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Provides Testimony In

Digital Analog Communication Channel Design, Digital Communication, Analog Communication, Communications Channel Design, Implementation, Operations, Testing, Satellite, Microwave, Fiber Optics, Development, Support, Broadband Services, ATM, SONET Based, SDH Based, Frame Relay, Network Economics, Broadband Services, Methods, Survivable Architectures, Effective Coding, Digital Channels, Internet Transmission, System Development, Wireless Internet Access, Wireless Local Loop, Technical Management, Project Supervision, Technical Support, Long Haul Fiber Optics Projects Development, automatic teller machine

Areas of Expertise:

Digital and analog communications channel design, implementation, operations and testing (satellite, microwave, fiber optics).  Development and support of broadband services (ATM, SONET-based, SDH-based, Frame Relay).   Analysis of network economics for broadband services and methods for survivable architectures.  Research in the area of effective coding for digital channels.  Analysis of methods for Internet transmission.  System development in the area of wireless Internet access and wireless local loop.  Technical management and project supervision.  Technical support of long-haul fiber optics projects development.


1974-1978, Electrotechnical University, Moscow, Russia.  Ph.D. degree in EE.  1961-1967, Institute for Aviation Engineers, Communications Department, MSEE.


2002-present.  Owner of a Private Consulting Company

Consulting company offers wide range of telecommunications services for business community.

1999 2002.  Lucent Technologies, Parsippany, NJ.

Consultant;  Senior Systems Engineer
Responsibilities include:
Analysis of Sonet/SDH markets, Analysis of RFPs and preparation of RFP/RFQ responses
Design of networks (Sonet/SDH, OTN) using Lucent equipment, Technical/economical analysis of network solutions, Technical support of sales.

1998 – 1999.   Metromedia International, Stamford, Connecticut.

Director, Research and Development.

Responsibility included:  Project development and project supervision: wireless Internet access, Internet telephony, wireless local loop; Analysis of wireless technologies and provision of recommendations for network design; Development of technical requirements for project implementation and systems testing.

1984-1998 Bell Atlantic Science & Technology, White Plains, NY.

Member of Technical Staff/Associate Director; 1988-1992 – Rotational assignment at Bellcore, Red Bank, NJ.Responsibilities include: Technical-economical analysis and design of broadband networks (ATM, SONET, Frame Relay) Analysis of SONET and ATM market and comparative analysis of equipment characteristics Evaluation of DWDM technology features. Preparation of RFP to select DWDM vendors.  Testing of Ciena DWDM.  Joint work with Bellcore and vendors to prepare TR document on DWDM Testing of ATM, Frame Relay switches, Economical analysis of STM and ATM transport, Design of satellite, fiber optics and microwave channels, Research in the area of broadband network restoration; Analysis of Internet and Telephone networks compatibility, Analysis of technologies for DCS and NYNEX applications, Analysis of OC-192 technologies, Supervision: various communications projects, Projects implementation including: RFP preparation, selection of vendors, laboratory and field trials of selected equipment (SONET ADMs, DCSs, ATM, FR switches).

1980-1984, Western Union Corp., NJ, Senior Systems Engineer.   Engineered satellite, microwave and fiber optics channels.   Analyzed digital channels performance, established interference objectives.

1973-1979, Institute for Automatic Control Systems, Russia, Moscow, Communications Department Head.  Supervised a group of electrical engineers and researches.   Provided research of communications channels performance to develop methods for bandwidth compression and reliable data transmission.  The results of research were presented as Ph.D. Thesis.

1967-1974, Military  Academy, Ukraine, Kharkov, Researcher.  Taught Telecommunications courses.  Provided research in the area of improving technical characteristics of bandlimited communications channels.  Developed communication systems with interference suppression.

Published 35 technical papers, hold 4 patents in the area of digital channels compression.

Worked with various equipment manufacturers (designed networks based on this equipment, and performed testing): NEC, Fujitsu, ericson, Newbridge, AT&T, DSC, and others  (ATM, Frame Relay, Microwave, Satellite, Fiber Optics.)

Computer skills:  Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project Management, Powerpoint, Excel, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Lotus Notes, Various Network Applications.

Teaching Experience:  Associate professor of EE at Pratt Institute, NYC, NY (1988-1991).  Taught two courses – “Fiber Optics Communications” and “Satellite and Microwave Communications.”

Languages:  Russian, Ukrainian

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