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Provides Testimony In

System Development, Business Information Systems Development Implementation, Computer Sciences, SAP Implementation, SAP R3 ECC with Variant Configuration, Workflow MS Project Management, ABAP COBOL FORTRAN HTML, Pascal PROGRESS SQL PL, Visual BASIC C JAVA EDI XML, Database Management Systems, Networking Technologies, Computer Operating System Architectures, Business Information Systems, Certified ASAP Consultant, Accelerated SAP, Reverse Engineering, Information Technology, Systems Analyst, SAP ECC R3 UML, Computer Technologies, Database Migration, Web Site development, Programming Variant configuration SAP ECC environment, PhD


Ph.D. (Management Information Systems.  Minors: Computer Science & Organization Behavior).  School of Management, State University of NY (SUNY) University at Buffalo.  MBA, State University, NY.

MA, Economics, State University, NY.

BS, Commerce, University, NY. 

Technical Knowledge & Skills  

Selected Applications:  
SAP R/3 & ECC with Variant Configuration, Workflow, & Project Management; IBM WebSphere Business Modeler; IBM MVS JCL; COBOL Legacy systems; Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools; Database Management Systems; Network Management Systems, including Novell & Microsoft; & more.  
Programming Languages:

Various Assemblers, ABAP, COBOL, FORTRAN, HTML, Pascal, PROGRESS, SQL, PL/SQL,
Visual BASIC. (Familiar with C, C++, JAVA, EDI & XML).

Software Development & Configuration Process:

SAP; ASAP; UML; Structured Analysis; Legacy Systems (COBOL, FORTRAN, etc.); Data Modeling;
MS Project; SEPG experience – successful implementation of Capability Maturity Model Levels 2 & 3; Personal  Software Productivity Process;

Software Development Process Repositories (aim ware process repository & Method/1); Change/Transition Management; workflow design; RFID.

Demonstrated Knowledge & Skills Through Teaching Graduate & Undergraduate Courses In:

Systems Analysis & Design (Object-Oriented & Process-Oriented)

Software Metrics & Testing

Database Management Systems (ERD, DDL, SQL)

Information Systems Management

Networking Technologies

Data Structures

Several Programming Languages

MIS Theory & Concepts

MIS Project Management

Money & Banking

Computer & Operating System Architectures


Decision Support & Expert Systems


Business Process & Workflow Design (SAP ECC)

Strategic Business Management

Business Information Systems & Processes (configured Order-to-Cash, Procure-to-Pay, and Integrated Manufacturing processesin an SAP ECC client)

Consumer Economics

Selected Specialized Training

Certified SAP ASAP Implementation Methodology Consultant (SAP Americas Cert. number available on request).

SAP Training (70 DAYS)

Accelerated SAP® Implementation; ASAP Tools; ASAP Tools in Detail; Advanced Customizing Tools.  (5-days altogether) (ASAP-91, -92, & -94)

Net Weaver Introduction)

IDES System Organization & Use

SAP Configuration;

Business Workflow – Programming; Build & Use, Introduction.

ABAP Development Workbench.  (18-day Partner Academycourse~ Basis Technology Overview ~ Introduction to ABAP Development Workbench (ADW) ABAP Dictionary ~ ADW Reporting ~ Custom Developments ~ ADW Dialog Programming ~ ADW Data Interfaces ~ Enhancement and Modifications ~ ADW Communications Interfaces ~

Managing ABAP Development Projects.

Developing ABAP Internet Applications.

Business to Business Procurement.

Manufacturing Planning and Execution.

Production Planning Module.

IBM Web Sphere Introduction

IBM Web Sphere Business Modeler (IBM Academic Initiative).

Software Development Process Improvement,  Measurement, & Quality

Personal Software Process.  Forty-hour course, with 150 hrs of homework, taken at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).

Understanding Enterprise Architecture & Enterprise Architecture Implementation Strategies.  (4-Day course presented by John Zachman & Stan Locke).

Reverse Engineering using Cyclomatic Complexity Analysis (McCabe’s three-day course).

IDef0: A Tool and Process for Analyzing Manufacturing Systems, (two-day course).

Software Measurement and Estimation, Four-day course presented by Capers Jones.

