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Provides Testimony In

Economic consulting, litigation support, economic value assessment, business valuations, market assessments, economic damage assessments, complex tort, commercial litigation, high tech manufacturing economics, software development economics, agricultural product processing, auto accessories economics, hotel economics, real estate economics, pharmaceutical economics, patent infringements, lost profits, diminished business values, present value of future medical costs, forecasting models of economic activity, damages in misappropriation of trade secrets,

Managing Principal, Litigation Economics, LLC
Since 2003 Expert has provided a wide range of economic consulting and litigation support services involving economic damages assessments. His experience includes business valuations, economic and quantitative analysis, market assessments, and expert testimony. His services are available to defense counsel and plaintiff attorneys.

Expert has experience in:

Damages in catastrophic personal injury
Complex tort and commercial litigation
The economics of various industries including high-tech manufacturing, software development, sugar beet processing, auto dealers, hotel, real estate, eating and drinking places, pharmaceutical, chemical, hospital, insurance, transportation, professional sports, retail, gas stations, cosmetics, ethanol manufacturing, physician and dental care practices, prepackaged log homes, tire-wire waste processing, geothermal electricity production, electric light manufacturing, bowling, and commercial fishing and fish market.
More than 400 cases including products liability breach of contract, business valuation, construction defects, business interruption, intellectual property infringement, Lanham Act, employment disputes, lost profits, personal injury, medical malpractice, and wrongful death.

Specifically, he has:

  • Estimated damages in intellectual property infringement in several industries: high chair, pharmaceutical, chemical, infusion pump, natural gas distribution, pager manufacturing industries, semi-automatic rifle manufacturing, and flexible steel pipe for gas and oil.
  • Assessed lost profits in a variety of business disruption cases, such as relocation of a dentist’s office after fire destroyed equipment and records, construction defects in large apartment complexes, contract breach in sale of skin care products, restaurant profitability after highway access limit, enterprise software consulting, and bowling alley fire.
  • Assessed lost company profits arising from insurance company disputes such as a case in which a delay in claim processing led to a longer business interruption period, after which the carrier sued for the ‘extra’ loss; a case against an insurance broker who failed to provide needed business insurance coverage; and a case against a carrier who failed to follow claim processing procedures so that the CEO of a small firm had to take on the carrier’s duties.
  • Evaluated the present value of future medical costs in tort cases such as medical malpractice, products liability, premises liability and related cases.
  • Often asked to assess present discounted value of life care plan, if part of case.
  • Assessed business valuations in complex litigation involving: gas stations, ethanol production plant, car dealerships, psychological counseling practice, and best use of a 400 acre parcel in a tenant/landlord dispute, requiring individual valuations and various combinations of golf course (9 and 18 hole), vineyard, spa, hotel, and housing development.
  • Estimated damages in misappropriation of trade secrets, trademark and trade dress. In one case, defendants took their former employer’s list of customers and suppliers to start a new competitor mail order auto parts firm. In another case, integrated circuit designs and development plans were taken by employees to a competitor semi-conductor firm, which then hired the individuals. In another case, copyright and Lanham Act damages were assessed in a dispute between an original manufacturer and a distributor.

Past Positions

  • From 1996 to 2003, Expert was Regional Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics, San Francisco Region. In this capacity, he led a large staff of professional economists in collecting, analyzing and distributing economic information on wages, employment and inflation in an eight state area.
  • From 1994 to 1995, Expert was Managing Director, Management & Strategy Analysis, Inc. in New York City. He directed professional staff on economic consulting projects, and provided expert witness services to law clients and strategy consulting services to corporate clients.
  • From 1986 to 1993, Expert held several management positions with Aetna Life & Casualty, Inc., including Assistant Vice-President, Aetna
  • International, Inc. His responsibilities included strategic planning and business development, business performance measurement and management supportsystems.
  • From 1984 to 1986, Expert taught MBA courses in economics, statistics, and human resource management as Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Hartford.
  • From 1976 to 1984, Expert was at The Pennsylvania State University, from 1982-1984 as Director, Center for Human Resources Research and
  • Associate Professor of Business Administration, and from 1976-1982 as Associate Professor of Economics. In these positions, he directed economic studies and taught courses in labor economics, managerial economics, statistics and human resource management.


Ph.D., (Economics), 1973, Indiana University. Major Fields: Labor, Economic Development and Planning B.A., (Economics), 1965, Ball State University
Brookings Economic Policy Fellow, 1975-1976

Volunteer Activities

American Peace Corps Volunteer, India, 1965-1967


National Association of Forensic Economists
Licensing Executives Society, IP Valuation Standard Committee American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section


Published over 40 articles, technical reports and books.


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