Provides Testimony In
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Therapy, Rehabilitation, Post Surgical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Cervical Thoracic Integration, Physical Medicine, Pathophysiology Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Hospital Nursing Home Falls, Hospital Safety Risk Management,Coding Billing for Therapy Rehab
1998, Pre-physical Therapy Curriculum, Concordia University of Wisconsin: Bachelors of Science in Sports Medicine
2001, Graduate Program in Physical Therapy, Concordia University of Wisconsin: Masters of Physical Therapy
2002, Post-graduate Program in Physical Therapy, Concordia University of Wisconsin: Doctor of Physical Therapy
Postgraduate Education and Training
2005, Functional Orthopedics 1
2004, Iowa Rehab Managers Fall Conference
2004, CTI: Cervical Thoracic Integration
2004, Therapist to Therapist: Documentation Criterion
2003, Muscle Energy Techniques of the Upper Extremity
2003, Coding and Billing for Therapy and Rehab
2002, BET: Back Education and Training
2002, Putting the Humor Back into Therapy
2002, A New Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of SI Dysfunction
2001, About Iontophoresis: An Intermediate Level Course
2001, The Ventilated Patient
2001, Anatomical Palpation
Awards and Honors
National Deans List
4 Time Presidential Scholarship Recipient
2 Time Lakeland Healthcare Scholarship Recipient
1 Time Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association Scholarship Recipient
Employment History
2007 – Present, A Memorial Hospital in Wisconsin, V.P. of Patient Care Services
2003-2007, A Memorial Hospital in Iowa, Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Managerial as well as treatment responsibilities including employee appraisals, marketing, budgeting, program development, capital purchases, satellite clinic development, and the rehabilitation of acute, skilled nursing, and outpatient therapy clients.
Started department from less than 25% of market share and built program to 60% of market share.
Completed entire revision of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s Policy and Procedure Manual based on current standards of practice and CPT codes.
Developed comprehensive documentation review procedures and quality improvement reports for the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department.
Completed state survey inspection for critical access hospital certification without any deficiencies or recommendations from surveyors.
Quality Improvement: Participated on hospital-wide committee to improve the service provided to the client of the medical center.
Risk Management: Participated on the hospital-wide committee to improve the safety of those coming into contact with the organization.
2001-2003, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Wisconsin
One of Milwaukee’s top rated medical facilities, Emergency and Acute Care. Developed one of 3 nationwide physical therapy programs serving Emergency Departments. Demonstrated excellent decision-making skills to progress patients through functional rehabilitation.
Lead therapist in the Emergency Room. Independently evaluated and treated a variety of patients including patients in the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency Room, Day Surgery, Skilled Nursing Facilities and on orthopedic, cardiac, and medical floors.
Sound understanding of pathophysiology and differential diagnosis in relation to disease, dysfunction, and tolerance for activity
Independently able to evaluate and treat post-surgical patients in order for them to safely leave the hospital
Demonstrated the ability to review and process information in a patients chart and understand it’s relation to physical therapy treatment, including past medical history, knowledge of medications, lab values, and current hospital procedures
Management of staff the Emergency Department. One of only 4 such programs in the nation. Expertise knowledge in radiology and pharmacology from a therapy standpoint
Developed clear and effective communication skills with other health care professional and patients in order to provide quality physical therapy care
Lectures and in-services given on a variety of topics including pharmacology, back education, radiology, chronic pain, ankle fracture assessment, and differential diagnosis
2000, Kilamanjaro Christian Medical Center, Tanzania, Africa
Tanzania’s top rated hospital, In-patient orthopedics
Performed and oversaw on-site therapy on the orthopedic ward of a hospital. Handled initial assessments and followed patients through therapy until discharge. Contributed to interdisciplinary rehabilitation to allow patients to maintain function and return home.
One of two therapists who worked daily on an 85 bed ward helping patients to maintain and regain function after orthopedic injuries
Focused patients on achievements versus limitations to progress rehabilitation and improve self-esteem during long-term hospital stays (6 weeks for a routine femur fracture)
Employed hands on treatment coupled with non-verbal communication skills to overcome a difficult language barrier
Involved in family teaching and interviews in order to safely return patients to their prior living condition
Provided lectures for the African physical therapy students to increase their education and proficiency in the work place
Professional Memberships
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Iowa Physical Therapy Association
Sports Physical Therapy Section of APTA
Diabetes Management Committee at Sioux Valley Memorial Hospital
Health Policy and Administration Section of APTA
Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association
Available upon request
Plans and Manuals
Available upon request
Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations
Available upon request
Consultation and Legal Experience
Available upon request
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