E-Business Workshop.  (2-Day course) seminar sponsored and presented by Arthur Anderson Consulting & IBM eBusiness Solutions.  Focus was on planning and implementing Internet-based businesses.

Aim ware Deployment.  20-hour course focused on the implementation of aim ware, a process asset repository.

Team Building.  One-Day course presented by Eastman Kodak’s Development Center.

Managing Change.  Two-day course in change management presented by Eastman Kodak.

Motorola TQM University Challenge Program, Five-day TQM workshop.

Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Edge: A four-day seminar presented by Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

Networking Technologies and Hardware

Microsoft Networking Essentials.  Self-paced study module from Microsoft.

Administering Windows NT 4.04-day, Instructor-Led, Ziff-Davis course.

Supporting Microsoft® Windows NT 4.0 – Core Technologies.  5-day, Instructor-Led, Ziff-Davis course.

Internetworking with TCP/IP.  CBT course in Internet protocols.

Networking Technologies.  Forty-four hour undergraduate course at RIT.

Novell Netware.  Systems Administration; Advanced Systems Administration.


Variant Configuration (LO-VC/SD): LLC, Pittsford, NY.  Full-time Variant Configuration modeling, materials & Super BOM definition; tested and executed the knowledge base runtime versions in CRM to support software sales in a large software company (over $1Billion in annual sales) using SAP ECC (R/3 6.0) (over 700 hours).

SAP Expert Witness: Fairfax, VA.  Case involved discovery and evaluation of all RICEFW, including variant configuration models with workflow, in a fully-functional SAP R/3 7.0 system with all modules implemented in support of a large furniture manufacturer (over 270 hours).

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems.
College of Business,  Rochester NY 14623-5608.
Taught all aspects of business computer systems design, development, and implementation.  Also ERP Concepts and Configuration using SAP R/3 & ECC including Order-to-Cash, Procure-to-Pay, & Integrated Production processes; Integrated System Configuration using SAP ECC; Workflow Design & Implementation using the SAP Workflow Engine and IBM’s WebSphere Business Modeler.  Implemented, maintained, and evolved undergraduate and graduate MIS degree and certificate programs.

SAP Support Service: Computer Task Group (CTG), Amherst, NY.  Provided advice regarding Integrated Business Systems support to a team of executives involved in the design of a new CTG service.
SAP Training Design: Rochester, NY.  Provided advice regarding course organization for proposed in-house SAP Production Planning and Workflow Design & Build courses.

SAP Training Sales: Rochester, NY.  Helped negotiate SAP training contracts.


Chief Technical Officer:  Rochester, NY.  Provided technical advice to start-up offshore engineering services group at Lennox Center Business Incubator – software engineering applications, embedded systems, etc.

Expert Witness: Fairfax, Virginia.  Expert Witness for Immigration and Naturalization Service H1-B Visa applications:  Evaluate work experience of personnel involved in MIS activities.

Web/Business Design: Request for Quotes/ Classifieds service catering to businesses with annual revenues up to $500 million and dealers in the Pump industry.  Responsibilities included: technical interface with vendors; strategic planning; product design, and general management of the site.

Process Improvement – CMM SEPG: Rochester, NY.  Full-time member of Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) for summer 1998 and academic year 1999 (Faculty Intern), focus was on software process improvement.  Specifically, helped bring one unit to CMM Level 2 and another from CMM-2 to CMM-3.  Job continued Two to four days each week between September 1998, and June 1999,  Rochester, NY.

IT Department Assessment & Reorganization: Manlius, New York.  Evaluated MIS organization and recommended reorganization of the department, establishment of a Steering Committee, training plan for personnel, and development of a system for tracking project effort to help improve future estimation activities. Recommendations were adopted.  Helped find a new CIO for the company.

LAN Development: Buffalo, New York.  Helped design a local area network to support this social service agency.

Web Site Design: Canandaigua, New York.  Designed and developed an interactive Internet Business on the World Wide Web.

Database Conversion: Rochester, New York.  Converted files from dBase to proprietary system format using UNIX utilities.

