Provides Testimony In
Physical Rehabilitation, Doctor Of Physical Therapy, Therapy, Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopedics, Post Surgical Rehabilitation, Neuromusculoskeletal, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Shoulder, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Muscle Pain, Joints, Joint Pain, Joint Replacement Rehabilitation, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, OA, Rheumatoid Arthritis, RA, Sports Medicine, Electrical Stimulation, TENS, Modalities, Exercise Equipment, Exercise Injuries, Treadmill, Bike, Stabilization Exercises, Strengthening, Manual Therapy, Spine, Spinal Stenosis, Low Back Pain, Lumbar Spine Disorders, Whiplash, Physical Medicine, Workers Compensation, Functional Capacity Exam, Industrial Rehabilitation, Pre Work Screens, Joint Nerve Pain, Ultrasound, Hot Packs, Cold Packs, Cryotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Administration, Clinical Education, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant Professor, Evidence Based Practice, Evidence Based Physical Therapy, Standard Of Care
Employment/Practice Setting History
2007-Present, A Community College in Wyoming(Name Provided Upon Request)
Program Director/Instructor for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, full time faculty
Currently pending approval from CAPTE for the PTA program at LCCC.
Initial start-up and program development of a PTA program.
Managed faculty, budget, curriculum, clinical site development, and students.
Twenty students per class in the AAS program.
Academic Instruction 50%, Administration 50%.
1999-Present, A Physical Therapy Clinic(Name Provided Upon Request), Wyoming
Owner/President, private outpatient orthopedic clinic
Managed both business/practice operations of a multisite practice, 8-12 employees
(one site suburban, other site rural).
Direct Access, private outpatient facility/clinic.
Musculoskeletal 75%, Cardio/Vascular 5%, Neuro 2%, Integumentary 1%, Industrial 5%,
Geriatric 12%, Pt. care 45%, Admin. 43%, Consulting 2%, Clinical teaching 10%.
1997-1999 DOC Physical Therapy, Cheyenne, WY
Director of Physical Therapy for a private orthopedic clinic
Director of physical therapy clinic, one site, management of 1-2 employees.
Private outpatient clinic.
Musculoskeletal 85%, Geriatric 10%, Admin. 5%.
Pt. care 60%, Admin. 30%, Clinical teaching 10%.
1998-1999, The Shriver Therapy Group, Casper, WY
Contract therapist in a long term care facility
Patient care, management of PTA’s and aides.
SNF/ECF/Intermediate care facility
Musculoskeletal 35%, Cardio/Vascular 15%, Neuro 30%, Integumentary 10%.
Pt. care 50%, Admin. 50%.
1997-1998, Mountain Towers Healthcare/Comp Rehab, Cheyenne, WY
Staff Physical Therapist in a LTC facility and general outpatient clinic
Provided physical therapy for inpatients and outpatients, staff in-services.
SNF and outpatient clinic.
Musculoskeletal 10%, Cardio/Vascular 10%, Neuro 30%, Integumentary 25%, Vestibular 15%,
Wound Care 10%.
Pt. care 70%, Admin. 25%, Clinical teaching 5%.
Continuing Professional Education
Laramie County Community College, 11/14/07-11/16/07, WIDS training (worldwide instructional design system), 24 contact hours, Leah Osborn, MS.
Regis University, 1/8/07-3/4/06, 745T Management of Upper Extremity Disorders,3 credits, Integration of the latest evidence on how to most effectively manage patient with lower extremity disorders. Julie Whitman, PT, DSc, OCS, FAAOMPT.
Regis University, 8/28/06-10/22/06, 746T Management of Upper Extremity Disorders,3 credits, Investigates the diagnostic accuracy of the clinical examination in identifying the presence of upper extremity disorders. Josh Cleland, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT.
Regis University, 7/3/06-8/27/06, 742T Management of Cervical and Thoracic Disorders,3 credits, Integrates manipulative intervention techniques in the management of individuals with cervical-thoracic spine and ribcage disorders. Tim Flynn, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT; Josh Cleland, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT.
