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Provides Testimony In

Construction, Waterproofing, Restoration, Architecture, Building Restoration,


Jan 2003-Present
Sole Proprietor: Consulting/ Project Management-

Contracts with:

City of Petaluma: projects with several city Departments
Aquatech Consultancy: forensic building studies, litigation support
Anchor Engineering: City of Petaluma civil engineering projects
Possard Broek Associates- construction litigation support
Interactive Resources, Inc.- construction litigation support

Director of Marketing and National Accounts- International construction mfg.
Tremco/ Euclid Chemical Co. Mar 2001- Jan 2003
Architectural and Engineering representative for RPM sister companies
Product presentations, specification reviews, job tracking, site visits
Sales force job control and leads
Representation in regional CSI and ICRI chapters

Project Manager/ Sales- Bay Are Branch Nationwide Specialty Contractor
Western Waterproofing Co. 1983-1990 & 1999-2001
Project manager/sales in large-scale commercial/civic restoration
Projects: Nationwide customer base
Multi-million dollar project portfolio
Frequent projects on National Historic Registry
High-rise facade restorations
Waterproofing Projects
Responsibilities: Sales and Project Management
Sales: Develop leads and closing- architects, engineers, and owners
Leads developed through plan rooms, professional assoc, cold calls
Established relationships with key design professionals
Project Management: Start-up to final billing and job close out
Estimate/bid- specifications and job-site inspections
Contract review and acceptance
Coordinated mockups and any pertinent testing
Manage labor force to execute contract
Manage job progress, scheduling, material orders and billing
Interface with design community and owner- progress meetings etc.
Manage subcontractors and pertinent change orders
Job close out and customer satisfaction review (punch list)
Marketing: Local San Francisco area
Established marketing/education presentations
Developed target groups: BOMA, CSI, ICRI, Gov’t agencies etc.
Produced luncheons, product shows, conferences, and field trips

Business Owner: Landscaping and farming 1990-1999
Niche organic vegetables and ornamentals
Landscaping and irrigation


B.S. Degree State University of New York, Buffalo
USMC: Squadron pilot, Safety Officer, Captain
General Aviation: Flight Instructor, Charter Piolot, ATP rated
Member CSI and ICRI
Licensed General Contractor (B) California


Provided upon request.

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