System Analysis & Programming: Buffalo, New York, and Bowling Green, Ohio.  Designed/implemented application using Microsoft Access® to support customer satisfaction analysis for Waste Management Corporation. Subcontracted through Marketing Research located in Chicago, Illinois.

Systems Analysis: Honeoye Falls, New York.  Helped reengineer front office activities at this filter manufacturing company. Helped improve its use of SYMIX (job shop production management software).

Production Process System Analysis: Rochester, New York.  Led team in IDef-0 analysis of through-hole board electronics assembly and prototype development processes in effort to reduce cycle-time.

Class A MRP-II System Analysis: Greene, New York.  Evaluated manufacturing problems and recommended a solution that brought this organization to Class-A MRP II status.

Adjunct Instructor
State University of New York at Buffalo, New York
Taught: Introduction to Business Computer Systems and BASIC.

Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York 14208-1098
Taught: Management Information Systems (Freshman & MBA required courses) & Strategic Management.

Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, State University College of New York
College at Buffalo, New York.
Taught: Structured Systems Analysis and Design, FORTRAN I & II; Pascal I & II; DBMS; COBOL & COBOL II.

Assistant Professor of Economics (Tenured), until 1978 and Adjunct Faculty after 1978, Niagara
County Community College, Sanborn, New York.
Taught: Macro- & Micro-Economics; and Money & Banking.

Senior Systems Analyst (Development Team Leader).  COBOL MVS Environment – included training on the Hogan Bank
Transaction Processing System in Dallas.  M&T Bank, Williamsville, New York.

Programmer/Analyst.  COBOL/IMS Systems Development.  Blue Cross of Western New York, Buffalo, New York.

Fiscal Analyst, Madison, Wisconsin.  Fiscal analysis of proposed legislation and biennial budget for State Senate and Assembly members of the bi-partisan Joint Committee on Finance.

Academic Work Experience

Adjunct Instructor State University of New York at Buffalo, New York
Taught: Introduction to Business Computer Systems and BASIC.
Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York 14208-1098
Taught: Management Information Systems (Freshman & MBA required courses) & Strategic Management.
Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, State University College of New York
College at Buffalo, New York.
Taught: Structured Systems Analysis and Design, FORTRAN I & II; Pascal I & II; DBMS; COBOL & COBOL II.
Assistant Professor of Economics (Tenured), until 1978 and Adjunct Faculty after 1978, Niagara County Community College, Sanborn, New York.
Taught: Macro- & Micro-Economics; and Money & Banking.

Non-Sap Training

IBM WebSphere Introduction (1-day course).
IBM WebSphere Business Modeler (30-hour self-paced, programmed instruction course) (IBM Academic Initiative).
Software Development Process Improvement,  Measurement, & Quality
Personal Software Process.  Forty-hour course, with 150 hrs of homework, taken at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).
Understanding Enterprise Architecture & Enterprise Architecture Implementation Strategies.  (4-Day course presented by John Zachman & Stan Locke).
Reverse Engineering using Cyclomatic Complexity Analysis (McCabe’s three-day course).
IDef0: A Tool and Process for Analyzing Manufacturing Systems, (two-day course).
Software Measurement and Estimation, Four-day course presented by Capers Jones.
E-Business Workshop.  (2-Day course) seminar sponsored and presented by Arthur Anderson Consulting & IBM eBusiness Solutions.  Focus was on planning and implementing Internet-based businesses.
Aimware Deployment.  20-hour course focused on the implementation of aimware, a process asset repository.
Team Building.  One-Day course presented by Eastman Kodak’s Development Center.
Managing Change.  Two-day course in change management presented by Eastman Kodak.
Motorola TQM University Challenge Program, Five-day TQM workshop.
Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Edge: A four-day seminar presented by Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
Networking Technologies and Hardware
Microsoft Networking Essentials.  Self-paced study module from Microsoft.
Administering Windows NT 4.0.  4-day, Instructor-Led, Ziff-Davis course.
Supporting Microsoft® Windows NT 4.0 – Core Technologies.  5-day, Instructor-Led, Ziff-Davis course.
Internetworking with TCP/IP.  CBT course in Internet protocols.
Networking Technologies.  Forty-four hour undergraduate course at RIT.
Novell Netware.  Systems Administration; Advanced Systems Administration.

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