Regis University, 5/8/06-7/2/06, 762T Mentoring in Physical Therapy Practice,3 credits, Develops practitioners as educators within the context of physical therapy incorporating teaching, learning, and communication theory, Mary Christensen, PT, MS
American Physical Therapy Association Credentialed Clinical Instructor program, present at Regis University, Denver, CO, June 2006, Mary Christensen, PT, MS.
Regis University, 3/6/06-4/30/06, 741T Management of Lumbo-sacral disorders, 3 credits, Integrates manipulative intervention techniques in the management of individuals with lumbosacral disorders. Classification systems, diagnosis and outcomes assessment tools, within the framework of evidence-based practice are included. Tim Flynn, PT, PhD, OCS.
Regis University, 1/9/06-3/5/06, 731T Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy Practice, 3 credits, Advanced clinical reasoning and diagnostic skills to guide patient management decisions and indication for referral considering evidence and clinical experience. Tim Noteboom, PT, PhD.
Regis University, 10/24/05-12-18-05, 713T Dynamics of Physical Therapy Practice, 3 credits, Integrates content relative to the physical therapist assuming a position of leadership and autonomous practice in a evolving health care system. Ira Gorman, PT, MS.
Electrical Stimulation-review of current technologies, 7/05, Gary Meir-Rehabilicare, 1 contact hr., assessment, planning, and implementing new electrical stimulation technologies with appropriate patient populations including billing and patient education issues.
Regis University, 3/05-5/05, Clinical Decision Making in Physical Therapy Practice, 3 credits/, Advance the PT’s role a primary care practitioner in clinical decision making, research, and implications/importance of the DPT degree in future practice, Tim Noteboom, PT, PhD.
Regis University, 1/05-3/05, 770T Professional Development, 3 credits, Provides foundations for developing as a reflective practitioner that is able to successfully incorporates Jesuit values in developing personalized outcomes and utilizes concepts and information that enhances accountability consistent with a doctoring profession. Tim Noteboom, PT, PhD, SCS, ATC.
Private Practice Section (PPS) of the APTA annual conference, 11-3-04, Business Planning and Strategic Management, John Fick CHE, 4.5 contact hrs., Assessment of appropriate business tools needed for planning/developing/progressing a business plan and implementation.
PPS conference, 11-4-04, Integrating Direct Access into Your Practice, Robert DuVall, PT, 1.5 hrs., Latest delivery models of practice/changes and evolution of practice regarding direct access and the PT’s role as diagnostician/provider of interventions and a discussion of direct access per the APTA’s guide of PT.
PPS conference, 11-4-04, Medical Screening, Michael Koopmeiners, MD, 1.5 hrs., Medical screening philosophies/practice integration, diagnostics, red flags, systems reviews, risk implications, and how this relates to the “good business” of physical therapy.
PPS Conference, 11-4-04, Private Practice Building, Elmer Platz, PT, 2.0 hrs., appropriate realities and pros/cons of starting and building a private practice.
PPS Conference, 11-5-04, Preparing for Direct Access-Imaging, Gail Deyle, PhD, 1.5 hrs., successful integration of diagnostics in physical therapy practice.
PPS Conference, 11-5-04, Preparing for Direct Access-Pharmacology, Peter Panus, Phd, PT, 1.5 hrs., Overview and understanding of pharmacology side effects/adverse influences on patients/ manifestations and case presentations.
PPS Conference, 11-6-04, Evidence Based Approach to Functional Assessments and Exercise for Older Adults, Dale Avers, PhD, DPT, 2.0 hrs., Use of evidence based practice skills in functional evaluations and exercise intervention.
PPS Conference, 11-6-04, Advanced Marketing Techniques and Private Practice Positioning, James Glinn, Sr., PT, 5.0 hrs., Creating a PT specific marketing plan for your business including understanding of the three major marketing components and how they related to private practice.
APTA continuing distance education, Nov. 2003, “Typical” Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome: It’s not typical. APTA Online Staff, 0.2 CEU’s/2 hrs., Case study of a-typical RTC syndrome and its signs and symptoms.
