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Critical Care Transport, Flight Paramedic, HEMS Operations, Evacuations, Critical Care Flight Team


Cleveland Clinic CCT Outreach Coordinator/ Flight Paramedic Cleveland , Ohio US
01/2013 – Present
Hours per week: 40 +

Critical Care Transport/GLOBAL Care Outreach Coordinator
Establishing and maintain relationships with Hospitals and staff globally. Establishing and maintaining relationships with emergency agencies regionally. Educating caregivers, police, etc. on emergency medicine, critical care medicine, tactical medicine, HEMS operations and evacuations. Developing partnerships with companies in order to implement processes regionally and globally. Clinical duties as critical care flight paramedic and tactical medic.

Cleveland Clinic Critical Care Flight Team 11/2006 – Present
Hours per week: 36-40 Critical Care Flight Paramedic
Providing critical care treatment to the sick and injured in a safe, rapid and effective manner. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor’s Name: Greg Horvath, Supervisor’s Phone: 216-444-4199)

Cleveland clinic / Huron Hospital (east) 11/2004 – Present
Hours per week: 44
Providing emergency care to the sick and injured in a rapid and affective manor, on a paramedic level.
Teaching paramedic students, and precepting students.
Orienting new employees to the ER.
Teaching advanced trauma and airway skills to staff and local EMS/Fire Depts. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor’s Name: Shannon Wendland, Supervisor’s Phone: 216 761 7400)

Med flight of Ohio 2/2004 – 11/2007 Hours per week: 24
Critical Care Paramedic
Transporting the critically sick and injured patients by means of ground and air, while administering critical care.
Teaching and reviewing material with other employees for recertification’s and continuing education. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor’s Name: Cheryl Galmerini, Supervisor’s Phone: 440 552 2097)

US Border Patrol
9/2004 – 12/2004
Grade Level: GS 5 Hours per week: Training
Border patrol trainee
Training For the duties of protection on the US/ Mexico Border as GS 5 agent (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor’s Name: Border Patrol Acadamy, Supervisor’s Phone: ?)
8/1999 – 11/2004

East Cleveland EMS/Hillcrest Amb.
Hours per week: 45
City 911 duties for the city of East Cleveland At a paramedic Level.
Critical care transport for Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital EMS/911 duties for the Cleveland Browns and fans.
Teaching paramedic student on squad (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor’s Name: Annie Davis, Supervisor’s Phone: 216 797 4000)


Lorain community college Elyria, Ohio US
Major: EMS/Paramedic GPA: 3.5 out of 4.0



Ohio paramedic since 1999
Critical Care Paramedic
Certified Flight Paramedic – FPC

Additional Job Related Training/Classes

Tactical Medicine/ Care under fire
SWAT Officer Training I
Left/Right Ventricular Device
Tandem Heart Device
Landing Zone Officer
12 lead EKG
Water survival training
Austere survival & critical Care medicine
Aircraft water egress
Emergent surgical airway
Social Media Marketing Marketing/Outreach
Invasive monitoring and placement

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