied ecosystems ecologist/environmental scientist specializing in regulatory science, environmental chemistry (water, sediments, soils), aquatic ecology, fluvial geomorphology (watersheds and the rivers that drain them), hydrology, and environmental data analyses using advanced statistical and spatio-temporal models and established ecological theory. His expertise and experience includes water quality, fish, invertebrates, wildlife, wetlands, hydraulics, and sediment transport.
He has experience in objectively and effectively addressing concerns raised by regulators and others involving the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). His environmental impact assessment expertise led to the objective approach explained in his book published by Springer: Quantifying Environmental Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic. For more than 35 years he has consulted on these subjects to natural resource companies and served as a consulting and testifying expert in environmental litigation.
1972 BA (Honors), Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT. Biology/Chemistry
1974 MS, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. Quantitative Limnology/System Ecology
1980 PhD, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Quantitative Stream Ecology/Fluvial Geomorphology/Radiochemistry
1984 Post-doctoral Research, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Assessment of Macroinvertebrate Species Assemblages in Stream Ecosystems
- Aquatic biota (fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, algae, macrophytes).
- Aquatic and environmental chemistry.
- Clear and effective communication of complex environmental issues to non-technical decision makers.
- Environmental Risk Assessment/Analysis
- Ecosystem structure and function: modeling and computer simulation; synthesis and overview.
- Environmental data analyses using advanced statistical and spatial models.
- Environmental permitting and compliance: Clean Water Act (CWA); Endangered Species Act (ESA); National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
- Environmental risk management.
- Fluvial geomorphology.
- Forensic ecological/environmental science expert.
- Hydraulics.
- Hydrology.
- Sampling program design.
- Sediment distribution and transport.
- Watersheds.
- Wetlands.
- Wildlife.
Hyporheic Communities of the Mill River, Connecticut, Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT.
B.A. thesis research.
Comparison of the oxygen consumption and carbon-14 assimilation methods of measuring primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
M.S. thesis research
Distribution of land snails with regard to elevation and aspect in the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Benthic invertebrate recolonization and use of artificial substrata in the Sangamon River, Illinois, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Fish distribution in three streams of southeast Idaho, Simplot Phosphate Co., Soda Springs, ID.
The role of aquatic insect feces in stream ecosystem energetics, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
Ph.D. dissertation research
A method for assessing aquatic macroinvertebrate species population as-semblages in lotic ecosystems, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
Post-doctoral research
The effects of a low-head hydroelectric dam on fish in the Snake River, Idaho, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
Transport of low-level radioactivity from disposal areas by ground squirrels, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Arco, ID.
Movement patterns of pronghorn antelope on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Arco, ID.
Fish distribution in the Big Lost River, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID.
Development of a method for measuring soil moisture in high-clay-content soils, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Arco, ID.
Ecological aspects of mosquito control, Ben Gurion University of The Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Publications and Presentations: Available upon request.
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