Rehabilicare, Aug. 2003, Protonics Brace Utilization for Knee Proprioception & Lumbar Stabilization, Gary Meir, 1 hr., practical applications for Protonics brace sue in the orthopedic population.
Wyoming APTA, Jan. & Aug. 2002, Legislative Review for Direct Access in the State of Wyoming and Rocky Mountain Region, President of the Wyoming APTA and representative Wayne Johnson, 4 hrs., How to implement and pass legislation regarding direct access in the state of Wyoming.
PPS national conference Nov. 2001, Integrating and Implementation of Marketing Strategies for New Private Practices, multiple presenters, 4 hrs., How to begin, present, and implement a business plan.
Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, May 2001, Business Marketing and Management of the Small Business.
Manual Therapy Seminars of Colorado, April 2001, Eclectic Approach to the Shoulder Girdle, Evaluation and Treatment, Joanna Goldin, MCSP, SRP, RPT, MMTC, 4.5 hrs., Evaluation and treatment of shoulder injuries including the manual therapy approach to treatment.
“Back to Golf”, Feb. 2001, Back to Golf-Rehabilitations for the Golfer, H.J. Ferrante, PT, 5 hrs., Evaluation, marketing, and implementation of a golf rehabilitation program for a cash based patient base.
Manual Therapy Seminars, March 2000, Dynamic Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine, Mark Comerford, MCSP, B.Phty, MAPA, 4.5 hrs., Evaluation and treatment of the lumbar spine utilizing dynamic stabilization techniques.
University of Saint Augustine for Health Sciences, Oct. 1997, SI-Introduction to Spinal Manipulation, Merry Lester, PT, hrs., Evaluation/treatment/manipulation for the lumbar spine utilizing the Foundations of Orthopedics text by Stanley Paris, PhD, PT.
Northern Colorado Therapy, Sept. 1997, Vision and its Impact on Treatment, multiple staff, 1.5 hrs., How vision, vestibular sense, and balance affect treatment.
Academic Instructional Classes
Medical Terminology, A Community College, Wyoming (1/10/08-5/6/08)
Available upon request.
Accomplishments/Activities/Professional Leadership
(Dates available upon request)
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee for LCCC
Member of the Simulation Laboratory Committee, LCCC
Credentialed Clinical Instructor, Physical Therapy multiple sites/clinics
President of the South Cheyenne Community Development Association (SCCDA)
Member of the LEADS, the Cheyenne-Laramie County Corporation for Economic Development
Director & membership committee chairman for the SCCDA
Member of the Intermountain Health Care provider network
District supervisor for the Wyoming Senior Companion Program
Member of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
Isernhagen/Work Well systems functional capacity exam and pre-work screen provider
Member of the Preferred Therapy Providers Network
Participant/Exhibitor in the Small Business Exposition for Laramie County, Cheyenne, WY
Member of the Wyoming Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Section member of the Private Practice Section of the APTA
Member of the national APTA
Sponsors/participants of the Laramie County Medical Awareness Guide
Buyers at the Laramie County 4-H Livestock Auction to benefit the youth of Laramie County, WY
Volunteer for the Junior Leadership mentoring program of Laramie County
Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council of Wyoming
(Additional List Available Upon Request)
In-Service Education
The New Iontophoresis system by EMPI, Rehabilicare, January 2007.
Advances with the Protonics Brace, Rehabilicare, April 2005.
Review of Current technologies-electronics, Rehabilicare, January 2003.
Electrical stimulation, new advances, EMPI, March 5, 2002.
Orthotics Casting and Foot Assessment, Staff PT, September 1997.
Incontinence/Bladder and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Staff PT, September 1997.
Concepts of Myofascial Release, Staff PT, August 1997.
Arthritis, Staff PT, August 1997.
Team Work and Team Building, Staff PT, July 1997.
Other Experience
Certified Advance Equine Riding Instructor for Colorado State University, 1989.
Assistant research technician for nutritional implementation in a generalized equine population, Colorado State University, 1988.
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