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Computer Information Technology Mainframe, Computer Information Technology, mainframes embedded microcomputers, software hardware design, architecture implementation, UNIX, OpenVMS, MS DOS, Windows NT, RSX 11BiSynch, RJE, DECnet, TCP IP,


Expert has an extensive background in the design, implementation, and utilization of computer systems in a wide range of environments. Expert has over 25 years of experience in the computer industry, ranging from large mainframes to embedded microcomputers.

Expert has consulted to a wide range of clients in many differing areas since founding his consulting business in 1978. Expert has implemented networked environments for clients; Expert has consulted on operational and technology issues for clients; and has designed custom computer architectures to implement high speed simulation and modeling environments.

Expert has consulted on the design and implementation of numerous online and real time systems in a wide range of industries, including banking and finance, process control, timesharing, and the government sector.

Expert has extensive experience in the design and implementation of both the support software and the hardware elements of intelligent peripherals.  Expert ’s experience with device interfacing spans the range from his earliest experience on the IBM 1620, through the IBM 1130, System/360, Digital’s PDP-11, VAX, and ALPHA products, systems based upon Intel 80×86 processors, and others, with the full range of operating systems supported by these hardware products.

In his consulting practice, Expert has been the principal software architect and the implementer of both host and attached processor software (host and peripheral device drivers, Applications Programming Interfaces, and ancillary elements and tools) controlling the operation of attached processors on several projects, ranging from a generic attached processor product, to the management of special purpose graphics, data collection, and signal processing sub-systems.  Expert has chaired and arbitrated many discussions involving the coordination of different elements in the integration of intelligent peripherals and their supporting software.  Expert has designed, and reviewed the architecture and implementation details of various attached processing elements, ranging from general purpose computers to special purpose, real time simulation hardware.  Expert has also been responsible for the design of operating systems and device driver interfaces, both on internally developed special purpose operating systems and on commercially available operating systems.

Expert has been involved in portable software, compiler, and operating systems research, including the design and implementation of a optimizing code generator for DIGITAL’s PDP-11 series computer systems and the use of that compiler to support the operation of special purpose attached processors.  Expert has extensive experience in the internals and utilization of wide range of operating systems, including UNIX, OpenVMS, MS-DOS, Windows NT, and the RSX-11 family.  In the networking arena, Expert has over 25 years of experience, including BiSynch, RJE, DECnet and TCP/IP.  Expert has worked with the Internet and its predecessor, the Arpanet, for much of his career.  Expert ’s experience with the Internet, combined with his extensive experience on security related issues in financial and other areas, resulted in his being invited to author the Internet Security chapter of the Third Edition of The Computer Security Handbook.  Expert has also contributed to the update to the Third Edition of The Computer Security Handbook; and contributed three chapters to the Handbooks Fourth edition.  Expert has been an invited speaker at DECUS Symposia sponsored by DECUS Canada (Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, and Toronto), DECUS Europe (Cannes), DECUS-General Area (SiDE, Turkey), and DECUS Switzerland (Zurich, Lausanne, Lugano).  Expert has also been a regular speaker at the spring and fall US DECUS Symposia since 1985, and their successor CETS (2000-2001) and HPETS (2002) symposia.  Expert was also an invited speaker and panelist at e-Protectit hosted by Norwich University.  Expert has served as a Contributing Editor for Computer Purchasing Update, Digital News, and Hardcopy Magazines. Additionally, articles have appeared in Open Systems Today and Network Computing.  Expert has been a speaker at DECUS and other conferences, nationally, and internationally, and has been an invited speaker at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.  Expert has taught “Data Communications”, “VAX-11 Architecture”, and “Ethernets and Networking” at New York University.  Expert received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in June 1983.  Expert received his B.A. in Computer Science, also from New York University, in 1981

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